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Member Since 05 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2013 03:33 AM

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In Topic: 24vdc to 9vdc step down

16 June 2012 - 01:10 AM

With the LM7809 that I mentioned, I built that entire circuit shown in the pdf I linked but added a +9 and -9 volt feed to it. Through my testing the step down in voltage has not resulted in any noticeable heat. I have a small heat sink attached to each one so that could help. The only time any of them got hot is when I accidentally shorted out the 5v regulator for 10 seconds. It got hot but not worryingly hot. I have hooked up different loads to it and measured the voltage and amps and it will output 1.5 amps all day long with a very stable voltage. Off your 24 volt rail it should be able to supply 2A(I'm limited by the 1.5 amps the transformer puts out). The regulator, heat sink, 2 caps, a diode, and a small board to solder it all to should be about $10-15, and should be easy to make. edit: also if you ended up needing 12volts for the relays, you can make a second one with the LM7812 to get a 12 volt source where you need it.

In Topic: 24vdc to 9vdc step down

15 June 2012 - 08:07 PM

I use a LM7809 wired the same as the LM7805 or LM7812 is on this pdf http://musicfromoute...ly_assembly.pdf

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