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There have been 2 items by Ionut (Search limited from 10-June 23)

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#37481 Tennis Sonar

Posted by Ionut on 20 October 2012 - 09:59 PM in Project Showcase

I am intersted in capturing only the last part of ball's movement and the hit. Due to the fact that I will use the device only during training, I will be alowed to put some equipment near the court. The speed of the ball is high and I think that for using optical you need a lot of light. After reading the sensors' specs, I think that the most important issues are: 1) Filtering the detected objects; 2) Synchronizing the sensors; I can't put anything on the ball but I can have the player wearing some tags/sensors.

#37412 Tennis Sonar

Posted by Ionut on 19 October 2012 - 06:26 AM in Project Showcase

Hi there, I have no experience to work with products like Netduino. However, I work as programmer (.Net) for many years. After finding out about Netduino, I want to find out if the following scenario may be implemented. Can you help me with an answer? In tennis, striking the ball at the right time and in the right position is a crucial task. I would like to develop a system that will track both the ball position and the player position and will start making a noise when the striking position is optimal. I intend to use for this a Netduino motherboard and a bunch of sonar-based sensors.

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