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Member Since 29 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2013 04:30 AM

Topics I've Started

I2C and Analog Pins on Netduino 2

06 March 2013 - 03:09 PM



I'm curious about the pin changes between the netduino and the netduino 2.


I notice that there are a separate pair of pins now for i2c clock and data on the netduino 2.

Previously it was on analog pins 4/5 i believe.


So question: does this mean I am now able to use all 6 analog inputs while using i2c?


The final goal is to drive 6 servos, have 6 analog inputs to help control the servos, and an RGB LCD Display to control settings and options.


Should be all possible right?


Only corncern i have is that the LCD shield has connections for both the new I2C pin locations, as well as the old ones.  So I am thinking I will have to disconnect it from the analog pins.


Thanks in advance!



3d Matrix Transformations

19 October 2012 - 02:36 PM

Hello, I have the need to do some 3D transformations to Rotate and Translate 3d Points. Can anyone point me to a Library that will run on the Micro Framework?

Servo Motor Keyframing

30 September 2012 - 06:48 PM

Hello, I'm new to netduino programming and also to this forum. I'm wondering if you guys can perhaps provide some insight onto a topic I'm working on. Basically, I am writing some controllers that will manage multiple servos together in an IK chain as an arm or leg configuration. My question is this, with no positional feedback from the servos, how should I track where my servo is? As I see it, there are two solutions. A: Provide many updates constantly that are only tiny angle changes. B: Provide less frequent updates, and try to "guess" how long it will take to get to that angle before sending the next one. With solution A: I will spend alot of CPU time sending updates to angles. Which isn't ideal since the servos are capable of some level of target seeking. With solution B: I have the issue of how frequently to update. If I update too slowly, the servo will have hit the target and will be stopped waiting for the next angle. But if I update too quickly, I risk the servo skipping over desired angles. This would be especially apparent when the servo direction changes. If I send "goto 45 degress, then 90 degrees, then 45 degrees" to quickly, it may not reach 90 before it returns. The end goal is to be able to keyframe a sequence of movements, and have it execute those movements as smoothly as possible with no start/stop stutter. I figure this must be an issue someone has come across. Just curious to hear what you guys think. Thanks Brandon

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