But what would be involved in shaping 4.3 to work on gen1 hardware? Is it flash space? Or and this is the more difficult to answer question, the way the hardware is constructed?
I once got into (via e-mail no less) a discussion concerning Linux and its differences across architectures. Suffice to say the proponent for System Z won it, and not because he's an excellent speaker on that subject in real life. It turns out that the only difference between Linux on Intel and the same bird on System Z is just the hosting architecture. And in fact whole teams spend their days working out how to move the work-load from one to the other, and thence free up on-time on the Intel box to stuff that can only be run on it properly.
Look at it this way, what is involved in translating a function from the Arduino to the Netduino? There are plenty involved here, too many to list in this venue, but to put it simply, the dialect that the Arduino, ah, speaks. isn't the same as the one the Netduino normally,ah, speaks.
Now Chris what's with the gentleman who is quite tall, and wearing worn out clothes and a very long striped scarf, along with a big brimmed hat and a very pretty, but some what below average young lady, and both staring into your shop?