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There have been 2 items by Xcone (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#63903 Did I break my ND3

Posted by Xcone on 16 August 2015 - 10:45 AM in Netduino 3



I taking my first steps with the ND3 (or with any ND or similar device at all). A few weeks ago I managed to get the GoBUS potentiometer value and PWM control the onboard led with it. So I bought some led Amplifiers and led strips to do the same trick.


In the meantime I've also upgraded Windows from 8.1 to Windows 10. After which I didn't verify if my dev environment still works.


So today finally having some more time to work on it, I decided to connect the led amp to the ND3, change the code and deploy it. Which didn't work, as the ND3 doesn't respond anymore. Afterwards I noticed the pin I connected the led to was Analog In, instead of IO.


So now I'm unsure if it's not working because of Window 10, or because I used the wrong pin and perhaps broken the board because of it?


I've read some posts here, so far I did the following:
Reinstalled MF framework SDK
Reinstalled Netduino SDK

Rebooted computer

Reconnecting USB cable.

Used MFDeploy to ping


Strangely, after reconnecting the USB cable, the first ping seems to work .. for a bit. 
Sometimes it logs Assembies, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometime the list is longer or shorter. The last assembly name appears to be cut-off as well. A second ping is never possible, as MF_Deploy sais there's no connection.


So I don't know what to make of it? Is my windows update the problem, or is the board broken?




#63463 Best practices: how to wait for a Wi-Fi network connection

Posted by Xcone on 12 July 2015 - 06:26 PM in Netduino 3

Hi there,


New to Netduino (or any such device at all) and just received my Netduino 3 Wifi device. Managed to fix the first few bumps to get it work. Which include Firmware/SDK difference which prevented my from using GoBus. So now that I got that working I want some fun with Wifi.

I tried your examples above, and they didn't work. At first the ACT led was Always orange, which I thought was odd, considering you mention 'green' above. Then realised I had to put in some network settings using MFDeploy and now the ACT led is indeed green. But those examples you posted  still don't work. Considering I'm the newby here, it has to be me, right? :-)

So I guess I'm blaming my network/security settings:

I left DHCP enabled

Encryption: WPAPSK ( which I guess is the same as WPA2? )

Used the correct passphrase (double checked)

And entered the network name in SSID.


I have no clue what to fill in the field 'Authentication'. Couldn't find any similar names in my router settings. So I tried them all to no avail.

Left the network key to 2048 bit, but I haven't got a clue if that matters?

What is Rekey Internal?


This line keeps being 'True': IPAddress.GetDefaultLocalAddress() == IPAddress.Any

And so, it doesn't pass the while loop. And I figure it's also the reason why in the version with the events, the events never occur.


Sooooo ... any pointers would be very much apreciated :-)




Kind regards,


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