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Michel Trahan's Content

There have been 155 items by Michel Trahan (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#13407 How to pronounce "Netduino"?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 18 May 2011 - 12:09 PM in General Discussion

Isn't it Net dwee no ?

#13468 How to pronounce "Netduino"?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 20 May 2011 - 02:03 AM in General Discussion

Where are you come from Michel?...French Canada?

I do come from Montreal, province of Quebec, Canada, and a pure bastard (Irish, French, Indian(12th generation lol), and Iberville as a ancestor) (with this mixture bastard was the only appropriate one lol) and I'm proud to be :)

You should see my smile :)

And I do pronounce doo-ee-no exactly like dwee-no lol it's just a question of speed ? :)

#13250 How to manual read/write internal flash?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 May 2011 - 08:27 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Yes, you'll have 4KB or more of storage space to store data. It only has 10,000 rewrite cycles for flash you won't want to rewrite it frequently...but it'll be awesome for configuration data.

Quite ! specially for very small remote sensors using the mini ! Configuration yes, daily values ... not really since 10,000 cycles (about 27 years if one per day)

And of course, Netduino Plus has MicroSD you can store data there easily too.

Was thinking of the mini or normal ones :)

#13233 How to manual read/write internal flash?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 May 2011 - 02:42 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

.NET MF 4.2 (beta coming by summer) includes a new "simple storage" mechanism for storing data on-chip. We'll be embracing this in the Netduino 4.2 firmware to enable you to read/write data from your Netduino app as well.

Just to see that I understand : lets say you have a normal netduino with XBee but no SD card, you could send info to the netduino that would persist even after power recycling (like encryption key or remote ip address of neighbor sensor or ...) ? That could be interesting :)

#12163 How to access hardware timers/counters?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 17 April 2011 - 05:26 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

perhaps what we need is a good way to launch native code routines off of timer interrupts?

And a tutorial on how to do that (documentation and sample code)

It would be great if the three timer/counters in the Netduino ARM7 CPU were exposed ...

I agree !

#11970 Honeywell HMC5843 3-Axis Digital Compass

Posted by Michel Trahan on 11 April 2011 - 10:54 PM in Project Showcase

            I2CBus i2cBus = I2CBus.Instance;

Which I2CBus implementation are you using ... it refuses to compile due to missing ".Instance" ...

#12268 High Speed Photography

Posted by Michel Trahan on 20 April 2011 - 04:25 AM in General Discussion

30fps is about 33ms ... do you have access to the ccd through i2c or serial ? what is the throuhgput available from the netduino compatible camera ? links please :)

#12580 High Speed Photography

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:20 PM in General Discussion

Did you remember the "ancient" PC-XT @ 4.77MHz, with 640K ram???

Hey, I bought a co-processor for one of those to make my galaxy creation simulation work in a week instead of a month :)

However, there are many friends that don't know how to build even a simple circuit with a 555.

I'll have to learn about those :)

Secondly, perhaps they are attracted by this board and would build a very simple application.

Yeap, that is me, simply learning .net in an interesting way (.net in all forms, normal, phone and MF, cool and having fun)

Thirdly, such a context is very useful because it shows clearly some lacks of a Netduino/MF board.

This is the goal of this experiment. Find out what works and what is missing, all for the ease of programming whatever we get our hands on :)

I'm looking at a 3D Printer right now and it is because I played with a netduino that I might have on in a few months :)

It is not a problem of our lack of knowledge about what to use when ... it is a question of finding out how we can adapt our tools to help even more :)

I Love This Community (ILTC)

#12582 Happy Birthday boobytrap

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:32 PM in Project Showcase

Forgot to say, VERY COOL PROJECT ! A definite must have on a tutorial site :) Great work Stefan !

#12581 Happy Birthday boobytrap

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:30 PM in Project Showcase

If so, it's like throwing 300Eur in the can...

How many netduino minis does that make ?

#12114 Getting Started Hardware

Posted by Michel Trahan on 14 April 2011 - 09:57 PM in General Discussion

Taking notes ... cross post

a scope is a definite must ... It help me found out I was using the wrong item (mine has voltage so I discovered that I was sending peaks of +- 2V and I was using something needing 20V lol

Needless to say that I am a newbie and I want to build such a structured tutorial site. The sandbox is good but structure is missing for the right push ! The sandbox should be ready sooner than my site but I'll start asap !

#12174 General Structure for my Netduino Tutorials

Posted by Michel Trahan on 17 April 2011 - 03:25 PM in General Discussion

Hi everyone,

In about a month, I should put online my new site and put many structured tutorials for the netduino on it.

When I say structured I mean that each and everyone of the tutorials will be backed by a Fritzing diagram, Full C# solution and complete documentation in both french and english (being in Quebec, this is mandatory).

Here is the global structure. Please comment if you see something missing or not appropriate. This is High Level.

Best Shots
Netduino Tutorials
.net MF and netduino
Board setup and configuration
Development tools
Storage (ND+, ND++)
Communication (ND+, ND++)
Power Supply (3.3V)
Driving a simple LED
LED using PWM
Analog Temperature
Showing Temperature with a 7-Segment Display and one button (F or C)
Showing Temperature with a 4x20 LCD and 4 buttons (function, F or C, up down)
Showing Temperature Graphic History with a 600x200 Screen and 4 buttons again
Running a simple web server
Talking to ThingSpeak
Loggin it to SD Card
Loading code from an SD Card
... any other ideas ?
Widgets and Helper class
not there yet ... any ideas ?
Advance Topics
Writting native drivers (work for you Chris Walker!)
Full Fledge Projects
Home Automation
Quadcopter (my own project, it should take a year and the ND Mega, read speadier)
What's Needed
Pullup Resistors (Or Electronics Refresher (or tutorial for me lol) would be best)
Where to get things
Netduino Namespace Docs (automatically generated by sandcastle)
Submitting Projects or Tutorials
Rules (Fritzing diagram, C# code, documentation)
Tools Needed (Fritzing, Inkscape, VS2010)
People, Groups and Sites

Have not decided on which structure to put here ... I love the netduino forum format (ip.board)


Contact Me

And top level buttons like :

And top level language selection on each page (Français/English), probably flags (France/US)

That is it !

Any suggestions or comments ?

#12177 General Structure for my Netduino Tutorials

Posted by Michel Trahan on 17 April 2011 - 06:08 PM in General Discussion

add one on reading from a potentiometer.

Consider it done :) I'll contact you when there :) First learning dotnetnuke ...

getting started hardware guide on the wiki.

Saw it, will be feeding on it for general ideas, thanks.

It will not be a place for it all, but a place to really start on a good basis, that is my goal !

#13203 Fancy a challenge - X Prize Tricorder

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 May 2011 - 08:47 PM in General Discussion

Are you a doctor or something ? lol

#12051 Easy multiplexing with the Netduino

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 April 2011 - 03:23 AM in Project Showcase

The schematics are made with the free tool Fritzing. Should also be mentioned since the tool is a great help!

Great Tool, THANKS FOR SHARING (Sorry about the caps but this is exciting to me !)

#11528 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Michel Trahan on 31 March 2011 - 05:36 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

It made me think ... could it be used to connect multiple netduinos and perform heartbeat check on each other for redundancy ? Mike.

#12542 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Michel Trahan on 27 April 2011 - 09:33 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

You know ... this is dangerous for someone who reads too fast ... I tried it without having a rs232 shield for the netduino and now it won't communicate with the pc ... What are the steps ? 1- Buy the RS232 Shield 2- Place it on top and connect usb-rs232 cable to it and the computer 3- ReDeploy something else using serial 4- then everything should be back ok ? Mike and his errors ...

#12579 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 12:52 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

You can also erase your Netduino using the erase pad...and then redeploy the bootloader using Atmel SAM-BA and the firmware using MFDeploy...all using USB.

Great News everyone, Terry Massey found a new way to get out of this mess. FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE TO THE LETTER :

Prepare everything since time is of the essence.

1- Have your netduino with the mini usb connected to it but not to the computer (leave the usb connection near the ports)
2- Start MFDeploy.exe, select USB as the transport (the combobox will be empty, and that is ok)
3- Put the mouse over the "erase" button on MFDeploy.exe

Once you are ready do this :

1- Press and hold the push button on the netduino for the whole procedure (leave it pushed at all times)
2- Plug the USB to the computer
3- You should see the combobox in MFDeploy.exe contain your usb port
4- Press as fast as you can the "erase" button on MFDeploy.exe
5- You can now release the push button on the netduino

If it worked, you should get a message asking if you are sure you want to erase the software on the netduino. This will only delete de software, not the bootloader :)

You can now deploy some other application while waiting for you RS232 shield and try the HID again :)


#12547 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 02:10 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

You can also erase your Netduino using the erase pad...and then redeploy the bootloader using Atmel SAM-BA and the firmware using MFDeploy...all using USB.

Should I install v4.1.1 beta firmware even if I only have an ordinary netduino ?

#12592 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 03:35 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

But why do you thinking to a web server?

To show the results on a PC ... live !

And the timestamp would mark the begining and end of the call on the netduino to the math function (for the netduino values).

The webserver would receive a function to test and a series of values to use. For each value to test the function with, a timestamp is used to calculate the number of ticks needed to execute it (some input values might take longer to calculate the output than others). It would reply with a table of data to display on the PC side by side the PC calculated equivalent sent to the netduino to compare :)

We could even show the values graphically (I do need to learn how to do that too, lol)

#12529 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 27 April 2011 - 11:52 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I posted firmware builds of my math library to the forums. There seemed to be a huge lack of interest so I did not pursue it any further.

That was before I got a netduino :) It would be useful to have one ...

#12623 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 11:18 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I will have to see if I can get a build cooked up for you. Which Netduino do you have?

Normal Netduino for me ! Will need the Netduino plus to test it live with the webserver app that Mario put on the forums that I need to modify for this purpose :) (Thanks Mario)

#12594 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 03:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

At home I have a ready-to-use basis for Netduino Plus (SD+ETH needed) and Silverlight on PC.
The SL page polls the N+ every sec asking for data. The N+ web-server answers back to the page, finally the data is both graphically and tabled.
Is that what you are looking for?

I don't have a netduino plus yet nor do I have a ethernet shield but yes, this is exactly what I'm looking for as a frame for this mathematical tutorial ! That would be a great start ! I could probably do the missing code even without ethernet connection (using debug.print lol).

YES ME WANT :) Please !

Put it in a new project showcase and I'll grab it from there ! Or in the wiki ? Your choice !

Boy do I love this community !

#12585 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:47 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

It got me thinking ... We should have an application that is PC based, that talks to a netduino through IP. The PC version would display the difference (3 columns, one for the selected function PC result, one for the Netduino result and one for the differences) for input many values for a selected function (have a combobox with all the available function) (2 more columns for the time it took ?) The PC application would poll the netduino for a series of results from a given function and a given series of input values, and then display them on screen. This would allow to show the valid ranges of some functions (we do that in physics) and the cost of using them (FFT you need something fast no ?). It would also allow the library coders see the results of their implementation on the spot :) Web server on the netduino plus, PC app that talks to the netduino server showing columns (I need to learn how to do all that lol) It would be a great application for anyone that wants to use the netduino for science ... they would know right there and then what would be the cost and errors induced by using the netduino. I vote for this as a tutorial :) Anyone interested ?

#12588 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 02:41 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Michel, I really can't understand what you are going to propose and for what target...

I propose to build a tutorial that would have a good side effect : show the differences between the math libraries on the netduino and the ones on the PC.

It would do many simple things :

1- show how to create a web server on the netduino (a sample already exist so we can use that)
2- show how to interact with that web server from a pc (the sample does already show that)
3- show the simplest form of table data display on the pc (i need to learn how to do that)
4- show how to timestamp data results to get processing time on the netduino and on the pc (I also need to learn that)
5- show what math functions are available on the netduino and
6- show the induced errors of those functions in certain input value ranges (needed when doing complex mathematical algorithm) on the netduino
7- show the time cost of using certain mathematical functions with certain input value ranges

Anyone interested in using the complex mathematical functions on the netduino should be made aware of the induced errors with certain input ranges of some functions and the time cost of using those functions in their netduino application.

That is the goal I want to attain. Inform of the errors and cost of each mathematical functions available on the netduino, and teach a thing or two while doing it (like tabular data display on the PC) !

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