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Member Since 30 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2015 09:42 PM

Topics I've Started

N+2 watchdog or timer as another thread

07 February 2015 - 09:55 PM

I wrote an application to monitor temperatures using Netduino plus 2 and DS18B20. Netduino reads temperature and then send it using socket to another host - on that host another application listens for tcp connections, gets data from netduino and writes this data to database. I meet an issue - Netduino plus 2 hangs from time to time and I need to restart it.
I wonder if there is any possibility to use some kind of watchdog which will control if netduino sent data to server host and when not will restart it automatically?
Is there any possibility to use for example some kind of software timer which will work in background thread? If I can set it to count from 1 minute to 0 and when 0 is reached to restart netduino and start it in the background and reset the timer after every successful data exchange

OneWire DS18B20 cable too long - how to extend range?

25 January 2015 - 11:04 AM


I made temperatur monitoring system on Netduino plus 2 with DS18B20. In my installation I connect only one DS18B20 to one Digital I/O port. Some of my DS18B20 are on long cable - more than 100m. I cannot read them. On shorter cable (20-50m) everything works ok. Of course I use resistors but on cable longer than 100m it doesn't work. Does anyone know how to read DS18B20 on cables longer than 100m?


DS18B20 OneWire - read address

18 January 2015 - 09:33 PM



I need to read DS18B20 address on OneWire - can anyone tell me how to get the address of my DS18B20?


No DS18B20 devices found on OneWire bus

08 January 2015 - 01:07 PM


I'm making measurements of temperatures with my Netduino plus 2 and DS18B20. I'm using OneWire but every one DS18B20 is connected to separate GPIO on Netduino board.

I'm creating each DS18B20 using code:

DS18B20 sonda0 = new DS18B20(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0);

When on PIN D0 is no DS18B20 connected then program throw "No DS18B20 devices found on OneWire bus" and stops. How to make it to continue working without this PIN where no DS18B20 was found? I want to write code once and make it working on all my Netduino plus 2 without giving which PINs are connected and which aren't?

N+2 as temperature monitoring server + winforms client

07 July 2014 - 11:39 AM

Hi everyone.

I'm starting my netduino projects. I need to make temperature monitoring system in our factories. I started with DS18B20.

What I need is TCP/IP communication and client/server configuration. I need to monitor 13 points with DS18B20, save measured temperatures to SQL database (Postgres, Pervasive or MySQL).

I know how to connect DS18B20 to my N+2, I know how to read temperatures in my debug view in VS but I don't know how to start TCP/IP client/server communication. Anyone can help? Maybe some of you made some similar project?

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