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#23741 event handling issue.

Posted by ErikN on 03 February 2012 - 10:39 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Everything you need to know was right there in the first error:

#### Exception System.OutOfMemoryException - CLR_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY (1) ####
#### Message:
#### System.Delegate::Combine [IP: 0000] ####
#### Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.NativeEventDispatcher::add_OnInterrupt [IP: 0014] ####
#### NetduinoPlusApplication1.Program::Main [IP: 004a] ####

This is saying in your application NetduinoPlusApplication1 has an object Program with a function Main which has some instruction that is, under the hood, calling NativeEventDispatcher object's add_OnInterrupt method. That is in turn calling Delegate object's Combine method. From experience, I know when you do <event> += <handler> this uses Combine to join your new handler into the pool of handlers that want to be called when this event is fired.

That gives us all the information we need to find the problem. Looking at your code, there's only one place you're doing a handler assignment to an event:
while (true)
    button.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button_OnInterrupt);

We see this is being done in an infinite loop. Basically you're attaching a copy of your event handler again and again and again until the Netduino runs out of memory space.

You can read up on Event Based Programming but in short to fix your issue, just move your event wire-up above the while loop (which I assume you have just to keep the main thread alive; in which case you should consider adding a sleep call to put the main thread to sleep when it's not needed.)

Hope this helps!


#38410 Processing Speed

Posted by ErikN on 03 November 2012 - 06:13 AM in Netduino Go

There are more differences than raw clock speed. The Atmel chip on the Netduino Plus executes code in Thumb mode (for code space optimization). In this way the DMIPS for that chip is 0.9/MHz. I believe the Go can use Thumb2 code which is more efficient for execution while still having a smaller code footprint. I believe the DMIPS rating is 1.25/MHz. If the Go is still running Thumb code then it will have the same DMIPS as the Netduino and in this case it's a simple matter of increased clock speed. If your program is purely computational (CPU bound) then the time to execute should decrease directly proportional to the instruction set efficiency and speed increase. Exceptions would be any situation you're waiting on threads to switch since I believe the time slices in the NETMF are set at 20ms. If you're not using all the time you are given for your time slice, you could be wasting cycles and you won't see as much of a speed increase. Bottom line is it's really hard to figure out performance difference from a pure math perspective. You'll really just need to benchmark your application.

#35185 Netduino Go Socket Pins as GPIO

Posted by ErikN on 14 September 2012 - 04:22 PM in Netduino Go

When I compare this to the GoHub.cs file:<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">

  • The same pins are used for SPI.SPI_module.SPI1 in the sockets 1-4.
  • The same pins are used for SPI.SPI_module.SPI2 in the sockets 5-8.

That's the bus part of GoBus and why, in the early days of Go if you use the Shield Base, you can't use the other ports in that bus. 1-4 share a bus and 5-8 share a bus. (With the new updates, this won't be a problem with the Shield Base but this is to demonstrate the shared nature of the bus. This is still a limitation if you use some Gadgeteer modules on the Go board. There are some discussions in the forums about this.)

The pins that are different are chip select to let the device on a bus know whether or not it is the device being communicated with.

#41349 WCF Rest Service Trouble

Posted by ErikN on 10 December 2012 - 09:54 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'm running the wcf service in visual studio debug mode in visual studio 2012.
I'm running the netduino in debug mode in visual studio 2010.

Both on same computer.

While your VS instances are on the same computer, you Netduino is an external device. Usually VS doesn't not allow remote clients to connect to services it is hosting directly. I'm unsure if this is a setting that can be changed in Visual Studio directly.
I know you mentioned unblocking ports - is this from within VS or a firewall on your host computer? If it's a firewall, then VS itself is denying the connection attempt since it's coming from a client external to itself.

I really test this you'll have to publish your WCF service to an IIS virtual application or see if Visual Studio can be set to permit external connection requests.

#25475 Run Code From SD

Posted by ErikN on 13 March 2012 - 08:40 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

The DOD requiurement for the arbitrary maximum is 60K FT Altitude + 1K FtPS Speed. However most manufactures write the firmware code as 60K FT or 1 ftPS instead of 60KFT and 1 ftPS.

My team and I have posted emails to a few of the larger chip makers with what we are trying to do in an effort to get a properly coded GPS Chip that will meet our needs.

Sounds like you've got it covered then!

#23922 event handling issue.

Posted by ErikN on 07 February 2012 - 06:03 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

It depends on your need. If you want to wake up from time to time before going back to sleep:

public static void Main()
    //Do your event wireup and any other thread work

    //Then, last thing:
        //Do any periodic work you need executed on the main thread for some reason
        Thread.Sleep(10000); // 10 seconds or whatever

If you don't ever need the main thread to wake up to do something then you don't need a loop at all and you can put the thread to sleep forever. Your event threads will continue to process; this is just the main thread which you need to keep active so the whole program doesn't terminate.

public static void Main()
    //Do your event wireup and any other thread work

    //Then, last thing:

#25472 Run Code From SD

Posted by ErikN on 13 March 2012 - 08:23 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Is this a good breakdown of what you're asking?
  • Can you request a health check from the Netduino?
  • Can you extend the program memory size by using an SD card?
For 1, you can do a few things in an attempt to determine if your board is GO/NOGO but I don't know of any single or set of commands you can run to get this answer directly. For instance, I know of no way to say: Check analog pins can input and output relative to Aref correctly, check the onboard LED is functioning, etc. You'd have to identify the components critical to your operation and devise a way to do a system check yourself. When you do this you might find some things can't be tested when the board is connected to your circuit(s) and require a dedicated testing station. You might also find not every test can be run and understood by the board - for instance generating PWM might be hard to measure to ensure you're getting the correct frequencies and you'll need to use an external device to do the proper capture and/or analysis.

As for 2, there are a number of discussions on using the SD card as storage space for DLLs but keep in mind, once you load the DLL into memory, you're using the chip memory. You can't execute program space from the SD card directly. The SD card is primarily used to store log or resource files. I wouldn't count on being able to use this when decided on what boards to evaluate for your needs.

Side note: all consumer GPS receivers (sold in the US? made in the US? required by license?) have an arbitrary maximum operating altitude above which they will be unusable. Just something to be aware of when designing your project.

#34186 IO Output during Reset/Boot

Posted by ErikN on 25 August 2012 - 02:27 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

The pins are pulled high during reset. This is done before your code starts executing so there's no way to prevent this from happening.

Most people will tell you the same thing - don't drive the LEDs directly from your board! You should power the LED directly and control its state with an NPN transistor to ground. This would keep your LEDs off during boot-up, wouldn't power them from your board directly but still give you control to turn them on and off. The downside is the extra hardware required (1 transistor per output port you're controlling.)

Seems I'm rarely correct about the right transistors to use.

#23986 Extend PWM output

Posted by ErikN on 08 February 2012 - 04:59 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I think it depends on your purpose. For instance if you're trying to PWM some LEDs, you could use an LED driver chip. Most can be programmed with SPI from what I've seen. The chip would then handle the PWM work. What specific problem are you trying to solve?

#27394 Free webcast: Getting Started with Netduino + Netduino Go!

Posted by ErikN on 16 April 2012 - 07:15 PM in General Discussion

The recorded session is now available.

#26938 Individual assemblies sizes

Posted by ErikN on 11 April 2012 - 02:12 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I've always just taken a look at the output directory file sizes. For instance, in a default configuration you'll have a BIN folder with 1 or 2 folders underneat: Debug and Release. Whichever configuration you're building, go into that folder. You should see your DLL (and probably other referenced files, build artifacts, etc.) and 2 more folders: LE and BE (for little endian and big endian builds.) These should be about equivalent but you're likely deploying the LE files. Go into that folder and take a look at the .PE file sizes (I'm pulling from memory - maybe it's not PE?).

#27775 Google+ Plus Hangout Tonight

Posted by ErikN on 21 April 2012 - 12:36 AM in General Discussion

Short notice but I'm down for it. I won't have anything prepared to show though. I could talk about using NuGet though.

#27857 Asynchronous Delegates

Posted by ErikN on 21 April 2012 - 10:10 PM in General Discussion

NETMF uses software threading and from code I've written and what I've seen from others, you can do asynchronous programming. I haven't specifically used Begin- and EndInvoke rather using Thread and ThreadStart.

#44357 Using a Macbook?

Posted by ErikN on 28 January 2013 - 04:32 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I've had pretty good success with running WIndows inside VirtualBox. After you've connected the board you need to go into VirtualBox settings, USB and add a filter for the Netduino device. This should cause the Netduino to automatically (re)connect to the VM instance when it is plugged in / rebooted.


Sometimes a deployment will fail or time out. Usually I can just right-click on the VirtualBox USB indicator in the status bar and click the Netduino device to disconnect it and do that again to reconnect it before trying to deploy again.


It's not as smooth as just using a native Windows environment but it's not bad either.

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