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#59821 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 21 August 2014 - 05:05 AM in General Discussion

The amazon one is supposedly gen 1. I read somewhere that WIndows required gen 2 BUT I was told that was not the case, and that is confirmed here; 




So that Amazon buy should be good.

#59696 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 13 August 2014 - 03:13 AM in General Discussion

#59660 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 11 August 2014 - 09:36 AM in General Discussion

I want that Galileo board! Submitted my application by have not been selected. Oh well, I will keep playing with my Netduino / Arduino for now. 


Suggested course of action. Come up with a specific cool idea to use it for.  


Join the IRC channel and talk about it, You might get noticed <wink wink>

#59464 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 30 July 2014 - 01:41 PM in General Discussion


I'd yield a bit of faith to MS. Better, to some people "believing" in a concrete direction...



Seriously? With their track record over the last 5 years? Windows 8 (which I understand was tough nut to crack, but they didn't do so well), Windows phone (oh the stories I could tell you from that dev department), CEOs, firings (leaving the root problems in place)?  


You have faith?  You are a kind man :)  I am a Ms fanboy for life, but it is mostly because I'm too old to learn anything new :)

#59841 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 21 August 2014 - 08:04 PM in General Discussion

So that would be a problem for Windows and Linux then? As in a hardware limitation?


I'm really starting to get the impression none of these devices are going to satisfy the needs from a hardware standpoint. If you want to play in the IoT space you better have a SMC soldering pencil ready (metaphorically).


After a week of trying to make it work, I'm going to the FPGA board now.

#59995 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 04 September 2014 - 10:01 PM in General Discussion

I am disappointed in all of them at the moment.


How long have we been hearing of new MF support coming real soon?


Either people can not estimate things, or they intentionally underestimate. In either case these are the same management teams doing the work, so I have to assume their product is as solid as their estimates, or best case as over sold.


Or is there intentional under funding? 


Either way, it does anything but inspire confidence.

#60162 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 20 September 2014 - 04:48 PM in General Discussion

 The Netduino is as stable as a rock and compared to the Intel, light years ahead. ...


What is your experiences that reveal that? Unless it is that it has been 4 years without enhancements and bug fixes, I get that.


I've only played with the IoT a minute, but the debugging on it was rock solid, as opposed to a random number of reboots on the netduino every time I hit run.


As far as non-debug running, the IoT is months old, versus years for the Netduino (and MF) family. Not quite a fair comparison.

#60108 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 13 September 2014 - 06:00 PM in General Discussion

:) how do you code that in C#?


Heh, I've been avoiding hardware as long as I can, but I know it's coming ....


Got a handful of attinys this week, now if I can just find a USB plug that fits...

#60106 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 13 September 2014 - 05:46 PM in General Discussion

If shipping to the US is included, put me down for 50. I'll hand them out at robot meetups :)

Oh wait thats just the chip, n/m.

#60076 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 11 September 2014 - 03:23 PM in General Discussion



What I was refering to was this blog posts;

The post clearly states "in the next few weeks", and was posted in June. I'm sure that was true from the bloggers perspective, but given a lack of anything else, it is also what I made decisions with.


I think many here have expressed the frustration with being left to believe something is coming soon, then hear nothing more about it for a year or more.


Best of luck to you, I truly hope for your success, I have a lot invested in it at the moment. I'm really hoping that was not a bad decision. 

#59430 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 29 July 2014 - 05:39 AM in General Discussion

I have not received one, although I did eventually get an email suggesting I would.  I followed their IRC chat for a few days and it was very quiet.


Ms was also supposedly at nearby at a coffee shop (in Seattle) with boards, but when I attempted to drive there, I could not find parking (and I am handicapped) so I came back home.


I believe the intention is to provide firmware that will allow non ms-versions to run the MS dev kits. But that will be sometime AFTER initial release of MS dev kit versions.

#59455 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 30 July 2014 - 06:00 AM in General Discussion

I did not intend to imply people were parked in handicap spots, just the opposite. Seattle is a very handicap unfriendly city. Most of the people are (on average) young wealthy health nuts so not much attention is given to/for handicap. Thus there is NO handicap designated parking. 


The more I think about it, the more I think I probably would not be a good candidate for one of these boards anyhow. I don't get it. I have yet to understand ANY reason for it to exist, and especially no reason to take attention away from other existing platforms. It really looks like another Ms throw money at the wall, and see if anything sticks, and I can tell you the outcome.


The chat today on IRC was that indeed Ms is 'selecting' who they will be sending kits to, based on intent.

#59234 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 15 July 2014 - 05:33 PM in General Discussion

You guys do realize 'windows on devices' was the old marching orders? The new orders are different (although confusion seems to be a recurring theme at MS) ....  layoffs are coming this week - it will be interesting to see where and how deep.

#58824 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 21 June 2014 - 02:23 PM in General Discussion

Chris I was referring to the combobox choice when you signed up for information.  Instead of a check box, like the (incomplete) 'which dev boards have you used?' section, they ask what experience do you have, pick one; Win32 or WinRT. Anyone even vaguely technical would know there should be a lot more choices, and not exclusive.

No instead, they handed the web site off to some 'designers', and never followed up on what was produced. And like I said, even if you fill out the form and request more information, you never hear anything, from anybody.

I used to work at Microsoft, I left around the time this sort of 'management' started to become the norm. I truly feel sorry for the technically competent people at Microsoft. I hope the MF team can make something happen anyhow, but looking at their track record the last few years - I wouldn't invest much.


edit: I see they changed it in the last 12 hours. Hmmmm.

#59237 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 15 July 2014 - 10:15 PM in General Discussion

Which makes it even more confusing as to why its not here, front and center, but I think that was already mentioned. All I know is the new boss is saying 'we aren't doing what we were doing, but I can't quite tell you what we are doing now'  - I live here, I get the inside noise a lot.  Maybe it will become clearer in a few days.


And of course if it isn't happening here (I assume MF is not, having not met a single person yet that works on it) it takes a while to trickle down anyhow.


heh, re: born for IoT, you can fool these youngins, but be careful with us old iron types. We know what it was and why :)

#58814 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 20 June 2014 - 10:08 PM in General Discussion

Look at their web site ( They claim a person can not have used both Win32 and WinRT for development. Of course that is not true, it is an artifact of web designers that have no clue, but I suspect it continues to represent leadership at Microsoft, non existent.

I filled out that form months ago, nothing. What a way to run a company.

#59273 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 17 July 2014 - 02:02 AM in General Discussion

Oh man, the web site redirects now.  The suspense is killing me.

#59280 Windows on Devices? When?

Posted by Spiked on 17 July 2014 - 12:39 PM in General Discussion

The internet is full of comments, I miss some.


One email I got said they would send me a device soon.  Another comment says all devices have been sent. No one here has indicated they received devices.  I saw nothing in (limited) reading for non-disclosure about not saying you have one. Maybe I missed that as well.


The more I look at it I'm not really sure what I would use this for.  Does anyone understand why a device would boot windows then provide an exact emulation of an arduino (using wiring as the language and NO ui?).  I've got to assume something different is in the pipeline, and this is just a stepping stone. Either that or MS truly has lost its marbles. So at this point, I trust Chris's idea that great things are happening with MF, at least that WAS the intention.  Today the knife falls and we will see where and on who.

#60605 Beta: Visual Studio 2013 support

Posted by Spiked on 02 November 2014 - 06:27 PM in Visual Studio

I fought missing mf templates for a day recently. They were there in the proper directories, but never showed up in Visual Studio.


I uninstalled / re-installed 3-4 times, nothing changed.


I think this article finally made things work again; 




I'm not 100% sure it was that, but it was some command line argument to devenv. Apparently VS still has some issues finding templates occasionally.

#60630 Beta: Visual Studio 2013 support

Posted by Spiked on 05 November 2014 - 05:42 AM in Visual Studio

That's why I said not 100% sure. I am 100% sure it was a command line argument to devenv, just not 100% which one. But yeah, I did spend 4-5 hours on it.


Note that I believe that requires Admin elevation, which may not happen during your install?  But I also had your templates after your(and MF) install, they just disappeared later. From what I've read, this latest addition of 'portable library' stuff has created many new issues (hard coded links to v2.05 of System.Core), of which I am guessing this is just 1 more.

#58219 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Spiked on 18 May 2014 - 04:25 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Any speed comparison between dpws(ethernet) and USB? I can find out the hardware differences (12mbit v 10mbit), but some feel for the actual stack throughput / latency on this particular device (plus 2) would be helpful. right off the bat I would think dpws would have the advantage of ease of use (WSDL) in visual studio, if it performs as well, does not require extra hardware, then it is the obvious choice. This assumes dpws works as intended (and any insight on that would be helpful).


So far I have been unable to get any ethernet communications going. MF deploy indicates good DHCP obtained config, but ReceiveFrom throws 'Network is down'.

#58230 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Spiked on 18 May 2014 - 07:01 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

actually looks like you need to comment all 4

  //ApiKey = "<insert your API key here>";
  //FeedId = "<insert your feed ID here>";
  //RelayDomain = "<insert your relay domain here>";
  //RelaySecretKey = "<insert your secret key here>";
but that seemed to work for the blinky anyhow.  Which example are you referring to, as far as needing the IP address?

#58140 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Spiked on 14 May 2014 - 03:51 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Hello all, Netduino Noob here, so apologies. I'm quite experienced as a .Net developer, but slightly new at robotics and MF, having done a little of both.


I have a robotics project where the Netduino is intended to serve as the hardware interface, and communicate back up to the WIndows app.


This involves some sort of remoting. So in googling, I've run across a stale remote project (, Microsoft dpws, and now this.  


I tend to gravitate towards this since it has some fairly recent activity and is the most specific for the Netduino.  Is that the correct assumption?


I also notice that at present because of interaction with the debugger a separate FTDI is needed. I happened to have the Sparkfun 3.3v FTDI breakout board already (not the cable, but the equivalent board).  Will this get me going? Am I on the right path?



#58239 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Spiked on 18 May 2014 - 10:52 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

I do not really want internet access. I am just trying to develop a robot platform above a line following LED blinker.  You know, collision avoidance, drive motor encoders, IMU, LIDAR, ICP-SLAM, basic robotics stuff  :|  Then move on to arms and IK, motion planning, high school stuff.


So an Intel NUC main processor w/windows 8 (and vs 2013), a netduino for I/O.  I guess I must be bleeding edge or something. I am not finding anything similar. Sigh, I'll work through it eventually.

#58228 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Spiked on 18 May 2014 - 06:28 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Again, thanks for the noob pointers. Yes I am quite experienced as a developer, Remoting, WCF, WPF all all pretty much second nature to me and I cringe on the thought of not having them.  But Solder? I cringe at thought as well :)  But as I mentioned, I have done some. I have the saleae analyser that does I2C and others, as well as the newer one which adds analog (oscope), on order :P  


Yes getting vs2013 up was the first step.


So I had a look at the internet of things. I ran step 1 ok, step 2 was not blinking the light, so I added a Parameters.Setup(), because I didn't see where the proper pin was being set.  And that invoked the 'sign up for you private key, we only want your personal information' routine and I bailed.  I'll see what I can get from the code, but I really dislike that kind of dishonest thing. If it truly can be run without it (as advertised), one preprocessor variable should do the trick, not 30 minutes of chasing down unrelated code.


I'll take a look at Mark's blog now.  Mine is at  <- warning; not open source friendly at all

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