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Giuliano's Content

There have been 18 items by Giuliano (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#64912 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 23 February 2016 - 12:36 AM in Project Showcase

Allright, so it's being about 5 months since I got the parts and I was finally able to put it together this past weekend. If I continue this way I might die before I can complete some other project in life :)


Anyway, I am using the code provided by ShVerni which really helped to put this together.


A couple of issues I am experiencing so far already:


1.- The pump waters the plants in a matter for 2 seconds, it has tons of flow that I may need to either regulate its flow by installing some sort of nozzle to the hose for every plant, so it restricts the flow of water or turn on the pump for 1/2 second and then wait a minute for the water to settle down and the do a measure, if still dry, the water more and so on, at this point I don't know what's best.


2.- The Sparkfun Soil Moisture Sensor SEN-13322 (https://www.sparkfun...roducts/13322) that I am using reads about 379 to 387 when the soil is really humid, probably more that I wanted for these plants. It also reads between 372 and 378 when the soil is just a little humid. Additionally, if I removed the sensor from the soil, the reading is between 7 and 9, so with these 3 samples, it is hard for me to put in the code when to water or not, any clues what could be wrong?


I am using this pump from SparkFun:



#64913 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 23 February 2016 - 12:42 AM in Project Showcase

Allright, so it's being about 5 months since I got the parts and I was finally able to put it together this past weekend. If I continue this way I might die before I can complete some other project in life :)


Anyway, I am using the code provided by ShVerni which really helped to put this together.


A couple of issues I am experiencing so far already:


1.- The pump waters the plants in a matter for 2 seconds, it has tons of flow that I may need to either regulate its flow by installing some sort of nozzle to the hose for every plant, so it restricts the flow of water or turn on the pump for 1/2 second and then wait a minute for the water to settle down and the do a measure, if still dry, the water more and so on, at this point I don't know what's best.


2.- The Sparkfun Soil Moisture Sensor SEN-13322 (https://www.sparkfun...roducts/13322) that I am using reads about 379 to 387 when the soil is really humid, probably more that I wanted for these plants. It also reads between 372 and 378 when the soil is just a little humid. Additionally, if I removed the sensor from the soil, the reading is between 7 and 9, so with these 3 samples, it is hard for me to put in the code when to water or not, any clues what could be wrong?


I am using this pump from SparkFun:




And here are pics of my project:



#64944 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 28 February 2016 - 08:33 PM in Project Showcase

#64337 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 20 October 2015 - 05:10 AM in Project Showcase

Yes, I was looking at the PH sensors and they are super expensive. I found this one at




Then, I found this 4 in 1 sensor that Sears sells:


Then, I saw the Parrot Flower Power, really nice implementation but it doesn't have PH information.


Looks pretty good but at the end I would like full control of my sensors, so I am going with the Netduino board and the humidity sensor you have suggested me to start with and I hope to add the sunlight, fertilizer, temperature and the PH sensors at a later time.


I'll keep you posted.

#64320 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 17 October 2015 - 04:26 AM in Project Showcase

It's been more than 2 months and I cannot get the time to get this project done, so finally I am going to order the parts. One thing I missed to ask is that if you get PH information as this is going to be important to germinate the fruit plant I am planning to grow, if so, what sensor are you using?


Thank you

#63416 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 07 July 2015 - 08:34 PM in Project Showcase

Thank you so much ShVerni.


I am going to order the parts and I need to make some time to put all together. I'll keep you posted.

#63414 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 07 July 2015 - 05:22 PM in Project Showcase

Hi ShVemi, 


Thanks for your prompt reply, sorry that I didn't reply any sooner. Thanks for the info on the sensor.


What kind of pump are you using?

#63263 Automated Urban Garden

Posted by Giuliano on 26 June 2015 - 04:44 PM in Project Showcase

Good day ShVerni, 


I cannot open the google drive you are sharing, it seems that I need to request permission to get access to it.


Anyway, what kind of soil moisture sensor are you using and what kind of pump you are using as well.


I am planning to do a similar project but I wanted to be WiFi, so I can receive alerts if I am away from home



#64074 Dinosaur Prop

Posted by Giuliano on 10 September 2015 - 01:11 AM in General Discussion

Thank you, I'll keep everyone posted.

#64062 Dinosaur Prop

Posted by Giuliano on 09 September 2015 - 03:39 PM in General Discussion

Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at it.

#64037 Dinosaur Prop

Posted by Giuliano on 04 September 2015 - 09:58 PM in General Discussion

Good day everyone,


I am going to be working on a Dinosaur Prop, more like the Raptor from the Jurassic World movie but I need help on what to use for the skin and head/eyes of it.


Any ideas or places where I can go to find ideas?


Thank you

#64974 I broke the forum at this location, please HELP!!!

Posted by Giuliano on 08 March 2016 - 12:16 AM in General Discussion

Thanks for the info, I guess the webmaster have read my thread because it is fixed now.

#64914 I broke the forum at this location, please HELP!!!

Posted by Giuliano on 23 February 2016 - 12:55 AM in General Discussion

http://forums.netdui...= urban garden

#64902 How to retrieve Assembly Version?

Posted by Giuliano on 19 February 2016 - 05:40 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Pretty cool, thanks.

#64898 How to retrieve Assembly Version?

Posted by Giuliano on 19 February 2016 - 04:36 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Good day everyone,


Do you know how to retrieve the assembly version since System.Diagnostics is not available in the .NET MF?

#63244 Has anyone use PH Sensors?

Posted by Giuliano on 25 June 2015 - 08:53 PM in General Discussion

Good day everyone,


Has anyone use a PH Sensor with the Netduino board? If so, does it work well. What brand would you recommend?


Thank you in advance.

#63262 Has anyone use PH Sensors?

Posted by Giuliano on 26 June 2015 - 04:25 PM in General Discussion

I was planning on using this sensor but it is a little pricey plus I do not know if it would work with Netduino:




Any ideas?

#65030 Has anyone used any Beacons with the N+2 or N2?

Posted by Giuliano on 24 March 2016 - 11:24 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Has anyone used any Beacons with the N+2 or N2?

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