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Member Since 14 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2015 02:14 PM

#61375 Has anyone used the Sparkfun MP3 Player Shield or the MP3 Trigger Successfully?

Posted by dino4net on 26 January 2015 - 11:40 AM

Here it is. It's some code I found here and modified / added some features.


The amp is the SparkFun TPA2005D1

Attached Files

#61341 Has anyone used the Sparkfun MP3 Player Shield or the MP3 Trigger Successfully?

Posted by dino4net on 23 January 2015 - 10:27 AM

Yes, I used the MP3 player shield with the Sparkfun amplifier.

Had some problems with it in the beginning, but managed to get it working.


I can poste the project if you want to.



#58155 netduino driver for the AdaFruit SSD1306 OLED display

Posted by dino4net on 15 May 2014 - 03:46 PM



As the code here became a little hard to read and many asked for a complete solution.


Here it is ... with a tool to create the image array ...

Attached Files

#54025 Netduino Plus 2 + Sparkfun GPS Shield + EM-406

Posted by dino4net on 12 November 2013 - 08:28 AM


Did you try com2?


I would also use an event handler to see if data is available.

serialport.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler( .... );

#53820 netduino driver for the AdaFruit SSD1306 OLED display

Posted by dino4net on 04 November 2013 - 04:37 PM

        public const int Width = 128;        public const int Height = 32;        private const int I2CTransactionTimeout = 1000; // ms        public AdaFruitSSD1306(ushort I2C_ADDRESS = 0x3C, int I2C_ClockRateKHz = 400, Cpu.Pin reset = (Cpu.Pin) 54)        {            AutoRefreshScreen = false;            I2c = new I2CDevice.Configuration(I2C_ADDRESS, I2C_ClockRateKHz);            //SoftwareI2CBus i2cbus = new SoftwareI2CBus(SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino.Pins.GPIO_PIN_A4, SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino.Pins.GPIO_PIN_A5);            //I2c = i2cbus.CreateI2CDevice(new I2CDevice.Configuration(0x3C, I2CTransactionTimeout));            //Connect the RST pin of the display to this Netduino pin            resetPin = new OutputPort(SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus.Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, false);            //resetPin = new OutputPort(reset, false);        }        protected void SendCommand(Command cmd) {            SpiBuffer[0] = (byte)cmd;            if (Spi != null)                Spi.Write(SpiBuffer);            if (I2c != null)            {                I2CBus.GetInstance().Write(I2c, new byte[] {0x00, (byte)cmd}, I2CTransactionTimeout);            }        }        public void InvertDisplay(bool cmd) {            if (Spi != null)                dcPin.Write(DisplayCommand);            if (cmd) {                SendCommand(Command.INVERTDISPLAY);            } else {                SendCommand(Command.NORMALDISPLAY);            }            if (Spi != null)                dcPin.Write(Data);        }        public virtual void Refresh() {            if (Spi != null)                Spi.Write(displayBuffer);            else if (I2c != null)            {                byte[] I2CCommand = new byte[displayBuffer.Length + 1];                I2CCommand[0] = 0x40;                Array.Copy(displayBuffer, 0, I2CCommand, 1, displayBuffer.Length);                I2CBus.GetInstance().Write(I2c, I2CCommand, I2CTransactionTimeout);            }        }        public void Initialize(VccType vcctype = VccType.SWITCHCAPVCC) {            if (Spi != null)            {                resetPin.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(1);            // VDD (3.3V) goes high at start, lets just chill for a ms                resetPin.Write(false);      // bring reset low                Thread.Sleep(10);           // wait 10ms                resetPin.Write(true);       // bring out of reset                dcPin.Write(DisplayCommand);                SendCommand(Command.DISPLAYOFF);  // 0xAE                SendCommand(Command.SETLOWCOLUMN | (Command)0x0);  // low col = 0                SendCommand(Command.SETHIGHCOLUMN | (Command)0x0);  // hi col = 0                SendCommand(Command.SETSTARTLINE | (Command)0x0); // line #0                SendCommand(Command.SETCONTRAST);  // 0x81                if (vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC)                {                    SendCommand((Command)0x9F);  // external 9V                }                else                {                    SendCommand((Command)0xCF);  // chargepump                }                SendCommand((Command)0xA1);  // setment remap 95 to 0 (?)                SendCommand(Command.NORMALDISPLAY); // 0xA6                SendCommand(Command.DISPLAYALLON_RESUME); // 0xA4                SendCommand(Command.SETMULTIPLEX); // 0xA8                //SendCommand((Command)0x3F);  // 0x3F 1/64 duty                SendCommand((Command)0x1F);  // 0x1F 1/32 duty                SendCommand(Command.SETDISPLAYOFFSET); // 0xD3                SendCommand((Command)0x0); // no offset                SendCommand(Command.SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV);  // 0xD5                SendCommand((Command)0x80);  // the suggested ratio 0x80                SendCommand(Command.SETPRECHARGE); // 0xd9                if (vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC)                {                    SendCommand((Command)0x22); // external 9V                }                else                {                    SendCommand((Command)0xF1); // DC/DC                }                SendCommand(Command.SETCOMPINS); // 0xDA                //SendCommand((Command)0x12); // disable COM left/right remap                SendCommand((Command)0x02); ////128_32 = 02       128_64 = 12                SendCommand(Command.SETVCOMDETECT); // 0xDB                SendCommand((Command)0x40); // 0x20 is default?                SendCommand(Command.MEMORYMODE); // 0x20                SendCommand((Command)0x00); // 0x0 act like ks0108                // left to right scan                SendCommand(Command.SEGREMAP | (Command)0x1);     //0xA0                SendCommand(Command.COMSCANDEC);          //0xC8                SendCommand(Command.CHARGEPUMP); //0x8D                if (vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC)                {                    SendCommand((Command)0x10);  // disable                }                else                {                    SendCommand((Command)0x14);  // disable                    }                SendCommand(Command.DISPLAYON);//--turn on oled panel                // Switch to 'data' mode                dcPin.Write(Data);            }            else            {                resetPin.Write(true);                Thread.Sleep(1);            // VDD (3.3V) goes high at start, lets just chill for a ms                resetPin.Write(false);      // bring reset low                Thread.Sleep(10);           // wait 10ms                resetPin.Write(true);       // bring out of reset                byte[] intBuffer;                if (Height == 32)                {                    intBuffer = new byte[] {                        (byte)Command.DISPLAYOFF,                       //turn off display(RESET=OFF)                        0x00,0x00,                                      //low column nibble(RESET=0),high column nibble(RESET=0)                        0xB0,                                           //start page address(RESET=0)                        (byte)Command.MEMORYMODE,0x00,                  //memory address mode(RESET=02 [page])                        (byte)Command.SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV,0x80,          //oscillator frequency and divider(RESET=80)00                        (byte)Command.SETMULTIPLEX,0x1F,                //mux ratio(RESET=3F [64 lines]                        (byte)Command.SETDISPLAYOFFSET,0x00,            //display offset,COM vertical shift(RESET=0)                        (byte)Command.CHARGEPUMP,(byte)(vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC? 0x10 : 0x14),   //enable charge pump(RESET=10 [OFF])                        0xA1,0x00,                                      //segment remap(RESET=SEG0, COL0) 00 mirror image                        (byte)Command.COMSCANDEC,                       //COM output scan(RESET=C0, C8 flips display)                        (byte)Command.SETCOMPINS,0x02,                  //COM pins hardware config(RESET=12[alternate])                        (byte)Command.SETCONTRAST,0xCF,                 //contrast CF(RESET=7F)                        (byte)Command.SETPRECHARGE,(byte)(vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC? 0x22 : 0xF1),   //pre-charge period F1(RESET=22)                        (byte)Command.SETVCOMDETECT,0x30,               //Vcom deselect(RESET=20)                        (byte)Command.DISPLAYALLON_RESUME,              //turn all on ignore RAM A5/RAM A4(RESET=A4)                        (byte)Command.NORMALDISPLAY,                    //normal display A6/inverted A7(RESET=A6)                        (byte)Command.DISPLAYON};                       //turn on display                }                else if (Height == 64)                {                    intBuffer = new byte[] {                        (byte)Command.DISPLAYOFF,                       //turn off display(RESET=OFF)                        0x00,0x00,                                      //low column nibble(RESET=0),high column nibble(RESET=0)                        0xB0,                                           //start page address(RESET=0)                        (byte)Command.MEMORYMODE,0x00,                  //memory address mode(RESET=02 [page])                        (byte)Command.SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV,0x80,          //oscillator frequency and divider(RESET=80)00                        (byte)Command.SETMULTIPLEX,0x3F,                //mux ratio(RESET=3F [64 lines]                        (byte)Command.SETDISPLAYOFFSET,0x00,            //display offset,COM vertical shift(RESET=0)                        (byte)Command.CHARGEPUMP,(byte)(vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC? 0x10 : 0x14),   //enable charge pump(RESET=10 [OFF])                        0xA1,0x00,                                      //segment remap(RESET=SEG0, COL0) 00 mirror image                        (byte)Command.COMSCANDEC,                       //COM output scan(RESET=C0, C8 flips display)                        (byte)Command.SETCOMPINS,0x12,                  //COM pins hardware config(RESET=12[alternate])                        (byte)Command.SETCONTRAST,0xCF,                 //contrast CF(RESET=7F)                        (byte)Command.SETPRECHARGE,(byte)(vcctype == VccType.EXTERNALVCC? 0x22 : 0xF1),   //pre-charge period F1(RESET=22)                        (byte)Command.SETVCOMDETECT,0x40,               //Vcom deselect(RESET=20)                        (byte)Command.DISPLAYALLON_RESUME,              //turn all on ignore RAM A5/RAM A4(RESET=A4)                        (byte)Command.NORMALDISPLAY,                    //normal display A6/inverted A7(RESET=A6)                        (byte)Command.DISPLAYON};                       //turn on display                }                I2CBus.GetInstance().Write(I2c, intBuffer, I2CTransactionTimeout);            }        }

Hey Fabien,

I got this working with the I2C version and it's tested with 64 and 32 lines. Do you want to add it to your driver?

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