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Ray Card

Member Since 05 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2014 10:39 PM

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In Topic: difference between the Framework 4.1 SDK & Framework Porting Kit

21 March 2013 - 12:26 AM

There are many Math Extension Classes out there for the Netduino.  No Need to reinvent the wheel.  Here is one I use.


    public static class MathEX    {        #region Internaly used constants        const double sq2p1 = 2.414213562373095048802e0F;        const double sq2m1 = .414213562373095048802e0F;        const double pio2 = 1.570796326794896619231e0F;        const double pio4 = .785398163397448309615e0F;        const double log2e = 1.4426950408889634073599247F;        const double sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887F;        const double ln2 = 6.93147180559945286227e-01F;        const double atan_p4 = .161536412982230228262e2F;        const double atan_p3 = .26842548195503973794141e3F;        const double atan_p2 = .11530293515404850115428136e4F;        const double atan_p1 = .178040631643319697105464587e4F;        const double atan_p0 = .89678597403663861959987488e3F;        const double atan_q4 = .5895697050844462222791e2F;        const double atan_q3 = .536265374031215315104235e3F;        const double atan_q2 = .16667838148816337184521798e4F;        const double atan_q1 = .207933497444540981287275926e4F;        const double atan_q0 = .89678597403663861962481162e3F;        #endregion        /// <summary>        /// PI        /// </summary>        public static readonly double PI = 3.14159265358979323846F;        /// <summary>        /// Natural base E        /// </summary>        public static readonly double E = 2.71828182845904523536F;        /// <summary>        /// Returns the absolute value         /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number</param>        /// <returns>absolute value of x</returns>        public static double Abs(double x)        {            if (x >= 0.0F)                return x;            else                return (-x);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number representing a cosine</param>        /// <returns>An angle</returns>        public static double Acos(double x)        {            if ((x > 1.0F) || (x < -1.0F))                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Domain error");            return (pio2 - Asin(x));        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number representing a sine</param>        /// <returns>An angle</returns>        public static double Asin(double x)        {            double sign, temp;            sign = 1.0F;            if (x < 0.0F)            {                x = -x;                sign = -1.0F;            }            if (x > 1.0F)            {                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Domain error");            }            temp = Sqrt(1.0F - (x * x));            if (x > 0.7)            {                temp = pio2 - Atan(temp / x);            }            else            {                temp = Atan(x / temp);            }            return (sign * temp);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number representing a tangent</param>        /// <returns>the arctangent of x</returns>        public static double Atan(double x)        {            if (x > 0.0F)                return (atans(x));            else                return (-atans(-x));        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate of a point</param>        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate of a point</param>        /// <returns>the arctangent of x/y</returns>        public static double Atan2(double y, double x)        {            if ((x + y) == x)            {                if ((x == 0F) & (y == 0F)) return 0F;                if (x >= 0.0F)                    return pio2;                else                    return (-pio2);            }            else if (y < 0.0F)            {                if (x >= 0.0F)                    return ((pio2 * 2) - atans((-x) / y));                else                    return (((-pio2) * 2) + atans(x / y));            }            else if (x > 0.0F)            {                return (atans(x / y));            }            else            {                return (-atans((-x) / y));            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number</param>        /// <returns>the smallest integer greater than or equal to x</returns>        public static double Ceiling(double x)        {            return System.Math.Ceiling(x);        }        /// <summary>        /// Calculate Cosinus        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">Value</param>        /// <returns>Cosinus of Value</returns>        public static double Cos(double x)        {            // This function is based on the work described in            //            // Make X positive if negative            if (x < 0) { x = 0.0F - x; }            // Get quadrand            // Quadrand 0,  >-- Pi/2            byte quadrand = 0;            // Quadrand 1, Pi/2 -- Pi            if ((x > (System.Math.PI / 2F)) & (x < (System.Math.PI)))            {                quadrand = 1;                x = System.Math.PI - x;            }            // Quadrand 2, Pi -- 3Pi/2            if ((x > (System.Math.PI)) & (x < ((3F * System.Math.PI) / 2)))            {                quadrand = 2;                x = System.Math.PI - x;            }            // Quadrand 3 - 3Pi/2 -->            if ((x > ((3F * System.Math.PI) / 2)))            {                quadrand = 3;                x = (2F * System.Math.PI) - x;            }            // Constants used for approximation            const double c1 = 0.99999999999925182;            const double c2 = -0.49999999997024012;            const double c3 = 0.041666666473384543;            const double c4 = -0.001388888418000423;            const double c5 = 0.0000248010406484558;            const double c6 = -0.0000002752469638432;            const double c7 = 0.0000000019907856854;            // X squared            double x2 = x * x; ;            // Check quadrand            if ((quadrand == 0) | (quadrand == 3))            {                // Return positive for quadrand 0, 3                return (c1 + x2 * (c2 + x2 * (c3 + x2 * (c4 + x2 * (c5 + x2 * (c6 + c7 * x2))))));            }            else            {                // Return negative for quadrand 1, 2                return 0.0F - (c1 + x2 * (c2 + x2 * (c3 + x2 * (c4 + x2 * (c5 + x2 * (c6 + c7 * x2))))));            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">An angle, measured in radians</param>        /// <returns>hyperbolic cosine of x</returns>        public static double Cosh(double x)        {            if (x < 0.0F) x = -x;            if (x == 0F)            {                return 1F;            }            else if (x <= (ln2 / 2))            {                return (1 + (_power((Exp(x) - 1), 2) / (2 * Exp(x))));            }            else if (x <= 22F)            {                return ((Exp(x) + (1 / Exp(x))) / 2);            }            else            {                return (0.5F * (Exp(x) + Exp(-x)));            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns e raised to the specified power        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number specifying a power</param>        /// <returns>e raised to x</returns>        public static double Exp(double x)        {            double c;            int n = 1;            double ex = 1F;            double m = 1F;            // exp(x+y) = exp(x) * exp(y)            //            while (x > 10.000F) { m *= 22026.4657948067; x -= 10F; }            while (x > 01.000F) { m *= E; x -= 1F; }            while (x > 00.100F) { m *= 1.10517091807565; x -= 0.1F; }            while (x > 00.010F) { m *= 1.01005016708417; x -= 0.01F; }            // if (Abs(x) < (double.Epsilon * 2)) return m;            // Uses Taylor series             //,tfn.html            for (int y = 1; y <= 4; y++)            {                c = _power(x, y);                ex += c / (double)n;                n *= (y + 1);            }            return ex * m;        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns a specified number raised to the specified power        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">number to be raised to a power</param>        /// <param name="y">number that specifies a power</param>        /// <returns>x raised to the power y</returns>        public static double Pow(double x, double y)        {            double temp = 0F;            long l;            if (x <= 0.0F)            {                if (x == 0.0F)                {                    if (y <= 0.0F)                        throw new ArgumentException();                }                l = (long)Floor(y);                if (l != y)                    temp = Exp(y * Log(-x));                if ((l % 2) == 1)                    temp = -temp;                return (temp);            }            return (Exp(y * Log(x)));        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number</param>        /// <returns>the largest integer less than or equal to x</returns>        public static double Floor(double x)        {            return System.Math.Floor(x);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number</param>        /// <returns>Logaritmic of x</returns>        public static double Log(double x)        {            return Log(x, System.Math.E);        }        /// <summary>        /// Calculate logaritmic value from value with given base        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number</param>        /// <param name="newBase">Base to use</param>        /// <returns>Logaritmic of x</returns>        public static double Log(double x, double newBase)        {            // Based on Python sourcecode from:            //            double partial = 0.5F;            double integer = 0F;            double fractional = 0.0F;            if (x == 0.0F) return double.NegativeInfinity;            if ((x < 1.0F) & (newBase < 1.0F)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("can't compute Log");            while (x < 1.0F)            {                integer -= 1F;                x *= newBase;            }            while (x >= newBase)            {                integer += 1F;                x /= newBase;            }            x *= x;            while (partial >= double.Epsilon)            {                if (x >= newBase)                {                    fractional += partial;                    x = x / newBase;                }                partial *= 0.5F;                x *= x;            }            return (integer + fractional);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.         /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number </param>        /// <returns>Logaritmic of x</returns>        public static double Log10(double x)        {            return Log(x, 10F);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the larger of two specified numbers        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number</param>        /// <param name="y">a Number</param>        /// <returns>The larger of two specified numbers</returns>        public static double Max(double x, double y)        {            if (x >= y)                return x;            else                return y;        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the smaller of two specified numbers        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">a Number</param>        /// <param name="y">a Number</param>        /// <returns>The smaller of two specified numbers</returns>        public static double Min(double x, double y)        {            if (x <= y)                return x;            else                return y;        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">An angle, measured in radians</param>        /// <returns>The hyperbolic sine of x</returns>        public static double Sinh(double x)        {            if (x < 0F) x = -x;            if (x <= 22F)            {                double Ex_1 = Tanh(x / 2) * (Exp(x) + 1);                return ((Ex_1 + (Ex_1 / (Ex_1 - 1))) / 2);            }            else            {                return (Exp(x) / 2);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns a value indicating the sign         /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A signed number.</param>        /// <returns>A number indicating the sign of x</returns>        public static double Sign(double x)        {            if (x < 0F)                return -1;            else if (x == 0F)                return 0;            else                return 1;        }        /// <summary>        /// Calculate Sinus        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">Value</param>        /// <returns>Sinus of Value</returns>        public static double Sin(double x)        {            return Cos((System.Math.PI / 2.0F) - x);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the square root of a specified number        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number</param>        /// <returns>square root of x</returns>        public static double Sqrt(double x)        {            double i = 0;            double x1 = 0.0F;            double x2 = 0.0F;            if (x == 0F) return 0F;            while ((i * i) <= x)                i += 0.1F;            x1 = i;            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)            {                x2 = x;                x2 /= x1;                x2 += x1;                x2 /= 2;                x1 = x2;            }            return x2;        }        /// <summary>        /// Calculate Tangens        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">Value</param>        /// <returns>Tangens of Value</returns>        public static double Tan(double x)        {            return (Sin(x) / Cos(x));        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle        /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">An angle, measured in radians</param>        /// <returns>The hyperbolic tangent of x</returns>        public static double Tanh(double x)        {            return (expm1(2F * x) / (expm1(2F * x) + 2F));        }        /// <summary>        /// Calculates the integral part of x to the nearest integer towards zero.         /// </summary>        /// <param name="x">A number to truncate</param>        /// <returns>integral part of x</returns>        public static double Truncate(double x)        {            if (x == 0F)                return 0F;            else if (x > 0F)                return Floor(x);            else                return Ceiling(x);        }        /// <summary>        /// Returns angle in [0..360) range        /// /// </summary>        /// <param name="d">An angle in radians</param>        public static double RadiansToDegrees(double d)        {            double result = (360 * d) / (2 * MathEX.PI);            while (result < 0)                result += 360;            while (result >= 360)                result -= 360;            return result;        }        #region Internaly used functions        private static double expm1(double x)        {            double u = Exp(x);            if (u == 1.0F)                return x;            if (u - 1.0F == -1.0F)                return -1.0F;            return (u - 1.0F) * x / Log(u);        }        private static double _power(double x, int c)        {            if (c == 0) return 1.0F;            double ret = x;            if (c >= 0f)            {                for (int _c = 1; _c < c; _c++)                    ret *= ret;            }            else            {                for (int _c = 1; _c < c; _c++)                    ret /= ret;            }            return ret;        }        private static double atans(double x)        {            if (x < sq2m1)                return (atanx(x));            else if (x > sq2p1)                return (pio2 - atanx(1.0F / x));            else                return (pio4 + atanx((x - 1.0F) / (x + 1.0F)));        }        private static double atanx(double x)        {            double argsq;            double value;            argsq = x * x;            value = ((((atan_p4 * argsq + atan_p3) * argsq + atan_p2) * argsq + atan_p1) * argsq + atan_p0);            value = value / (((((argsq + atan_q4) * argsq + atan_q3) * argsq + atan_q2) * argsq + atan_q1) * argsq + atan_q0);            return (value * x);        }        #endregion    }

Excellent code dave, going to save me alot of time.

Could i just ask about the 2 read only values at the top for PI and E.

These are not the same values as System.Math.PI and System.Math.E

is this intended

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