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#47327 DAQ socket GetPhysicalResources error

Posted by TKC on 18 March 2013 - 01:02 PM in Netduino Go

Hello -  I am new to Netduino.  I have successfully connected my Netduino GO to a DAQ board to a Bosch Temp/Press sensor and all works on initial deployment (yeah!):
Temp: 72.5 Fahrenheit
Alt: -126.86425 meters
Pressure: 102430 Pascals
But, when I deploy a second time it throws an unhandled error at GetPhysicalResources in the init code.  I don't get an error, just a page showing no source available.  I do have the DAQ init code in my project, and i can step through it.  
However - If i unplug the DAQ and erase the code on the Go, it will work fine next time.
The code prior to error is:
[color=#ff0000;]1.   static NwazetDAQ daq = new NwazetDAQ();[/color]
[color=#ff0000;] 2.   daq.Initialize(GoSockets.Socket1);[/color]
In the NwazetDAQ.cs the error then occurs here (red annotated #3):
  public void Initialize(GoSocket socket, uint speedKHz = 16000) {
            if (speedKHz < 5000 || speedKHz > 16000) throw new ArgumentException("speedKHz");
            if (socket == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("socket");
            SPI.SPI_module spiModule;
            Cpu.Pin chipSelect;
            Cpu.Pin gpioGoBus;
[color=#ff0000;]  3.          socket.GetPhysicalResources(out gpioGoBus, out spiModule, out chipSelect);[/color]
When i look at the socket in the watch window, it is not bound.  But, this must be some type of non-released resource.  I have tried (without change) to dispose of the daq after use daq.Dispose().  

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