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dwfunk4475's Content

There have been 3 items by dwfunk4475 (Search limited from 08-July 23)

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#28411 Seeeduino LCD

Posted by dwfunk4475 on 02 May 2012 - 01:40 AM in Project Showcase

Took me awhile, but I finally found the right combination to make the Netduino control the Seeeduino 16x2 LCD panel..

Full details are here:

Brick Labs - Netduino and a 16x2 LCD

Posted Image

The Brick Labs link is no longer valid. <frown>


#28413 How to drive train models

Posted by dwfunk4475 on 02 May 2012 - 02:19 AM in General Discussion

Oh, no... the beauty of the system is that some of the trains are *really* old, so are most of the railways: so the project is to add control, but leaving all the (physical) model as is... Digital trains are not an option!
Thanks anyway for the idea!

C/MRI . . . That's what you need to keep the older analog trains running.

The inventors website:

A help forum:

I'm retrofitting my PC driven C/MRI system with Netduino Plus based controllers so I can network them to further eliminate huge bundles of wiring.


#28414 How to drive train models

Posted by dwfunk4475 on 02 May 2012 - 02:23 AM in General Discussion

Update (even if my spare time is never enough...):
As Mario Vernari suggested, applying 12VDC to the rail exchange (instead of the requested 16VAC) makes the rail exchange function without any problem (but it comes to my mind to ask if with time this can damage someway, somewhere...).
More important, I'm testing how to modulate voltage to the rails, and it all looks ok, apart from a little problem... ehm...: how I can give NEGATIVE voltage to the rails, if I have in input a positive DC, and transorming (linearly or with PWm) in the voltage I want, but always positive? Do I have to make two different circuits? Even in this case, how can I apply one or the other, excluding totally the other one?
Thanks, as always...

You need to leave the AC alone on the "rail exchange function" You will burn out the coils in the switch motors with DC usage.

C/MRI system handles all of the analog functions.


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