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#64260 Network stops working on the hour or one minute after

Posted by Tom on 06 October 2015 - 11:17 PM in Netduino.IP Technical Preview

I'll chime in with my disappointment as well with the lack of followup on a number of issues posted in the forums. Really do have to wonder what future the netduino platform has, and if SecretLabs is a one-man-show? 
I know MS have piled a lot into the netmf but it does seem like Windows 10 on the RPi is getting the love at the moment. 

#64163 netduino stability

Posted by Tom on 20 September 2015 - 11:34 PM in General Discussion

The netduino hardware is stable, and the TinyCLR is fairly robust. You're uptime will more depend on the code youre writing that runs on the netduino. Certainly code i've found out the hard way can lock the device requiring a power cycle. If you need continuous running, look more into fault tolerance and recovery than pure uptime. 

#64094 Odd compilation and deployment problems in VS2015

Posted by Tom on 11 September 2015 - 07:11 AM in General Discussion

Yep, have also ran into that annoying problem. Adding that enum in manually seems to be the only fix available. 


I'm assuming it's a new(-ish) compiler added attribute that's not in the base netmf core lib.

#63958 Netduino 3 COM2 Question

Posted by Tom on 24 August 2015 - 12:59 AM in Netduino 3

Following up on this, it would appear that COM2 TX is working, as the device i'm connecting to on COM2 is responding to commands sent, but I'm not receiving confirmations back. 
Same code, device swapped to COM1 and it works as expected. COM3 & COM4 also work as expected. 

Dud board? Software Bug?

Both D2 & D3 work successfully with OneWire devices... 

#63931 TimeService.SetTimeZoneOffset now throwing NotSupportedException

Posted by Tom on 19 August 2015 - 06:20 AM in Netduino 3

Hi Guys,


I'm porting some applications over to the N3-Wifi, from the N2-Plus. I made use of the TimeService.SetTimeZoneOffset method to provide a timezone offset so that DateTime.UtcNow supplied the correct value. 


Those methods are now throwing a NotSupportedException. 


Is this call, and the related ones (SetUtcTime) going to be reinstated, or are they gone for good? 


If they're gone, whats the recommended approach to getting DateTime.UtcNow != DateTime.Now for everyone not in GMT? 



#63930 Netduino 3 COM2 Question

Posted by Tom on 19 August 2015 - 05:21 AM in Netduino 3

I'm having the same issue with an app i'm porting from the n2plus to the n3. COM1 works as expected, but COM2 is unresponsive. Both working perfectly on the n2plus. Connected on D2 (RX -- TX on external device), D3 (TX -- RX on external device). 

new SerialPort("COM2", 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);

#60986 Anyone using the Simcom SIM5216E (or similar)?

Posted by Tom on 16 December 2014 - 06:24 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Guys, 


Just wondering if anyone is using the Simcom SIM5216E module (or other SIM52XX modules) in their projects. 


We mainly use the built-in HTTP client, but find that it's fairly unstable. Usually after a number of requests it either stops reading from the netduino or stops sending replies. Sometimes we can recover and wait until the HTTP app starts accepting new request but most cases we need to reset the whole module and re-initialise. It's a pain. 


I'm hoping that others might have experience they can share to help us troubleshoot where the problem might be. 




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