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#53841 NetDuino + vehicle tracking integration

Posted by dodgyrabbit on 06 November 2013 - 02:41 AM in Project Showcase

Here is a blog post I wrote about a NetDuino based vehicle tracking "clock" I built a little while ago.



Disclosure: I work for Geotab but this project was just for fun.


#52912 Network disabled on Netduino Plus

Posted by dodgyrabbit on 25 September 2013 - 08:34 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I learned a few new things that might be useful for others:


My NetDuino Plus stopped deploying after I made some code changes. Could not get it to recover by unplugging, plugging, rebooting PC etc.


Turns out that I deployed something bad that makes the NetDuino hang. 

To "fix" that - you just go to MFDeploy and click Erase and just erase the "app" and not the Firmware.


This allows me to instantly deploy again.


Now, weird thing is I manage to hang the netduino plus by creating a PWM for digital pin 1 and setting the duty cycle to 100. Anyways, this might be a known issue or something else I'm doing wrong...

#52864 Network disabled on Netduino Plus

Posted by dodgyrabbit on 23 September 2013 - 03:36 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Yes, I set it to the MAC address printed on the back.

I retraced my steps tonight and same issue happened - visual studio gets stuck on deployment.


I switched to mfusb and rebooted - then I could deploy but then it failed because the project was still referencing SecretLabs 4.1 assemblies. I switched that and successfully deployed. However, these drivers are a bit fiddly because a surprise removal causes Windows 8 to crash. 


So I reverted back to the winusb drivers and suddenly everything started working.


Which makes me think perhaps the whole "stuck deploying" is some weird state if your project references a mix between 4.2 (spot assemblies) and 4.1 (secretlabs). I've read some other people having trouble upgrading from 4.1 to 4.2 with N+, so hopefully this helps someone.

#52862 Network disabled on Netduino Plus

Posted by dodgyrabbit on 22 September 2013 - 10:00 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Never mind... looks like Netduino (not plus) firmware got loaded by mistake. Doh!

#52860 Network disabled on Netduino Plus

Posted by dodgyrabbit on 22 September 2013 - 09:17 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I tried to upgrade my Netduino Plus (first generation) to version 4.2 and followed all the steps - replacing bootloader, firmware etc. Although it all seemed to work OK, problems started happening when I tried to deploy code in Visual Studio.


I then reverted to 4.1 (the latest in the forums) and everything works OK.


However, my Ethernet Port seems to be dead now. If I run MFDeploy and go to Target->Configuration->Network it fails with an error about the configuration being old and I can't set it.


My question is - how do I reset things to the way it was with 4.1 completely? Do I have to revert the bootloader or something? 


FYI: If I plug a network cable in, none of the lights come on or anything.

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