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Venerable Steve

Member Since 02 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2012 10:48 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: automate IP discovery (Delphi WIN32)

11 October 2011 - 07:27 PM

Oh here is a picture of the remote controller for the alarm ( still havn't done the NMAP task ) it has a motor controller for using alarm panel camera direction changes.

In Topic: windows-form-xbee-lcd-RSSI-display

11 October 2011 - 05:33 PM

hey i like your Baseterm project I have added a program to my stable of cool tools
yours and my new one its a forms processor for the Netduino called Hex Hoodoo written in Delphi 32
with a motor controller too. Works via XBee serial and gives results inbuilt HTML browser

Hey do you need faster output to screen? i may be able to do some OpenGL screen rendering as it would be faster then
HTML forms for output.

Oh and the program is here

In Topic: windows-form-xbee-lcd-RSSI-display

11 October 2011 - 04:45 PM

hey i like your Baseterm project I have added a program to my stable of cool tools yours and my new one its a forms processor for the Netduino called Hex Hoodoo written in Delphi 32 with a motor controller too. Works via XBee serial and gives results inbuilt HTML browser

In Topic: Mobile turret system

01 October 2011 - 05:48 PM

Oh i am in Sydney and I got the XRFs (XBEE pin compatible wireless ) instead of the XBees they worked well and are cheaper 10 or so pounds each from the UK you need 2 of them for coms to work. Also have a picture of them on my site. The shields to get them working were about 10 dollars each from HK. go to page 6 for the pictures.

In Topic: Netduino - WiFi

12 September 2011 - 09:39 PM

Hello to people on the Netduino community I am from the programming (Delphi) side of the equation ........... I have a XRF module and a XBEE Pro Shield I just ran the code from v1 of above and the Associate LED on the XBEE Pro started to oscillate YES YES YES!!! (after switching the onboard button from USB to XBEE ) um on the Visual Studio side um I put a breakpoint at the line UARTConnection UART = new UARTConnection(SerialPorts.COM1,115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); and now I am just wondering how to proceed? I see the Neduino has 2 com ports under serialports.com1(is that right) or are we talking to the PC instead thanks :) oh and did you set one board up as a master or do the boards use straight serial? PS. I have another XRF hooked up to a DFRobot usb breakout board to accept and report the result.

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