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Tal Tikotzki

Member Since 16 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2013 05:15 PM

#44265 Configuration Management

Posted by Tal Tikotzki on 26 January 2013 - 09:30 PM


  The configuration manager should be a simple class that allows you to store at least key-value pairs in a consistent way across the application.


I wrote something myself which I believe would be useful:


using System;using System.Collections;using System.IO;namespace Utils{    public class ConfigManager : IDisposable    {        private bool _disposed;        private StringDictionary _dataset;        private string _configFilename;        private readonly char _splitter = '=';        public ConfigManager(string configFilename)        {            _dataset = new StringDictionary();            _configFilename = configFilename;            Reload();        }        public void Save()        {            using (var file = new StreamWriter(_configFilename, false))            {                foreach (DictionaryEntry dataElement in _dataset)                {                    var line = (string)dataElement.Key + _splitter + (string)dataElement.Value;                    file.WriteLine(line);                }                                file.Close();            }        }        public void Reload()        {                        if (!File.Exists(_configFilename))                return;            _dataset.Clear();            using (var file = new StreamReader(_configFilename))            {                if (file.BaseStream.Length > 0)                {                    do                    {                        var str = file.ReadLine();                        var idx = str.IndexOf(_splitter);                        if (idx >= 0)                        {                            var key = prepareKey(str.Substring(0, idx));                            var value = str.Substring(idx + 1, str.Length - (idx + 1));                            _dataset.Add(key, value);                        }                                              } while (!file.EndOfStream);                }                file.Close();            }        }        public void SetValue (string key, string value)        {            key = prepareKey(key);            if (_dataset.ContainsKey(key))            {                _dataset[key] = value.Trim();            }            else            {                _dataset.Add(key, value.Trim());            }        }                public string GetValue (string key)        {            return _dataset[prepareKey(key)];        }        private string prepareKey (string key)        {            return key.Trim().ToLower();        }        #region Implementation of IDisposable        /// <summary>        /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.        /// </summary>        /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>        public void Dispose()        {            Dispose(true);            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);        }        protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)        {            if (!_disposed)            {                if (disposing)                {                    _dataset.Clear();                }                            }            _disposed = true;        }        ~ConfigManager()        {            Dispose(false);        }        #endregion    }}


An example of how to use it:

            using (var cm = new ConfigManager(@"SDconfconfig.txt"))            {                cm.SetValue("key", "value");  // some setting example                cm.SetValue("Address", ""); // some setting example                cm.Save();            }            using (var cm = new ConfigManager(@"SDconfconfig.txt"))            {                Debug.Print("Address: " + cm.GetValue("Address"));            }

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