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Rod Lopez

Member Since 29 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2011 10:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Current State of features

10 December 2011 - 10:59 AM

Hi guys,

A few months ago I was finishing a robotics project and ended up hitting pretty hard limitations on the Arduino platform, I switched to a Netduino, and life was good... other than minor issues I came across at the time.
I have a similar situation now with a different project, it started with Arduino and I am thinking about moving over once again. I just wanted to get a heads-up on what the current state of the platform is.

So, if anybody could help with a couple of questions, here they go!

-Can I communicate though USB? I am storing information in an SD card that I would need to read, it used to be that the USB(digital 0-1) were only for debugging, is that still so? I am using all pins on the Arduino, I won't be able to use the second UART for sending data over.

-I remember some conversation on low-power modes, but it all seemed on the air (waiting for 4.2 and so). Is there anything working today? My application is fairly power-critical (big batteries but must last for months), I could trigger a hardware interrupt if that's needed :)

-I might be producing a few tens of devices in the next six months or so, how well does the Netduino/MCU scale in terms of production? (I am thinking chip availability, bootloading, etc) In the Arduino you can buy a blank chip, program it and have it running on a custom PCB in no time :)

-I have found some cases for the Arduino (I particularly like the one Adafruit has), is there any that's Netduino-friendly? Netduino having the usb plug in a different location and so...

thanks a ton!

Power through vIn pin?

10 May 2011 - 08:34 AM

Can I power the Netduino using unregulated 7.5-12 volts though the vIn pin in the board? as in... instead of using the power connector If so.. what's the maximum power I can drain? (I have a few 3.3 and 5v devices connected to the Netduino)

Inter pin resistance

13 April 2011 - 08:57 PM

Hi all, I am trying to debug a simple yet specially tricky situation, I am trying to measure both voltage and current going through a certain circuit. The voltage is no big deal, resistor divider: Vcc----1M---+A0---470k---GND ..and I measure across A0 and GND, all good. The problem is the current, I add an extra resistance, so things look a bit like Vcc----1M----+A0---470k--10---+A1----GND At that point, though I get a decent reading for current, my reading for voltage goes to hell... My guess is that the internal resistance between A0 and A1 is lower than I expected (acording to the change in result it should be around 500k), so that one would appear in parallel with the 470k resistance and kill my reading. I can throw an opAmp (or lower the divider's resistors)and be over with it fairly quickly, but I would like to make sure I understand what's going on. Does anybody know what the internal inter-pin resistance should be? thanks!


13 April 2011 - 12:26 PM

Hi there,
I am having a very simple issue, I am trying to write a few values to a 16x2 LCD, the values are, originally floats. I need to be able to see the whole set of info in a single glance.

The issue is that, by default, I end up printing too much (the number plus eight digits of precision), so my result doesn't fit on the screen at all.

My code looks like this:
	float A = 0, V = 0;
	PowerSampling.GetPower(ref V, ref A);
	Write("V " +  V + " A:" + A + " W:" + A * V);

...and the code I am trying to replicate (I am porting this from an Arduino) looks like this:
	float A, V;
	PowerSampling.GetPower(V, A);
	lcd << "V" << _FLOAT(V, 1) << " A" << _FLOAT(A,2) << " W" << _FLOAT(V * A,1);

I was intending to use String.Format but that doesn't seem to be supported... how can it be done?

Out of memory issues

29 March 2011 - 11:32 PM

Hi there,
This is my first post here, so please let me know if I am posting in the wrong place :)

So, as to the issue...
I have a setup where I am using one of the Netduino COMs as serial interface to an external chip (an IMU), communication works, and everything is fine and dandy (a.k.a I get my data through the serial), but I eventually (pretty much at predictable intervals) get an 'Out of Memory' error.
I honestly thought that moving to a managed framework meant that you didn't have to care about your memory anymore, is that true? do I need to release / dispatch memory blocks somehow? Do I need to manually invoke the garbage collector?
Could you give a look to the code and tell me if I am doing something terribly wrong?


IMUSerial = new SerialPort("COM1", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
IMUSerial.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(IMUSerial_DataReceived);

//write IMU code
Debug.Print("Serial is " + (IMUSerial.IsOpen? "open" : "not opened"));
byte[] pip = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("r");

while (true)
	IMUSerial.Write(pip, 0, 1);

static void IMUSerial_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
	byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
	IMUSerial.Read(buffer, 0, 10);
	String message = new String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer));

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