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#57168 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 27 March 2014 - 12:40 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'll try that too.

#57166 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 27 March 2014 - 12:00 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I hadn't tried moving it around the house.  If I get a chance over the weekend, I'll take my Netduino for a drive (I'm logging GPS changes to my SD card) and see what happens.

#57156 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 26 March 2014 - 10:14 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I just received my Adafruit Ultimate GPS today.Based on your experience, I attached a 3.7v LiPo to Vin and Ground, stuck it on a windowsill, and went to have lunch.  By the time I got back, it had a lock. I then moved it to my N2+ and it locked within 30 seconds (location masked because I'm just paranoid):


3D-Fix: True, Sattellites: 6, Time: 03/27/2014 22:04:33, Latitude: 4XXX.4XXX,N, Longitude: 09XXX.1XXX,W, Altitude: 290.9,M, Knots: 0.579999983 (1.13215995 km/h)


This is with the backup battery installed and the internal antenna only.  I'm using the NmeaGps class from the NetMFToolkit.


So far, so good.  Any chance you might have a defective unit?

#57175 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 27 March 2014 - 11:07 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

It's been cooking for over a half-hour with no battery, and I still haven't got a lock.


Trying next with battery inserted, but still powered from the Netduino.

#57176 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 27 March 2014 - 11:27 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Twenty more minutes with the battery in, and nothing,


Disconnecting from the Netduino and attaching the LiPo  (but not moving to the windowsill) next...

#57209 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 29 March 2014 - 02:39 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

One last test: I enclosed my Netduino in a grounded metal box, ran twisted pair wiring out to the GPS (sans battery), and it still wouldn't lock.  I'm afraid you're right.

#57194 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 28 March 2014 - 10:15 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

One last thing: I did take it out for a drive, and it tracked quite nicely!

#57177 Adafruit Ultimate GPS with N+2. Any experiences?

Posted by remotewizard on 27 March 2014 - 11:34 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Less than three minutes on the LiPo (still on the desk next to the unplugged Netduino) and I have a fix.  Reattached to the Netduino and get this:


3D-Fix: False, Sattellites: 3, Time: 03/28/2014 23:32:48, Latitude: 4XXX.4XXX,N, Longitude: 09XXX.1XXX,W, Altitude: 190.2,M, Knots: 0.649999976 (1.26880002 km/h)

#53665 Easiest way to use QS30-1 Nixie Tube Module?

Posted by remotewizard on 26 October 2013 - 07:36 PM in General Discussion

Back again!  Please note that my connection information is from handwritten notes; you'll want to double-check the DFRobot documentation before actually trying this out.


I daisy-chained all four Nixie modules together, then connected an external 12V supply to pins 7 and 9.  I then connected:


Pin 1 (DIN) => Netduino pin D11

Pin 2 (ST)   => D8

Pin 3 (SH)   => D13

Pin 4 (OE)   => D5

Pin 5 (GND) => ground

Pin 6 (+5)   => +5


I haven't got as far as writing a proper class just yet; this is more of a proof-of-concept.

namespace NixieTest2{    public class Program    {        public enum Color        {            White,            Yellow,            Cyan,            Green,            Magenta,            Red,            Blue,            Black        };        public enum Colon        {            None,            Upper,            Lower,            Both        };        public static void Main()        {             OutputPort ChipSelect = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D8, false);             PWM BrightnessControl = new PWM(PWMChannels.PWM_PIN_D5, 1000, .5, true);             BrightnessControl.DutyCycle = .5;             BrightnessControl.Frequency = 1000;             BrightnessControl.Start();            var spiConfig = new SPI.Configuration(                SPI_mod:  SPI.SPI_module.SPI1,                             ChipSelect_Port: Cpu.Pin.GPIO_NONE,                ChipSelect_ActiveState: false,                ChipSelect_SetupTime: 0,                ChipSelect_HoldTime: 0,                                Clock_IdleState: true,                Clock_Edge: true,                Clock_RateKHz: 1000                );           SPI Spi = new SPI(spiConfig);           ushort[] bufOne = new ushort[1];           ushort[] bufTwo = new ushort[1];           ushort[] bufThree = new ushort[1];           ushort[] bufFour = new ushort[1];           bufOne[0] = 0;           bufTwo[0] = 0;           bufThree[0] = 0;           bufFour[0] = 0;            ChipSelect.Write(false);            Thread.Sleep(20);                         Spi.Write(bufOne);            Spi.Write(bufTwo);            Spi.Write(bufThree);            Spi.Write(bufFour);            ChipSelect.Write(true);                        Thread.Sleep(20);            ChipSelect.Write(false);            Thread.Sleep(20);            //common color and colon stuff            int ColorAndColon1 = ((int)Color.Red << 4) + ((int)Colon.Upper << 2);            int ColorAndColon2 = ((int)Color.Cyan << 4) + ((int)Colon.Lower << 2);            int ColorAndColon3 = ((int)Color.Yellow << 4) + ((int)Colon.Both << 2);            int ColorAndColon4 = ((int)Color.Magenta << 4) + ((int)Colon.None << 2);            //write '7654'            bufOne[0] = (ushort)ColorAndColon1;            bufOne[0] <<= 8;            bufOne[0] |= 64;            bufTwo[0] = (ushort)ColorAndColon2;            bufTwo[0] <<= 8;            bufTwo[0] |= 32;            bufThree[0] = (ushort)ColorAndColon3;            bufThree[0] <<= 8;            bufThree[0] |= 16;            bufFour[0] = (ushort)ColorAndColon4;            bufFour[0] <<= 8;            bufFour[0] |= 8;            Spi.Write(bufOne);            Spi.Write(bufTwo);            Spi.Write(bufThree);            Spi.Write(bufFour);            ChipSelect.Write(true);            Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite);        }     }   }

#53536 Easiest way to use QS30-1 Nixie Tube Module?

Posted by remotewizard on 24 October 2013 - 08:26 PM in General Discussion

Sorry - I only just saw this now.  I'll try to dig out the info over the weekend and post it ASAP.

#52650 Easiest way to use QS30-1 Nixie Tube Module?

Posted by remotewizard on 08 September 2013 - 07:20 PM in General Discussion

I put this aside until I got caught up on other projects, and finally took another look.  Turns out that using SPI to send data to the Nixie tubes was trivial, and using PWM to control the brightness was even more so!




Thanks again!

#52442 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 29 August 2013 - 12:06 PM in General Discussion

I like simple!  And VB isn't simple at all - just different. 


I appreciate the additional information.  I'll give it a try tonight.


Thanks again!

#52471 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 30 August 2013 - 12:32 PM in General Discussion

I'm an idiot.  But you all knew that already. :wub:


First, I couldn't get JoopC's code to work any better than mine.  So I immediately decided I had a hardware issue (despite my success with the Bus Pirate) and decided to do some research.


I found a post online that said thant when sending multiple bytes to the chained matrices, all bytes have to be sent within a single ChipSelect(false)/ChipSelect(true) pair.  So I went back to my original code, set the cs pin to GPIO_PIN_NONE in the SPI constructor, set up an OutputPort for the chip select (per http://forums.netdui...l=gpio_pin_none - thanks CW2!), and send my bunch of bytes. 


And it worked! 


Sort of - the intensity isn't right, and I'm getting display on every other matrix (rather than adjacent ones).  But it's a start.


If and when I ever get this fully working, I'll post my code.

#52436 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 28 August 2013 - 10:18 PM in General Discussion

I should probably ask if you could share the code for MultiSPI4SevenSegment. 

#52431 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 28 August 2013 - 07:29 PM in General Discussion

Very nice!  I'll try this as soon as I get home from work tonight!  I'll keep you posted.


I note the Thread.Sleep in your write method - perhaps my problem was a timing issue?


Thanks to both of you!

#52412 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 28 August 2013 - 11:49 AM in General Discussion

I thought so too, and actually tried it that way first.  It didn't work either.  And researching the 7219 online lead to my trying it the other way.


Such a simple thing, and so frustrating!

#52418 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 28 August 2013 - 05:59 PM in General Discussion

Same thing: when I tried sending live data twice, only the first module responded.  I'm reletively certain it's not a hardware issue, as I was able to get all leds on all modules to light using my Bus Pirate.


The two transfers is a good idea; I'll give that a try. 


Do you think the new enhanced SPI (which permits transferes other lengths than 8 or 16 bits) might help?


Thank you as always, my friend, for taking the time to help.

#52473 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 30 August 2013 - 01:54 PM in General Discussion

If I'd have read that more closely, it would have saved me hours of screwing around.  I should know to pay more attention to what you suggest!


Thanks again!

#52475 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 30 August 2013 - 03:32 PM in General Discussion

Not yet; I'm using a Plus 2, and I believe there's a problem with SPI and variable word length.  But I won't swear to it.

#52399 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 27 August 2013 - 10:38 PM in General Discussion

I have one of the typical cheapo four-module 7219 LED matrices (e.g. four panels of 8x8 each, with power, ground, clock and cs daisy-chained; each module after the first gets it's DIN from the previous DOUT).  I downloaded the current Max72197221.cs from Netduino Helpers, and was able to send letters and patterns to the first module.  So far ,so good.


However, according to the 7219 datasheet, I should be able to address each of the subsequent modules by sending a No-Op after each row of data (the four 7219 chips acting as a shift register) for each module I want to move to the right.  But sending what I think is the right value to the matrix doesn't work.


For example, I changed the original Max72197221.cs code to define SpiBuffer as ushort[2], and modified the Write subroutine as follows:


protected void Write(byte register, byte value) {

SpiBuffer[0] = register;

SpiBuffer[0] <<= 8;

SpiBuffer[0] |= value;


SpiBuffer[1] = (byte)RegisterAddressMap.NoOp;

SpiBuffer[1] <<= 8;

SpiBuffer[1] |= 0;





But the display doesn't - well, display.  It also doesn't work when defining SpiBuffer[1] simply as 0 (without all the bit-shifting nonsense).  Can anyone help me spot the flaw in my logic?

#52531 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 03 September 2013 - 06:13 PM in General Discussion

Manual control; I ser SPI CS to PIN_NONE, and manually toggled an output port at the start and beginning of my multi-digit write.


My biggest problem was all the fonts I could find online were rotated 90 degrees on my cheap set of LED matrices.  I found a freeware app that let me create my own fonts, which came with a sample that worked quite nicely as-is!


Right now, I have the font arrays stored in a hashtable, with the equivalent character of the alphabet as the key.  Clunky, but it works. still, I'm going to just set up a simple array and use the ASCII value as the index, and see if that affects performance or memory usage.


Thanks again everyone for your help!

#52505 Embarassing SPI question (re: Netduino Helper Max72197221.cs )

Posted by remotewizard on 02 September 2013 - 07:37 PM in General Discussion

Getting there...

#53197 Netduino Plus 2 + Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino

Posted by remotewizard on 14 October 2013 - 07:50 PM in General Discussion

I'd also like this information; I have a Switec stepper running directly from four digital ports on my N+2, but I'd really like to use the I2C control of the Adafruit MotorShield v2.

#53218 Netduino Plus 2 + Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino

Posted by remotewizard on 15 October 2013 - 08:34 PM in General Discussion

Or not; it might be easier (and a whole lot cheaper) for me to just connect the Switec to a MCP23008.

#52544 Output options for multiple, seperate, chaser LED strips.

Posted by remotewizard on 04 September 2013 - 12:17 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'm obviously no expert, but I believe you can control multiple SPI devices by maintaining multiple SPI configurations (each with a different SS pin); you switch control by loading the appropriate configuration into the single usable SPI device. 


Would that work for you?  Or did I misread your question.

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