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#51752 New: Netduino 4.3 SDK and VS2012 support!

Posted by funk55 on 29 July 2013 - 03:05 AM in General Discussion

Hello Chris,


I just bought an NP2 a few weeks ago. Everything's worked great, except while working through the first SD card exercise in the 'professionals guide to .net mf applications development' the sd card insert function comes out looking like this:


static void RemovableMedia_Insert(object sender, MediaEventArgs e)   {   throw new NotImplementedException();



I'm guessing that maybe this means no sd card support for the np2 when using express 2010 and the sdk versions in the download page. do i need to upgrade to get sd card support for the np2, or have i overlooked something?

#51760 New: Netduino 4.3 SDK and VS2012 support!

Posted by funk55 on 29 July 2013 - 10:17 AM in General Discussion

Hello Chris,


I loaded every thing as instructed, and did not find any np2 c# templates, only vb templates. is this an expected result, or have i bungled the installation somehow? :wacko:

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