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#3947 Understanding the build output sizes

Posted by g.d.carter on 17 October 2010 - 02:38 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

So what values should I be looking at in this output to determine where I'm at.

The very first number that it outputs:
Total: (11024 RAM - 91748 ROM - 50406 METADATA)

This would lead me to believe that I am over the 48KB of ROM data? But I assume this includes some of the assemblies. Is there a FAQ or a wiki that will help me understand this output?

#3954 Understanding the build output sizes

Posted by g.d.carter on 17 October 2010 - 06:06 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I assume this is the line I am looking for:

Deploying assemblies for a total size of 3304 bytes

This is in the Output window under the output from Micro Framework Device Deployment.

#3940 Understanding the build output sizes

Posted by g.d.carter on 17 October 2010 - 04:02 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

When I compile my project I get the message:

Total: (11024 RAM - 91748 ROM - 50406 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =      100 bytes (      25 elements)

   TypeRef        =      904 bytes (     226 elements)

   FieldRef       =       64 bytes (      16 elements)

   MethodRef      =     1224 bytes (     306 elements)

   TypeDef        =     2688 bytes (     336 elements)

   FieldDef       =     1060 bytes (     524 elements)

   MethodDef      =     3352 bytes (    1671 elements)

   DebuggingInfo  =     1688 bytes

   Attributes      =       48 bytes (       6 elements)

   TypeSpec        =       28 bytes (       7 elements)

   Resources Files =       72 bytes (       3 elements)

   Resources       =      304 bytes (      38 elements)

   Resources Data  =     1184 bytes

   Strings         =     8232 bytes

   Signatures      =     6654 bytes

   ByteCode        =    30015 bytes

Does this include the firmware, or is that separate? Does someone know exactly how much RAM/ROM we have to work with and what values I should look at in here to see if I am getting close?

#3939 Simple Netduino Webserver

Posted by g.d.carter on 17 October 2010 - 03:57 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Here is the code I ended up implementing for this.

The main function that was supplied by Hari that I modified.
        private static string ProcessRequest(string receivedStr)
            //-- Parse the first line of the request: "GET /led/1 HTTP/1.1\r" --
            string firstLine = receivedStr.Substring(0, receivedStr.IndexOf('\n'));
            string sReturn = "Command executed at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            string[] words = firstLine.Split(' ');
            string[] parts = words[1].Split('/');
            string cmd = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : "";
            string param1 = parts.Length > 2 ? parts[2] : "";
            string param2 = parts.Length > 3 ? parts[3] : "";
            bool bValue;

            bValue = param2 == "1" ? true : false;

            //-- Add more commands and param handling here --
            switch (cmd)
                case "led13":
                    sReturn = ProcessOutputPort(led13, param1 ,ref bValue);
                case "led12":
                    sReturn = ProcessOutputPort(led12, param1,ref bValue);
                case "in0":
                    sReturn = ProcessInputPort(in0, param1,ref bValue);
                case "in1":
                    sReturn = ProcessInputPort(in1, param1,ref bValue);
                    sReturn = "Unknown Command at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            //-- Optional string to return to caller --
            return sReturn;

The code to process InputPorts

        private static string ProcessInputPort(InputPort inport, string sAction,ref Boolean bValue )
            string sreturn;
            switch (sAction)
                case "state":
                    bValue = inport.Read();
                    sreturn = "Port is " + (bValue ? "On" : "Off");
                    sreturn = "Unknown Parameter at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            return sreturn;

And the code for the output ports
        private static string ProcessOutputPort(OutputPort outport, string sAction,ref Boolean bValue)
            string sreturn;
            switch (sAction)
                case "state":
                    bValue = outport.Read();
                    sreturn = "Port is " + (bValue ? "On" : "Off");
                case "set":
                    sreturn = "Port set to " + (bValue ? "On" : "Off");
                    sreturn = "Unknown Parameter at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            return sreturn;

Now I just need to make the changes to do something instead of just write back to the browser that I determined something.

#3938 Simple Netduino Webserver

Posted by g.d.carter on 17 October 2010 - 03:11 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Yacko,

Welcome to the Netduino community.

One quick could create a collection of your InputPorts/OutputPorts along with a set of string identifiers...and then evaluate your input against that collection.


I had thought about that but I was having problems mixing inputport and outputport types in one collection and being able to use them in the same collection.

#3935 Simple Netduino Webserver

Posted by g.d.carter on 17 October 2010 - 01:02 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

First I do love this code, although I would like to switch it to an interrupt based web server, but I'll get to that later. For learning how to use a simple web server this was a great example. I am trying to make a change to grab or change the value of an IO port based on the 3 values. I could write this with a ton of code and many objects but I'm sure there is a better way to do this I hope someone can point out.

Here are my static ports.

        static OutputPort led13 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D13, false);
        static OutputPort led12 = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D12, false);
        static InputPort in0 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
        static InputPort in1 = new InputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);

Here is a rough copy of the ProcessRequest function that I have been working on.

        private static string ProcessRequest(string receivedStr)
            //-- Parse the first line of the request: "GET /led/1 HTTP/1.1\r" --
            string firstLine = receivedStr.Substring(0, receivedStr.IndexOf('\n'));
            string sReturn = "Command executed at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            string[] words = firstLine.Split(' ');
            string[] parts = words[1].Split('/');
            string cmd = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : "";
            string param1 = parts.Length > 2 ? parts[2] : "";
            string param2 = parts.Length > 3 ? parts[3] : "";
            object selport;

            //-- Add more commands and param handling here --
            switch (cmd)
                case "led13":
                    selport = (OutputPort) led13;
                case "led12":
                    selport = (OutputPort)led12;
                case "in0":
                    selport = (InputPort) in0;
                case "in1":
                    selport = (InputPort)in1;
                    sReturn = "Unknown Command at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            if (selport != null)
                switch (param1)
                    case "state":
                        if (selport.Read())
                            sReturn = "Led is On at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                            sReturn = "Led is Off at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                    case "set":
                        if (typeof(selport) == typeof(InputPort))
                            selport.Write(param2 == "1");
                        sReturn = "Unknown Parameter at " + DateTime.Now.ToString();


            //-- Optional string to return to caller --
            return sReturn;

Is there an easier way to do this with mixed Input and Output ports?

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