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Fredde's Content

There have been 5 items by Fredde (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#62211 Will you release any build on NETMF 4.4?

Posted by Fredde on 21 April 2015 - 04:12 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Is there any plan or schedule for a NETMF 4.4 release?

A faster single stepping and Watch update will make it a million times more fun to work with the Netduino.

"In addition, there are improvements in the debugging and deployment functionality and stability. For example, single stepping and updating the Watch window now takes a fraction of the previous time."

#64618 News from Secret Lab

Posted by Fredde on 05 December 2015 - 11:47 PM in General Discussion

Chris perhaps gone into hiding? With numerous FTC and state consumer protection bureau complaints filed for the Agent "Smart" watch, it seems like Chris had also removed his contact info on this site if not changed his contact email and number entirely.


There's also a court date from one backer set for next week. Many are awaiting the result of that to launch a class action lawsuit against him.


He certainly needs to post better updates and engage the backers on Kickstarter even if you think he is innocent of fraud.

It´s really sad if the Agent Smart watch would kill the Netduino :(

I have had a lot of fun developing things for it!

#61729 MVC web framework like web server experience on Netduino

Posted by Fredde on 26 February 2015 - 02:18 PM in Project Showcase



I think this will run fine on any 4.x version without any larger modifications except the missing string builder in older versions, but that can be fixed with the one in this post:



The limited amount of memory will not be a problem for simpler applications. 

#64617 MVC web framework like web server experience on Netduino

Posted by Fredde on 05 December 2015 - 11:37 PM in Project Showcase


Sorry for the very very late answer, I don´t have any Netduino with Wifi so I have not tested it on that hardware.

But if you have an issue please file it on github so I will see it, I am not here that often now days but it´s really fun to see that you like it!


#61053 MVC web framework like web server experience on Netduino

Posted by Fredde on 23 December 2014 - 02:36 PM in Project Showcase

I would like to share a project i have been working with for a long time, it gives you a MVC like developer experience on Netduino.


To initialize the server:

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var webServer = new WebServer();

To create your first controller:

public class MyFirstController : Controller
    public void Index()
        SetHtmlResult("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1>My page</h1></html>");        

Then run or similar.


The main features is:

  • Controller/Action based web request routing with model binding and HTML or JSON response types built in.
  • It support both GET and POST http methods.
  • Exception handling with generic error response that includes exception message and stack trace.
  • It support static files via an optional assembly(to save code space if not needed).
  • Filters on request and response for things like logging, authentication and other things. 

It is built with Dependency injection and has some Unit tests.


For source code with running examples and some more decumentation see



And for long running scenarios i really recommend adding some kind of hardware based watch guard. 


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