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David S's Content

There have been 5 items by David S (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#57189 Netduino CNC

Posted by David S on 28 March 2014 - 04:40 PM in Project Showcase

Hi Chris, 


That's pretty awesome. Do you have any videos showing this off in action, etc.? We'd love to share them.


I made some videos long time ago when I was developing it, but have to dig in backups to find them. I'll upload what I find and post back. 



#56990 Netduino CNC

Posted by David S on 22 March 2014 - 09:36 AM in Project Showcase

Hi twinnaz, 


if you try to connect to the netduino on port 82 with a telnet client (putty, for instance), can you connect? The firmware should print a string like "Dave's CNC interface 0.70 with G-Code" when you connect. 



#56665 Netduino CNC

Posted by David S on 06 March 2014 - 08:53 AM in Project Showcase

Select the build configuration "Netduino Debug" and set NetduinoDevice2 as your startup project. Hit F5 and it should deploy and run. 


The led on the netduino will blink and finally off once it is listening for connections. 

#56658 Netduino CNC

Posted by David S on 05 March 2014 - 07:59 PM in Project Showcase


Maybe you have found it by now. You have to create a config file "gcodeviewer.ini" in the exe directory. This is a .INI file. Add a line with

cnc.address=the IP of your netduino

Sorry, I forgot to document that on the readme.



#56641 Netduino CNC

Posted by David S on 05 March 2014 - 01:15 PM in Project Showcase

Hi everyone, 


some time ago I was working on a GCode parser for the netduino. I wanted to share it with you guys, maybe you find it useful in your own home-CNC projects. 


It has been sitting on my disk for a while now and I finally found the time to upload it to Github. 


It includes a parser that runs on the netduino and a 3D toolpath viewer I used for debugging the parser on the PC side. Here is a screenshot of the viewer: 





And here is the code:


Hope that you find it useful! It was great fun to build it. 





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