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#60040 serial comunication between Netduino & PC

Posted by ferdinan on 08 September 2014 - 03:18 PM in General Discussion

Hi all, 
I'm trying to set up the communication between my Netduino 2 and some TMP36 sensors installed on a machine. 
I wanted to communicate with them through two XBEE modules. 
I found several examples of code in C # but I need it in VB. 
When I try to transcribe do not accept the definition of serialports. 
the declaration I use is: 
imports System.IO.Ports 
UART serialports = dim as New serialports ("COM1", 19200, Parity.Even, 8, StopBits.One) 
UART.Open () 
And the error I get is this: 
"Type 'SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino.SerialPorts' has no constructor." 
I hope you can help me because it is the last step in order to have a temperature control between the PC machine i.

#59501 Netduino Plus 2 - Remove Bootloader ?

Posted by ferdinan on 01 August 2014 - 10:18 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

After a week of putting my system temperature sensor with Netduino 2 in proper operation, and after using NET Micro Framework Tool Deploymennt several times I get the following response: 

  • Pinging ... Error: No response from device 
  • Erase ... Error: No response from device 

The PC is properly detecting the device as in the device manager on the USB section as Netduino. 

 I have trying to enter to bootloader mode by pressing the button before connecting the board to the PC. 
this means that: 

  • continue to make noise connected device and the blue LED stays always on. 
  • displays a message "windows need to install driver software controler STM32F2BOOTLOADER" and I can not find the file anywhere. 
  • in the Device Manager menu appears as the STM32F2BOOTLOADER other devices. 

seeing that this option not work have proven to steps he put into this post: 
but does not reset the component when I connect the +3.3 V with the gold pin. besides that when I connect the SAM-BA not the virtual COM port appears to allow  me to make  tinnybooter. 

I hope you understand my problem and you can help me. 
but I'll have to waste valuable time returning the device and Istarting the system again: (

#59499 Error no response from device

Posted by ferdinan on 01 August 2014 - 07:54 AM in General Discussion

Hello everyone, 
I will ask forgiveness for my English and I hope you can help me because I have a week completely stopped looking for a solution. 
After a week of putting my system temperature sensor with Netduino 2 in proper operation, and after using NET Micro Framework Tool Deploymennt several times I get the following response: 
  • Pinging ... Error: No response from device 
  • Erase ... Error: No response from device 
  The PC is properly detecting the device as in the device manager on the USB section as Netduino. 
After visiting some forum, I have proven to enter bootloader mode by pressing the button before connecting the board to the PC. 
this means that: 
  •  continue to make noise connected device and the blue LED stays always on. 
  • displays a message "windows need to install driver software STM32F2BOOTLOADER" and I can not find the file anywhere. 
  • in the Device Manager menu appears as the STM32F2BOOTLOADER other devices. 
seeing that this option not work have proven to steps he put into this post: 
but does not reset the component when I connect the +3.3 V with the gold pin. besides that when I connect the SAM-BA not the virtual com port appears to make me tinnybooter. 
I hope you understand my problem and you can help me. 
but I'll have to waste valuable time returning the device and Istarting the system again: (

#59485 Error no response from device

Posted by ferdinan on 31 July 2014 - 02:53 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hello everyone, 
I will ask sorry about my English and I hope you can help me because I have a week completely stopped looking for a solution. 
After a week of putting my system temperature sensor with Netduino 2 in proper operation, and after using NET Micro Framework Tool Deploymennt several times I get the following response: 
  • Pinging ... Error: No response from device 
  • Erase ... Error: No response from device 
 The PC is properly detecting the device as in the device manager on the USB section as Netduino. 
After visiting some forum, I have proven to enter bootloader mode by pressing the button before connecting the board to the PC. 
this means that: 
  •  continue to make noise connected device and the blue LED stays always on. 
  • displays a message "windows need to install driver software STM32F2BOOTLOADER" i can not find the file anywhere. 
  • in the Device Manager menu appears as the STM32F2BOOTLOADER other devices. 
Seeing that this option not work have proven to steps he put into this post: 
But does not reset the component when I connect the +3.3 V with the gold pin. Besides that when I connect the SAM-BA not the virtual com port appears to make me tinnybooter. 
I hope you understand my problem and you can help me. But rather, I'll have to waste valuable time returning the plate i starting the system again  :(


#59347 netduino2 & "unhandled type 'System.ArgumentException' in Mic...

Posted by ferdinan on 23 July 2014 - 11:58 AM in General Discussion

I'm new to Netduino 2, I want to make a temperature control with VB and TMP36. 
So I downloaded the toolbox. "NET Micro Framework Toolbox v0.2" and I'm trying the demo program. When starting it gives me an error saying: "unhandled type 'System.ArgumentException' in Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll Exception" .
We are currently working with microsoft visual studio 2010 professional because we have a license, so I downloaded the following:
2.NET Micro Framework SDK v4.2
3. Netduino SDK v4.2.2.0 (32-bit)
here I leave the code I'm using:
Imports Microsoft.SPOT
Imports Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware
Imports SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware
Imports SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino
Imports Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware
Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' The Tmp36-sensor is connected to analog pin 4
            Dim TemperatureSensor As Tmp36 = New Tmp36(New Netduino.ADC(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A4))
            Dim celcius As Double = TemperatureSensor.Temperature
            Dim kelvin As Double = celcius + 273.15
            Dim fahrenheit As Double = (celcius * 1.8) + 32.0
            Debug.Print("Current temperature: " + celcius.ToString() + " celcius / " + kelvin.ToString() + " kelvin / " + fahrenheit.ToString() + " fahrenheit")
    End Sub
End Module


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