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Fabien Royer's Content

There have been 203 items by Fabien Royer (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#35487 Nwazet Data Acquisition Module for Netduino Go

Posted by Fabien Royer on 18 September 2012 - 05:46 PM in Netduino Go


Just a quick update to let you know that the Nwazet DAQ module product page features a series of Tutorials and Code snippets to help you getting started building applications. I'm also working on a few videos showing the DAQ used in variety of real-world scenarios, but these take time to produce, so stay tuned ;)


#34977 Nwazet Data Acquisition Module for Netduino Go

Posted by Fabien Royer on 10 September 2012 - 07:13 PM in Netduino Go

Hi neslekkim,

22 AWG solid core wires, as used in breadboards, will work great in these connectors. You can also use jumper wires as they fit perfectly next to each other.
You really don't want to use stranded 30 AWG wire as they're too fine and fragile. If you want to use stranded wires, go with a heavier gauge instead.


#35665 Nwazet DAQ Module vs. Shield Base | Buyer's Guide

Posted by Fabien Royer on 20 September 2012 - 10:15 PM in Netduino Go


Since the release of the Nwazet DAQ module, we have received multiple requests to "compare and contrast" the DAQ's features with the Shield Base module produced by Secret Labs. You can find the comparison sheet here and we hope that it clarifies any confusion that may have existed between the two products.


#30501 NwaZet Classes Require a .PE file?

Posted by Fabien Royer on 11 June 2012 - 12:51 AM in Netduino Go

Hi Billy, I just saw your post and updated the repository accordingly. Download the latest and you'll have everything you need. Sorry about that. Cheers, -Fabien.

#27829 Netduino Starter Kit - What's in the box?

Posted by Fabien Royer on 21 April 2012 - 05:19 PM in Netduino Go

Posted Image Nice!

#26799 Netduino GO! Touchscreen and Relay modules

Posted by Fabien Royer on 09 April 2012 - 06:22 PM in Netduino Go

Hi all,

It appears that many folks in the Netduino community aren't aware that [nwazet is producing GO! modules :)

First, we have created a cool touchscreen module, making it super easy to build user interfaces and display images with your Netduino GO!

Posted Image

Them we also built a Relay module, capable of switching big loads up to 16 Amps:

Posted Image

Even though we are just starting out in the Open Source / Open Hardware business, we're super-excited about the potential of the Netduino GO! and we are fully committed to the Netduino community (just ask Chris Walker and Stefan ;-)). We'll continue contributing modules, tutorials, source code and designs as we have been doing it for over a year now.

-Fabien & Bertrand.

#26826 Netduino GO! Touchscreen and Relay modules

Posted by Fabien Royer on 10 April 2012 - 02:20 AM in Netduino Go

Please following this simple procedure to assemble your display.

You should try out the test application coming with the display, otherwise it won't do much by itself ;-)
This application will not change even after Secret Labs releases the Netduino GO! SDK.


#26872 Netduino GO! Touchscreen and Relay modules

Posted by Fabien Royer on 10 April 2012 - 03:50 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Russell,

Hey Fabien, quick question, are the touch screens supposed to come with a stylus?

We're not bundling a stylus with the touchscreen to keep cost down as much as possible: we figured that most people would already have a left-over Nintendo DS stylus or similar solution ;-) But we could carry styli as an option on the site.

Thanks for bringing this up!


#26814 Netduino GO! Touchscreen and Relay modules

Posted by Fabien Royer on 09 April 2012 - 11:29 PM in Netduino Go

Yup! I'm working on a simple 3-step tutorial right now :)

#26809 Netduino GO! Touchscreen and Relay modules

Posted by Fabien Royer on 09 April 2012 - 09:38 PM in Netduino Go

Awesome! Posted Image

#30318 Netduino Go! Serial Communication issue with 4.2 RC5

Posted by Fabien Royer on 06 June 2012 - 06:12 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Stan, I wanted to let you know that dropping the speed down to 57.6 kbps made the XBee communication completely stable. This makes me wonder why Digi even bothers advertising that 115.2 kbps is supported when it's really not working well at all... Live and learn I guess ;) Cheers, -Fabien.

#30061 Netduino Go! Serial Communication issue with 4.2 RC5

Posted by Fabien Royer on 31 May 2012 - 11:48 PM in Netduino Go


I'm noticing that bytes get randomly dropped when using interrupt-driven serial communication on .Net MF 4.2 RC5 (Netduino Go!)

Here's how the port is being initialized.

        public void Initialize(string port = "COM1", int baudRate = 115200, Parity parity = Parity.None, int dataBits = 8, StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One, int bufferSize = 1024) {
            Incoming = new byte[bufferSize];
            Uart = new SerialPort(port, baudRate, parity, dataBits, stopBits);
            Uart.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler);
            IncomingIndex = 0;

The content of the interrupt handler is not important: it gets/stores data one byte at a time, checks that each frame is well formed, has the correct length and passes the payload for processing if everything is OK.

The structure of a frame is: <frame start byte><total frame length><payload><frame stop byte>
The frame length is generally less than 25 bytes.
Based on what I've seen, It seems that the first byte of <payload> is getting dropped every once in a while.
This occurs even when throttling the data throughput with an 'ack' / 'nack' after each frame.

The code sending the data frame is as follows (the offset is always 0).

        protected byte[] FrameStart = new byte[] { 0x7e, 0x00 };
        protected byte[] FrameStop = new byte[] { 0x7e };
        protected byte[] Ack = new byte[] { 0xaa };
        protected byte[] Nack = new byte[] { 0xff };

        public void Send(byte[] data, int offset, byte count){
            FrameStart[1] = (byte)(count + FrameStart.Length + FrameStop.Length);
            Uart.Write(FrameStart, 0, FrameStart.Length);
            Uart.Write(data, offset, count);
            Uart.Write(FrameStop, 0, FrameStop.Length);

Any insight would be appreciated.


PS: every so often, I get kicked out of the debugger while tracing through the data receiver's code.

Firmware info:

HalSystemInfo.halVendorInfo: Netduino Go (v4.2.0.0 RC5) by Secret Labs LLC
HalSystemInfo.oemCode: 34
HalSystemInfo.modelCode: 177
HalSystemInfo.skuCode: 4099
HalSystemInfo.moduleSerialNumber: 00000000000000000000000000000000
HalSystemInfo.systemSerialNumber: 0000000000000000
ClrInfo.clrVendorInfo: Netduino Go (v4.2.0.0 RC5) by Secret Labs LLC
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: Netduino Go (v4.2.0.0 RC5) by Secret Labs LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate: Mar 22 2012
SoftwareVersion.CompilerVersion: 410894
FloatingPoint: True
SourceLevelDebugging: True
ThreadCreateEx: True
LCD.Width: 0
LCD.Height: 0
LCD.BitsPerPixel: 0
AppDomains: True
ExceptionFilters: True
IncrementalDeployment: True
SoftReboot: True
Profiling: False
ProfilingAllocations: False
ProfilingCalls: False
IsUnknown: False

#30067 Netduino Go! Serial Communication issue with 4.2 RC5

Posted by Fabien Royer on 01 June 2012 - 04:38 AM in Netduino Go

Hi Chris,

We're using UART extensively and haven't seen this, so I'm wondering if it's a buffer-related issue with certain size data...

How are you using the UART specifically (polling or interrupts?)?
COM1 or COM2?
Also, the issue doesn't appear to be related to a specific buffer boundary.

What are your thoughts on the debugger 'hanging up' issue?

In my demo, the communication is going over XBee between two Netduino Go! boards.
I'm going to be investigating this thoroughly after Maker Faire this weekend and will have a repro at some point next week but in the meantime, any specific information regarding your own COM port usage would be appreciated.


#30091 Netduino Go! Serial Communication issue with 4.2 RC5

Posted by Fabien Royer on 01 June 2012 - 03:55 PM in Netduino Go

Thanks Chris :) Done!

#30078 Netduino Go! Serial Communication issue with 4.2 RC5

Posted by Fabien Royer on 01 June 2012 - 07:22 AM in Netduino Go

Hi Stan, Thanks for the pointer to this article :) I had heard this mentioned before but I had never experienced this unreliability so consistently until today. I'll experiment with lower speeds tomorrow and will report on my finding. This is unfortunate because I need all the speed I can get for an interactive Go! demo at Seattle Maker Faire this weekend. Thanks, Cheers, -Fabien.

#30320 Netduino Go! Serial Communication issue with 4.2 RC5

Posted by Fabien Royer on 06 June 2012 - 06:36 PM in Netduino Go

Yeah, I saw that... Pretty impressive test rig. I guess they omitted that specific test case though ;)

#26741 Netduino GO! Hacking – Breaking out sockets

Posted by Fabien Royer on 08 April 2012 - 07:22 PM in Netduino Go


I just wrote a quick post on prototyping with the Netduino GO! starting with a simple method of breaking out the IDC 10-pin sockets:


#33843 Netduino GO Power Question

Posted by Fabien Royer on 17 August 2012 - 07:32 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Pete,

Does power have to come in through the USB port (even with a battery->USB adapter) or is it possible to have a power module with a GO socket. Basically want to know if the +5v and +3v3 pins are one-way or if you can power the whole board and its modules through one of them.

I know that it's a 'frowned upon' practice by Chris but I do it all the time during module development: it prevents issues with the SWD / SWIM debug interface caused by the Netduino Go! recycling the power to the module every time it starts. If you use a well regulated supply at the same power levels as expected by the Go! main board, it works without damaging the board.

Just my 2 cents :)

#35627 Netduino + Bluetooth

Posted by Fabien Royer on 20 September 2012 - 06:54 PM in Netduino Go

Hi Remor,

The Nwazet DAQ module works very well with FTDI based adapters and should do very well with the MDFLY Bluetooth module.
As a matter of fact, expect a demo dedicated to wireless serial communications in the very near future... Posted Image


#35561 Love Electronics pH and Temperature module

Posted by Fabien Royer on 20 September 2012 - 01:34 AM in Netduino Go

Hi Paulo,

You could connect any pH probe using I2C, serial or analog data to the Nwazet DAQ module.
I would not recommend bit-banging I2C data if you care about reliability, especially when dealing with sensors using 400 kHz frequencies Posted Image

As an alternative, check out this excellent pH interface project: http://www.sparkyswi...HInterface.aspx


#33980 Lightweight JSON parser

Posted by Fabien Royer on 21 August 2012 - 03:13 AM in Project Showcase

Hi Alex, No updates: my focus is entirely on Go! module development at the moment. Contributions are welcome though ;) Cheers, -Fabien.

#29050 Lightweight JSON parser

Posted by Fabien Royer on 14 May 2012 - 09:18 PM in Project Showcase

Hi Hussnain, That parser code is broken and I have yet to fix it... Sorry. Please take a look at one of the previous versions checked in the repository for a version that is known to work within some limitations. I made a note of this on the project documentation page. Cheers, -Fabien.

#32922 Komodex's Seven Segment Display Module running on a Netduino Plus!!

Posted by Fabien Royer on 31 July 2012 - 12:15 AM in Project Showcase

Nice work Steve :) Cheers, -Fabien.

#29488 Information on Nwazet Display Go! module

Posted by Fabien Royer on 21 May 2012 - 04:33 PM in Netduino Go

The time for a hardware update will happen when we have exhausted our existing stock and at the moment, I have no idea when that's going to happen. As far as doing it yourself goes: I would not recommend modifying the touch display board unless you really know what you're doing.

#27026 Information on Nwazet Display Go! module

Posted by Fabien Royer on 12 April 2012 - 06:19 AM in Netduino Go

Yup :) I indicated that in the source code. This is a fact of life with touchscreens but only needs to be done (correctly) once. Cheers. -Fabien. PS: please note that calibration is only needed when using the touchscreen. It's not required if you only want to write to the display.

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