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tel001's Content

There have been 13 items by tel001 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#19044 How to read a local file

Posted by tel001 on 11 October 2011 - 07:16 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)


#19043 How to read a local file

Posted by tel001 on 11 October 2011 - 07:11 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I believe it's called MicroServer...a maintenance server?

#16474 Fails Ping with MFdeploy right out of the box

Posted by tel001 on 08 August 2011 - 09:46 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'm now running XP with all the current Updates...Hm Blinky is Blinkin fine :blink: Now the netdiction sets in! :-))))

#16469 Fails Ping with MFdeploy right out of the box

Posted by tel001 on 08 August 2011 - 05:01 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi tel000,

If you hold down the pushbutton while plugging in your Netduino, it will put it into "bootloader" mode for about 5 seconds.

Really quick...try doing this, and then immediately press PING from MFDeploy. Can it see the Netduino Plus now?


Hi Chris.

Thanks for that...I'm running windows downgrader and dumping my messy Vista for now...
I'll do that once I have a clean machine :blink:

#16455 Fails Ping with MFdeploy right out of the box

Posted by tel001 on 07 August 2011 - 11:15 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

-MFdeploy finds it on USB as NetduinoPlus_NetduinoPlus -Under Device Manager->USB Controllers it IDs as Netduino...Device is Working properly -I did a remove the add driver -Reset process seems to be OK and the Network lights flash on boot like they should I have Flashed devices in the past so I'm willing to try, but even MFdeploy won't connect to allow me to try that :-) I assume there's a backdoor way to re-flash it? I'm doing a Widows Update on my Vista 32 bit machine ... But I can format and put XP on a machine if that would help. Thanks for your help. Attached is a screen capture of my settings....

Attached Thumbnails

  • Ping01.jpg

#16593 ThingSpeak Client and Netduino Plus Project and Tutorial

Posted by tel001 on 10 August 2011 - 10:51 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I feel a bit like Grog the caveman!...I started to work with ThingSpeak and was just getting back to it today. Many thanks for posting here...Grog won't be reinventing the wheel! :-) Your posts are very polished as well as interesting Thanks :) Terry

#16727 PanAndTilt

Posted by tel001 on 15 August 2011 - 01:19 AM in Project Showcase

Very nice!...

#19949 File Download Via Ethernet

Posted by tel001 on 29 October 2011 - 07:26 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

If you could wait till the end of the weekend, i will upload my webserver project.
With it you can access your Netduino via your browser and I try to build it easy extendable, so that you could code just a little method and be able to access your pins on the netduino through the browser for example.
But due to school and work i don't have time to finish it till saturday. Code will be published then =)

Greets Markus

Hi Markus,
I would greatly appreciate a look at your webserver code... It's helpfull guys like you thank get us old guys hooked on new toys :rolleyes:

#18133 Outputs on at boot

Posted by tel001 on 18 September 2011 - 02:16 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Well, seems nobody understood my idea. It was having it controlled by the firmware so to avoid having pin states visible for connected schematics until the pins are grammatically initialised. Ideally it will be this to happen for each pin separately but that's will make schematics complex. So, very first port initialisation inside the app will enable all outputs to be visible.

For example: powering up/resetting Netduino - pin output is not producing any output. Later you initialising a port inside an app and at that point netduino firmware allows port(s) output to be visible. To achieve this, I was suggesting to use a commutation device that can be switched on/off by the firmaware, which stays between current N schematics and the actual board pins. See the attached image. I am not yet looked in ARM7 Microcontroller lines that can be used to control the "enable line" but I was hoping you guys know more details and can come with some idea which ones can be used.

When I found some time I would think about details of eventual solution but I am sure Mario, Chris and Stefan can come with it quicker :)

I've been using 4051 Cmos analogue multiplexers to switch between eeproms, I will be using them on my next motor control board.

#18101 Outputs on at boot

Posted by tel001 on 17 September 2011 - 01:38 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

You are right Mario. Whatever pull-down resistor values I used, I ran in different problems. So I gave up and approached this problem differently (that's in shown in the tutorial I've written)..

Using negative logic is really good practise, but may be Chris Walker should think about integrating it on the board instead of every project doing itself.

May be tristate buffer controlled by firmware will be best. This way ports can be kept down until become in use. Firmware will enable the actual port output on port initialization, keeping uninitialised ports down.
What do you think?

It's almost deja-vu I remember using tri-state output buffers on the 6502 in 1980! Imagine the mess that will result if on boot up, both legs on a 50 amp motor "H' driver where on! :o

I almost did a motor controller as my 1st project...thankfully my first one was a 3 watt RGB LED spotlight using 3 PWM channels and saw the white light flash on boot for myself!

I can't believe I can control this tiny board on a network and run a server on 60 bucks per!! I am having lots of fun learning new stuff...all you guys are awesome :) and inspirational :) I got a 5 buck WiFi router from Free Geek and there was room inside for the Netduino+ :)

#18973 Proto Board or Perf Board

Posted by tel001 on 10 October 2011 - 02:57 AM in General Discussion

I have only started with the 'duino footprint and enjoy fabrication. I tend to build one soldered final board after a checkout on the Proto Pin and Socket matrix type board. My home brew "Shields" are made from 2 dollar perf-boards and I deal with the offset by making those pins from Macgiver's super secret weapon (unpainted paper clips)and hotglue. I like to use all the pins to give the boards a good strong connection, And I may want to add a future second stacked board. If looks and reliability count then I use SMC's and re-flow soldering in a modified toaster oven controlled by a PIC Controller (Old Project) Circuit Cellar Mag. had a pdf article on a similar oven.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Proto_CS.jpg
  • Proto_SS.jpg

#18975 Proto Board or Perf Board

Posted by tel001 on 10 October 2011 - 03:15 AM in General Discussion

Nice history lesson!

I assumed it was on purpose to make sure that getting the boards backwards was difficult :)

#19010 How can I get instant (or close to) data from http...?

Posted by tel001 on 10 October 2011 - 07:32 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Wow! You guys Rock!....jquery looks like fun :D Like I needed another tangental learning curve :)

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