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Vishal Kaushik

Member Since 01 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active May 19 2014 06:28 PM

#18186 Kaushik SPOT Services for .NET Micro Framework

Posted by Vishal Kaushik on 19 September 2011 - 09:12 AM

In Codeplex I already have 4 sample services that are hosted on Netduino. Their names are SpotServiceTest, BlinkLedService, SwitchService and SayHello. All of these are in Kaushik.Spot.MicroServer.

To make it simple I have summarized steps below:

1. Define an Interface that acts as a Service Contract. Interface should be marked with attribute SpotService and respective RMI methods should be marked SpotMethod
2. Implement interface defined in step 1 in a class
3. Register the class defined in step 2 using SpotServices.RegisterService(new <serviceclassname>());
4. Start Spot Services server using SpotServices.StartServer(<socketport>);
5. Code Generate proxy class using Kaushik.Spot.CodeGenerator, steps are explained in Demo Video and include in your client app (like Kaushik.Spot.ControllerApp)

You can see steps 1 to 4 in project named Kaushik.Spot.MicroServer. Step 5 is implemented in Kaushik.Spot.ControllerApp (UI project used in Demo) and Kaushik.Spot.ConsoleClient.TestApp (A simple load test project)

You are ready to have fun….

You can give me a specific example that you might want to implement and I will be glad to help you.

May we have some more sample code than the one shown in the video?

#18141 Kaushik SPOT Services for .NET Micro Framework

Posted by Vishal Kaushik on 18 September 2011 - 09:54 AM

This Project provides a Library that can be used on all kinds of .NET Framework i.e. .NET Regular Framework, .NET Micro Framework etc for RPC/RMI. This definitely does not replace .NET Remoting, Web Services and WCF but certainly add one more to the same stack; and it is very simple to be used for very light weight but still mission critical applications.

Please refer to Codeplex for more details. And a demo can be seen at YouTube. On Codeplex Home page and Documentation page have useful information.

This is my First project on Netduino Plus (In fact first on any Micro Controller and .NET Micro Framework). I hope all of you will like it and use it for further more to come.

Update Sep 21, 2011 : Added support for Windows Phone 7.1 (RC). Now Windows Phone can act as a Kaushik SPOT Services client.

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