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#36779 Control 4 10-segment bar graphs with one netduino

Posted by Jaksi on 08 October 2012 - 04:16 PM in General Discussion

Hi! I'm able to control 1 10-segment bar graph with my netduino, but I need to control 4 of them in my current project, and there not enough pins on the device. Is it possible to somehow control the bar graphs with less pins than the number of LED's it has? I don't want to control each LED individually, just set a level from 0 (no LED's on) to 10 (all LED's on), and this value could be represented on 4 bits: no LED's are on: 0000 one LED is on: 0001 two are on: 0010 ... all of them (10) are on: 1010 Is it possible to make this work somehow?

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