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Member Since 19 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 18 2013 10:12 AM

Topics I've Started

netduino and GPRS

03 February 2013 - 07:52 AM

Hi guys,

Does anyone know if the netduino plus 2 can support a gprs sheild like this one: ?

And if it does would we be able to use it for ftp file uploads and http requests?



16 January 2013 - 03:00 PM

Hi there,


I have managed to modify Jair's (Thanks Jair :D ) FTP socket code (from here: http://forums.netdui...-client-socket/) so that I am now able to use it with a wifi connection (Netduino Plus 2 and RN-XV module).


The question I have is how to upload a file from the SD card? At the moment the code simply creates a blank .txt file on the FTP server, how do upload a whole file?


Code below:


using System;using System.IO;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Threading;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.IO;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;using SecretLabs.NETMF.IO;using Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware;using Toolbox.NETMF.NET;using System.Text;namespace ftpTest{    public class Program    {        static WiFlyGSX WifiModule;        static string strSSID = "mySSID";        static string strPassword = "myPassword";        static string remoteHost = "FTP Server IP address";        static string remoteUser = "userName";        static string remotePass = "password";        private static SimpleSocket clientSocket;                public static void Main()        {            // write your code here                        connectToWifi();            Thread.Sleep(10000);            clientSocket = new WiFlySocket(remoteHost, 21, WifiModule);                        try            {                SimpleSocket.SocketProtocol Protocol = SimpleSocket.SocketProtocol.TcpStream;                clientSocket.Connect(Protocol);            }            catch (Exception e)            {                throw new IOException("Couldn't connect to remote server" + e);            }            sendCommand("USER " + remoteUser);            sendCommand("PASS " + remotePass);                        sendCommand("TYPE I");            sendCommand("PASV");            sendCommand("CWD www");            sendCommand("CWD other");            sendCommand("STOR testFile.txt");                        close();            clientSocket.Close();        }        private static void sendCommand(String command)        {            Byte[] cmdBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((command + "rn"));            clientSocket.SendBinary(cmdBytes);        }        private static void close()        {            if (clientSocket != null)            {                sendCommand("QUIT");            }        }        public static void connectToWifi()        {            WifiModule = new WiFlyGSX();            WifiModule.EnableDHCP();            WifiModule.JoinNetwork(strSSID, 0, WiFlyGSX.AuthMode.MixedWPA1_WPA2, strPassword);            Thread.Sleep(3500);            // Showing some interesting output            Debug.Print("Local IP: " + WifiModule.LocalIP);            Debug.Print("MAC address: " + WifiModule.MacAddress);        }    }}





Memory leak

10 January 2013 - 10:08 AM

Hi there,


I am building a live data logger (basically a counter) which sends counts (collected by a photo sensor) to a webpage in a querystring so the data can be added to a SQL DB.


To make sure that I have a redundancy, in the event of power failure for example, I have two files on an SD card which the counter writes to on the photo sensor interrupt. Periodically the SD card is read and the data put into an array which is then looped through to send the HTTP requests. This prevents any issues of trying to read from the SD card at the same time as a photo interrupt is trying to write to the card.


I'm using a Netduino Plus 2.


At the moment I am testing a part of the final code and have encountered a "memory leak" issue.


Basically I am simply looping through the "SD Card read" and "array send threads" to test them. the problem I am having is that I eventually run out of memory and I can't understand why.


I would have thought that the only thing taking up memory would be the counter variable (which is the only thing that changes with each request... it's increased by one) but for whatever reason on each loop I lose about 3500 bytes.


I have made sure that I flush/close/dispose both the stream reader and stream writer (used for writing errors to a log file) when I am finished using them. I also clear the array when i am done with it.


Surely increasing the counter variable by an increment of 1 is not 3500 bytes worth of memory?


Do I need to abort/close threads as I leave them? Is it something to do with the "Socket" or "WebSession"... do I need to somehow terminate/clear these before creating new ones?


using System;using System.Collections;using System.IO;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Text;using System.Threading;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;using Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware;using Toolbox.NETMF.NET;using VariableLabs.PowerManagment;namespace testToolbox21240{    public class Program    {        static WiFlyGSX WifiModule;        static ArrayList counterDataArray = new ArrayList();        // SD Card file variables        static string strWriteFile = "datatwo";        static string strReadFile = "dataone";        // WiFi SSID and password        static string strSSID = "mySSID";        static string strPassword = "myPassword";        // Remote host URL        static string strRemoteHost = "";        // Counter variables        static uint intCounter = 0;        static uint intTimeoutCounter = 0;                        public static void Main()        {            Debug.Print("Turn off the Ethernet controller");            PowerManagment.SetPeripheralState(Peripheral.Ethernet, false);            Debug.EnableGCMessages(true);            connectToWifi();            populateArray();                                  Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite);        }                public static void populateArray()        {            Debug.Print("Populate array from: " + strReadFile);            using (var filestream = new FileStream(@"SD" + strReadFile + ".txt", FileMode.Open))            {                string strSendLine;                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filestream);                while ((strSendLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)                {                    counterDataArray.Add(strSendLine);                }                sr.Close();                sr.Dispose();            }            Debug.Print("send data from array");                        foreach (string value in counterDataArray)            {                httpSendData(value);            }                        cleanUp();                    }        public static void httpSendData(string queryStringData)        {            SimpleSocket Socket = new WiFlySocket(strRemoteHost, 80, WifiModule);            HTTP_Client WebSession = new HTTP_Client(Socket);            try            {                HTTP_Client.HTTP_Response Response = WebSession.Get("/default.aspx?" + queryStringData);                Debug.Print("value: " + queryStringData);            }            catch (System.ApplicationException e)            {                Debug.Print("Error Code: " + e);                intTimeoutCounter++;                Debug.Print("intTimeoutCounter: " + intTimeoutCounter);                using (var filestream = new FileStream(@"SDlog.txt", FileMode.Append))                {                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filestream);                    sw.WriteLine("DateTime: " + DateTime.Now.AddHours(2) + "rnError Code: " + e + "rnintTimeoutCounter: " + intTimeoutCounter + "rn");                    sw.Flush();                    sw.Close();                    sw.Dispose();                }                Thread.Sleep(1500);                httpSendData(queryStringData);            }            catch (System.NullReferenceException f)            {                Debug.Print("Error Code: " + f);                using (var filestream = new FileStream(@"SDlog.txt", FileMode.Append))                {                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filestream);                    sw.WriteLine("DateTime: " + DateTime.Now.AddHours(2) + "rnError Code: " + f + "rnintTimeoutCounter: " + intTimeoutCounter + "rn");                    sw.Flush();                    sw.Close();                    sw.Dispose();                }                        }            finally            {                intCounter++;            }                     }        public static void cleanUp()        {            if (strWriteFile == "dataone")            {                strWriteFile = "datatwo";                strReadFile = "dataone";            }            else            {                strWriteFile = "dataone";                strReadFile = "datatwo";            }            counterDataArray.Clear();            Debug.GC(true);            Debug.Print("Free Memory: " + Debug.GC(true).ToString());            Debug.Print("Record count: " + intCounter);            Debug.Print("running thread count: " + ThreadState.Background.ToString());            populateArray();        }        public static void connectToWifi()        {            Debug.Print("start wifi");            WifiModule = new WiFlyGSX();            WifiModule.EnableDHCP();            WifiModule.JoinNetwork(strSSID, 0, WiFlyGSX.AuthMode.MixedWPA1_WPA2, strPassword);            Thread.Sleep(3500);            // Showing some interesting output            Debug.Print("Local IP: " + WifiModule.LocalIP);            Debug.Print("MAC address: " + WifiModule.MacAddress);            SNTP_Client TimeClient = new SNTP_Client(new WiFlySocket("", 123, WifiModule));            Thread.Sleep(500);            TimeClient.Synchronize();            Thread.Sleep(500);            Debug.Print("DateTime.Now: " + DateTime.Now.AddHours(2));            Thread.Sleep(3500);        }    }}


A snippet of the debug output:



The thread '<No Name>' (0x2) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Turn off the Ethernet controller
start wifi
Local IP:
MAC address: 00:60:06:80:88:55
DateTime.Now: 01/10/2013 12:02:16
Populate array from: dataone
send data from array
value: deviceID=1&count=0&dateTimeStamp=12/5/2012%2017:8:5
value: deviceID=1&count=1&dateTimeStamp=12/5/2012%2017:8:6
value: deviceID=1&count=2&dateTimeStamp=12/5/2012%2017:8:7
value: deviceID=1&count=3&dateTimeStamp=12/5/2012%2017:8:7
value: deviceID=1&count=4&dateTimeStamp=12/5/2012%2017:8:8
[color=#ff0000;]Free Memory: 99072[/color]
Record count: 5
running thread count: 4
Populate array from: datatwo
send data from array
value: deviceID=1&count=5&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:31:33
value: deviceID=1&count=6&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:31:34
value: deviceID=1&count=7&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:24
value: deviceID=1&count=8&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:24
value: deviceID=1&count=9&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:24
value: deviceID=1&count=10&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:24
value: deviceID=1&count=11&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:24
value: deviceID=1&count=12&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:25
value: deviceID=1&count=13&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:25
value: deviceID=1&count=14&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:25
value: deviceID=1&count=15&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:25
value: deviceID=1&count=16&dateTimeStamp=12/7/2012%2013:32:25
[color=#ff0000;]Free Memory: 95544[/color]
Record count: 17
running thread count: 4



Thanks for any advice!



Wifi timeout

07 December 2012 - 02:42 PM

Hi there,

I am creating a data logger which uses a photo sensor, a Sparkfun RN-XV WifiModule and a netduino Plus 2.

Basically what happens is that when the photo sensor is interrupted it initiates an HTTP Post to a server which then logs the activity to a database via a querystring.

The problem I am having is that if there is a connection timeout the WifiModule simply locks up and I don't know how to reset it to try the request again.

To try and solve this timeout issue I modified an example from; without the photo sensor and created a loop which sends the HTTP request.

I can sometimes send 100 requests without a timeout and then sometimes only about 20... either way once the connection times out the whole application stops.

How should I handle the timeout and how do I reset the WifiModule to try again?

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;
using Toolbox.NETMF;
using Toolbox.NETMF.NET;
using Toolbox.NETMF.Hardware;

namespace timeoutTest
    public class Program
        const int updateInterval = 3000; 

        static WiFlyGSX WifiModule;

        static OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);

        public static void Main()

            WifiModule = new WiFlyGSX();
            // wait for wifly to start

            WifiModule.JoinNetwork("mySSID", 0, WiFlyGSX.AuthMode.MixedWPA1_WPA2, "myPassword");

            // Get the Local IP to confirm connection to the wifi network
            string strLocalIP;
            strLocalIP = WifiModule.LocalIP;


            while (true)

        static void updateThingSpeak(string tsData)
            Debug.Print("Connecting to server...\n");

            String request = "POST /default.aspx?" + tsData + " HTTP/1.1\n";
            request += "Host:\n";
            request += "Connection: Close\n";
            request += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
            request += "Content-Length: " + tsData.Length + "\n\n";
                String tsReply = sendPOST(request);
            catch (SocketException se)
                Debug.Print("Connection Failed.\n");
                Debug.Print("Socket Error Code: " + se.ErrorCode.ToString());

        private static String sendPOST(String request)
            SimpleSocket serverSocket = ConnectSocket();

            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024];
            String page = String.Empty;
            page = page + new String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer));
            return page;

        private static SimpleSocket ConnectSocket()
            SimpleSocket socket = new WiFlySocket("", 80, WifiModule);
            catch (System.ApplicationException e)
                Debug.Print("Code: " + e);
            return socket;

        static void delayLoop(int interval)
            long now = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
            int offset = (int)(now % interval);
            int delay = interval - offset;


Netduino Plus 2 NTP class for Wifi

23 November 2012 - 12:32 PM

Hi there, Does anyone have an example of how to set the Netduino dateTime from the internet using wifi for a connection? Thanks, Donovan

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