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#61909 Searching issue...??

Posted by ncsteinb on 20 March 2015 - 03:11 AM in General Discussion

I'm trying to find threads about I2C, but whenever I search "I2C", I get no hits.... What's going on here? Or what am I doing wrong?

#60308 How do I properly use PWM?

Posted by ncsteinb on 30 September 2014 - 10:55 PM in Netduino Mini



I'm trying to use a PWM output to drive a solid state relay. The output turns the fan on, but does not seem to control the speed or ever turn off... 


What am I doing wrong? I've got a fresh out-of-the-box Netduino Mini.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoMini;

//R0.0 - Base Project (Nevin Steinbrink 7/25/2014)
//R0.1 - Added PWM motor control functionality (Nevin Steinbrink 8/2/2014)
//R0.2 - Added third Program Select input, changed Status Pointer configuration (Nevin Steinbrink 9/21/2014)
//R0.3 - Debug (Nevin Steinbrink 9/27/2014)

namespace NetduinoMiniApplication1
    public class ICE_Box
        public static int StatusPointer; //Used for Status LED flash pattern

        public static void Main()
            Thread a = new Thread(Status); //Thread for Status LED control
            Thread b = new Thread(BlowerControl); //Thread for Blower Motor control

            while (true)

        static void BlowerControl()
            InputPort StartButton = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_5, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); //Start button input
            InputPort PS_1 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_6, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); //Program select 1 input, 1 Liter
            InputPort PS_2 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_7, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); //Program select 2 input, 3 Liter
            InputPort PS_3 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_8, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp); //Program select 3 input, 5 Liter

            SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.PWM BlowerOutput = new PWM(Pins.GPIO_PIN_17); //PWM output for blower relay

            bool PS_1State = true; //Program select 1, initialize as HIGH
            bool PS_2State = true; //Program select 2, initialize as HIGH
            bool PS_3State = true; //Program select 3, initialize as HIGH
            bool StartButtonState = true; //Start button, initialize as LOW
            bool StartLatch = false;
            bool BlowerRunning = false;

            int RunTime = 0; //Blower ON time in ms
            int PWMDutyCycle = 0; //In percent, initialize at 0%

            uint PWMFreq = 400; //In Hz <-- Adjust this value
            uint PWMPeriod;
            uint PWMPulseWidth; //In microseconds

            PWMPeriod = 2500; //((1 / PWMFreq) * 1000000); //In microseconds
            StatusPointer = 1; //Ready LED indication

            while (true)
                PS_1State = PS_1.Read(); //Read state of Program Select switch 
                PS_2State = PS_2.Read(); //Read state of Program Select switch
                PS_3State = PS_3.Read(); //Read state of Program Select switch
                StartButtonState = StartButton.Read(); //Read state of Start button 

                if (StartButtonState == false) //Check if Start button is pressed
                    StartLatch = true; //Start button debounce

                if (PS_1State == false) //Check which program is selected, Program 1 selected
                    RunTime = 5000; //Blower ON for 5 seconds
                    PWMDutyCycle = 10; //Blower at 50% power

                if (PS_2State == false) //Check which program is selected, Program 2 selected
                    RunTime = 8000; //Blower ON for 8 seconds
                    PWMDutyCycle = 30; //Blower at 90% power

                if (PS_3State == false) //Check which program is selected, Program 3 selected
                    RunTime = 10000; //Blower ON for 10 seconds
                    PWMDutyCycle = 100; //Blower at 90% power

                if (PS_1State & PS_2State & PS_3State == false | PS_1State & PS_2State & PS_3State == true)
                    StatusPointer = 4;

                while (StartLatch == true & BlowerRunning == false) //Check if OK to start and blower is currently OFF
                    PWMPulseWidth = 250; //(uint)(PWMPeriod * (PWMDutyCycle / 100));
                    BlowerRunning = true; //Prevents re-entering while loop
                    StatusPointer = 2; //Changes LED indication to 'in operation'
                    BlowerOutput.SetPulse(PWMPeriod, PWMPulseWidth); //Turn on Blower at set PWM
                    Thread.Sleep(RunTime); //For this long
                    BlowerOutput.SetPulse(0, 0); //Turn off Blower
                    StartLatch = false; //Reset StartLatch
                    BlowerRunning = false; //Reset BlowerRunning
                    StatusPointer = 3; //Changes LED indication to 'completed'

I've commented out some stuff to help debug, but no help. 




#60171 Unhandled exception error

Posted by ncsteinb on 21 September 2014 - 05:44 PM in Netduino Mini

Figured it out. I guess Netduino Mini only supports Port.ResistorMode.Disabled and Port.ResistorMode.PullUp ...


Time to rewire some stuff....



#60170 Unhandled exception error

Posted by ncsteinb on 21 September 2014 - 04:40 PM in Netduino Mini

Hello all!


I'm having a (seemingly peculiar) error when deploying some code to my Netduino Mini. I just received the Mini, dumped a simple Blink program on it to verify it works, and then tried to dump the following code onto the Mini. 


The error I am getting is "An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll" Occuring on Line:33 


I have tried changing the Input pin, but same issue. Currently running .NETMF 4.1 as my current program framework. Any ideas?

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoMini;

//R0.0 - Base Project (Nevin Steinbrink 7/25/2014)
//R0.1 - Added PWM motor control functionality (Nevin Steinbrink 8/2/2014)
//R0.2 - Added third Program Select input, changed Status Pointer configuration (Nevin Steinbrink 9/21/2014)

namespace NetduinoMiniApplication1
    public class ICE_Box
        public static int StatusPointer; //Used for Status LED flash pattern

        public static void Main()
            Thread a = new Thread(Status); //Thread for Status LED control
            Thread b = new Thread(BlowerControl); //Thread for Blower Motor control

            while (true)

        static void BlowerControl()
            InputPort StartButton = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_13, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullDown); //Start button input
            InputPort PS_1 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_6, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullDown); //Program select 1 input, 1 Liter
            InputPort PS_2 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_7, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullDown); //Program select 2 input, 3 Liter
            InputPort PS_3 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_8, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullDown); //Program select 3 input, 5 Liter

            PWM BlowerOutput = new PWM(Pins.GPIO_PIN_17); //PWM output for blower relay

            bool PS_1State = false; //Program select 1, initialize as LOW
            bool PS_2State = false; //Program select 2, initialize as LOW
            bool PS_3State = false; //Program select 3, initialize as LOW
            bool StartButtonState = false; //Start button, initialize as LOW
            bool StartLatch = false;
            bool BlowerRunning = false;

            int RunTime = 0; //Blower ON time in ms
            int PWMDutyCycle = 0; //In percent, initialize at 0%

            uint PWMFreq = 400; //In Hz <-- Adjust this value
            uint PWMPeriod;
            uint PWMPulseWidth; //In microseconds

            PWMPeriod = ((1 / PWMFreq) / 1000000); //In microseconds

            while (true)
                StatusPointer = 1; //Ready LED indication
                PS_1State = PS_1.Read(); //Read state of Program Select switch 
                PS_2State = PS_2.Read(); //Read state of Program Select switch
                StartButtonState = StartButton.Read(); //Read state of Start button 

                if (StartButtonState == true) //Check if Start button is pressed
                    StartLatch = true; //Start button debounce

                if (PS_1State == true) //Check which program is selected, Program 1 selected
                    RunTime = 5000; //Blower ON for 5 seconds
                    PWMDutyCycle = 50; //Blower at 50% power

                if (PS_2State == true) //Check which program is selected, Program 2 selected
                    RunTime = 8000; //Blower ON for 8 seconds
                    PWMDutyCycle = 90; //Blower at 90% power

                if (PS_3State == true) //Check which program is selected, Program 3 selected
                    RunTime = 10000; //Blower ON for 10 seconds
                    PWMDutyCycle = 90; //Blower at 90% power

                while (StartLatch == true & BlowerRunning == false) //Check if OK to start and blower is currently OFF
                    PWMPulseWidth = (uint)(PWMPeriod * (PWMDutyCycle / 100));
                    BlowerRunning = true; //Prevents re-entering while loop
                    StatusPointer = 2; //Changes LED indication to 'in operation'
                    BlowerOutput.SetPulse(PWMPeriod, PWMPulseWidth); //Turn on Blower at set PWM
                    Thread.Sleep(RunTime); //For this long
                    StartLatch = false; //Reset StartLatch
                    BlowerRunning = false; //Reset BlowerRunning
                    StatusPointer = 3; //Changes LED indication to 'completed'

        static void Status()
            OutputPort StatusLED = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_9, true);

            while (true)
                if (StatusPointer == 1) //LED indication 'Ready'

                if (StatusPointer == 2) //LED indication 'In Operation'

                if (StatusPointer == 3) //LED indication 'Completed'

                if (StatusPointer == 4) //LED indication 'Error'

Thanks for the help in advance!


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