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Brandon G's Content

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#8924 Microsoft.SPOT.Reflection.Serialize() / Deserialize() throws System.NotImplem...

Posted by Brandon G on 03 February 2011 - 04:10 AM in General Discussion

like i said, aint great but one thing i have noticed about netmf is a major need for optimization and special cases, elegance is sacrificed for speed

#7630 Microsoft.SPOT.Reflection.Serialize() / Deserialize() throws System.NotImplem...

Posted by Brandon G on 14 January 2011 - 03:44 AM in General Discussion

greg and i worked together for 5 years that initial implementation was ours, albeit naive it suited our purposes. They are all teeny, almost any well written serialization implementations will be, i'd love to help out.

#9468 Microsoft.SPOT.Reflection.Serialize() / Deserialize() throws System.NotImplem...

Posted by Brandon G on 14 February 2011 - 12:07 AM in General Discussion

not a problem Fabien, same goes here. I am really not happy with what i've posted so far and starting to think aboutserialization in terms of config and xml and using weak references space lately

#7655 Microsoft.SPOT.Reflection.Serialize() / Deserialize() throws System.NotImplem...

Posted by Brandon G on 14 January 2011 - 04:41 PM in General Discussion

Not a problem, will be a couple weeks before i can start but look forward to it

#7616 Microsoft.SPOT.Reflection.Serialize() / Deserialize() throws System.NotImplem...

Posted by Brandon G on 13 January 2011 - 11:02 PM in General Discussion

i think if we just did value types and collections of value types with recursion of more complex obecjts as long as they were all inheriting the same interface to start we could open it up from there, i'm new here and wondering if you guys have a svn or git repository going yet? if not I could host something up on mine if need be. Hopefully if i can help on the code side you guys can scratch my back a bit on the hardware side

#9129 Interesting news Pyxis

Posted by Brandon G on 07 February 2011 - 07:32 PM in General Discussion


#7788 Fluent Interop 1.2

Posted by Brandon G on 17 January 2011 - 01:24 AM in Project Showcase

That is fantastic and may help for getting quicker results in my quad project

#8565 Coding style discussion

Posted by Brandon G on 27 January 2011 - 05:04 PM in General Discussion

•Do not use Hungarian notation •Do not use a prefix for member variables (_, m_, s_, etc.). If you want to distinguish between local and member variables you should use “this.” in C# and “Me.” in VB.NET. •Do use camelCasing for member variables •Do use camelCasing for parameters •Do use camelCasing for local variables •Do use PascalCasing for function, property, event, and class names •Do prefix interfaces names with “I” •Do not prefix enums, classes, or delegates with any letter Me and the rest of the community disagree with this, i understand why its stated as it is, but i disagree. using this. is ugly and redundant (resharper agrees) Its just a style, i've worked with a few of the top guys over the years and we all use this style, at beginning of projects we agree on a naming convention and this is the one we have consistently agreed upon

#8567 Coding style discussion

Posted by Brandon G on 27 January 2011 - 05:22 PM in General Discussion

yea its counterintuitive I is used for Interface and I want to know that straight up at the beginning if i'm dealing with an interface. I think at the end of there are slight variations in coding style, i like to know whether i'm private or public or a const or a Public Member and interface a factory a handler a delegate an event, just by looking at the variable name, i used to be even more explicit than this but the big guys jumped all over me. Its just a readability thing for me and as long as all parties agree at beginning of project you're solid. And Chris / Luke, never do i burn a bridge, but cut me some slack, we're all just trying to do neat stuff and have fun or work, how we post is not a big deal, if i get excited about something sometimes i'll throw a few posts down in a row, its an iterative process and sometimes a stream of thought happens, there's no egos or etiquette, its just code. We are all a community and need each others help at certain points in the process, so I would hope to be able to lean on anyone that has more experience than I especially in this specific project, hopefully one day you can lean on me for parts of your projects.

#8597 Coding style discussion

Posted by Brandon G on 28 January 2011 - 04:04 AM in General Discussion

Mark, Thank you for your comments, this forum has truly tested my ability to hold my tongue and be professional. I will try to make a point of not posting questions that expose you to my "amateur / ignorant" coding techniques shared by ms mvps and the ms clr team. Great community we have here.

#8181 Coding style discussion

Posted by Brandon G on 23 January 2011 - 05:12 PM in General Discussion

Yes Domain Driven Design, read eric evans and Jimmy Nillson, they changed everything

#8560 Coding style discussion

Posted by Brandon G on 27 January 2011 - 04:21 PM in General Discussion

lol on the underscores, there's alot of things i do that arent in ms' best practises. I'd say 80% of the community uses the same naming practises as above. Going to research the IL to see your other suggestion

#8575 Coding style discussion

Posted by Brandon G on 27 January 2011 - 06:54 PM in General Discussion

Resharper is my best practises post processor :)

#9590 Automated Build and Deploy

Posted by Brandon G on 15 February 2011 - 06:45 PM in General Discussion

Hey guys, sorry if this has been posted before but I have yet to find it in my searches. I have a windows form app that is used to generate a configuiration file, I would then like to embed the config file as a resource in a netmf project and then do a build and deploy. I have seen similar things before when people try to use VB.NET instead of C# on microframework so i know its possible just wondering if anyone has already done this and wants to share the project. Think it would be a handy little library for everybody, also gets around the weak references issue with config files

#8966 Anybody interested in a cheap IMU?

Posted by Brandon G on 04 February 2011 - 01:51 AM in General Discussion

I think it really depends on the applications requirements. In my case I am controlling a loop and want to read every 200ms which I think can be acomplished and the overhead is ok. I am no expert though I'm learning as I go. What are you using the imu for?

#8951 Anybody interested in a cheap IMU?

Posted by Brandon G on 03 February 2011 - 09:18 PM in General Discussion

I'd take one as well, that was the board i was going to buy but didnt want the old magnetometer, polling via i2c works for my application

#8955 Anybody interested in a cheap IMU?

Posted by Brandon G on 03 February 2011 - 10:48 PM in General Discussion

Chris will be able to answer better, but yes from what i understand there would be no compensation and no mcu. from the razor one here's an implementation by zerov which might give you an idea of the data coming down

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