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#43346 Atlas Scientific ENV-RGB Sensor not responding

Posted by itsme on 14 January 2013 - 12:08 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I just got a Atlas Scientific ENV-RGB sensor from sparkfun, and I've spent the last two days trying to get it to work. I hooked it up according to the datasheet with red going to 3.3V, black to ground, white (tx) to digital pin 0(rx) and  green(rx) to digital pin 1(tx) on the Netduino. Also I have the following code. 


public static void Main()        {            SerialPort sp;            try            {                sp = new SerialPort(Serial.COM1, 38400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);                sp.Open();                sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(SerialDataReciever);                byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Er");                Debug.Print(new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(message)));                sp.Write(message, 0, message.Length);                while (true) { }            }            catch (Exception e)            {                Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);            }        }        public static void SerialDataReciever(object obj, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs args)        {            SerialPort thePorts = obj as SerialPort;            if (thePorts.BytesToRead > 4)            {                byte[] buffer = new byte[30];                thePorts.Read(buffer, 0, thePorts.BytesToRead);                Debug.Print(new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer)));            }        }



The problem I'm having is that even though my SerialDataReciever method is getting called the bytes are empty when its called. Also by default it should return 5 bytes though the first time that SerialDataReciever is called it only contains 2 bytes, both of which are empty. Does anyone have any experience with this sensor? I'm not sure if I am using the SerialPort class correctly, but from what I've read I feel like it should work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

#24038 SPI and digital potentiometer (MCP4231)

Posted by itsme on 10 February 2012 - 05:11 AM in General Discussion

Just thought it would be worth noting since it wasn't obvious to me. Accessing the second channel is done by the setting the first byte in the array to 16 (0001 0000). See page 48 of the data sheet Volatile Wiper 1 Write Data. I also included the sample code I got to work. Maybe that will help someone in the future.
        public static void Main()

            SPI.Configuration Device1 = new SPI.Configuration(
            Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, // SS-pin
            false,             // SS-pin active state
            0,                 // The setup time for the SS port
            0,                 // The hold time for the SS port
            true,              // The idle state of the clock
            true,             // The sampling clock edge
            1000,              // The SPI clock rate in KHz
            SPI_Devices.SPI1   // The used SPI bus (refers to a MOSI MISO and SCLK pinset)
            SPI SPIBus = new SPI(Device1);
            while (true)
                byte[] WriteBuffer = new byte[2];
                WriteBuffer[0] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[1] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[0] = 16;
                WriteBuffer[1] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[0] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[1] = 127;
                WriteBuffer[0] = 16;
                WriteBuffer[1] = 127;

#24027 SPI and digital potentiometer (MCP4231)

Posted by itsme on 09 February 2012 - 07:35 PM in General Discussion

Oops! Wow well looks like assumptions are still a bad idea. I switched the wires over to the actual channel 0 and BAM beautiful 0V-5V variations.Thanks a ton!

#24021 SPI and digital potentiometer (MCP4231)

Posted by itsme on 09 February 2012 - 04:35 PM in General Discussion

I'm pretty sure it's wired correct, but I have included a schematic of how everything is connected. You'll have to forgive the crudeness I'm still learning Eagle. I should also mention that I'm using a separate power source and 5V voltage regulator. When I measure the voltage between P1W and P1B I'm getting ~2.46 which is what I would expect from the 4.93V from the regulator.
Posted Image

The wires I am using are about 4 inches. I will try shortening the SPI connections a bit.

I do not have an oscilloscope but I'm assuming if I'm going to keep this up it would be a good investment. Any suggestions on a scope that would be good for a novice such as myself that wont completely drain the bank?


#24014 SPI and digital potentiometer (MCP4231)

Posted by itsme on 09 February 2012 - 01:43 PM in General Discussion

Ok, I changed those values (I should have read the wiki a little better :) ) and I'm still not getting anything. I have everything setup in a breadboard but I didn't add the decoupling capacitors to my circuit. At my current clock speed is that going to be a problem? Thanks!

#24005 SPI and digital potentiometer (MCP4231)

Posted by itsme on 09 February 2012 - 12:30 AM in General Discussion

First I would like to say in the month I have had my netduino I have learn a ton. These things rock.

Ok to my question. I am trying my hand at running a digital potentiometer(Specifically a MCP4231). I would like to use it as a variable voltage divider to mimic/replace a joystick from an electric wheel chair. So I've read through the datasheet and while I'm pretty sure that I understand how to connect it, I'm not sure that I have the SPI object initialized correctly, or if I do have it initialized correctly, if i am sending the correct commands. Any light shed will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Here is my code. Almost verbatim from the wiki.

        public static void Main()

            SPI.Configuration Device1 = new SPI.Configuration(
            Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, // SS-pin
            true,             // SS-pin active state
            0,                 // The setup time for the SS port
            0,                 // The hold time for the SS port
            false,              // The idle state of the clock
            true,             // The sampling clock edge
            1000,              // The SPI clock rate in KHz
            SPI_Devices.SPI1   // The used SPI bus (refers to a MOSI MISO and SCLK pinset)
            SPI SPIBus = new SPI(Device1); 

            while (true)
                // Writes a single byte with value 255 to the SPI device
                byte[] WriteBuffer = new byte[2];
                WriteBuffer[0] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[1] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[0] = 0;
                WriteBuffer[1] = 120;

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