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Gus Issa's Content

There have been 7 items by Gus Issa (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#70889 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 11 July 2017 - 10:02 AM in General Discussion

Of course this can be done. We even mentioned netduino 1 in the video. You should watch it :)

#71140 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 19 July 2017 - 11:19 AM in General Discussion

Correct, this is just an inital port with only basics available for now. However, you can definitely add Ethernet if you are up for a challenge.

#70779 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 08 July 2017 - 10:54 PM in General Discussion

Yes we can surely do that.

#70775 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 08 July 2017 - 08:36 PM in General Discussion

Here is a driver for you to try

#70745 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 08 July 2017 - 11:51 AM in General Discussion

You did everything correctly but for whatever reason your PC did not load the drivers as it should have! TinyCLR OS should work without drivers but windows is being goofy on some machines. We are currently investigating this as we have seen this form other users as well.

#70767 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 08 July 2017 - 03:42 PM in General Discussion

We can change the LED behavior to whatever we like. How it worked before in NETMF is not related ot how it is today with TinyCLR OS.


By the way, someone made this video with a blinking LED on netduino3

#70670 netduino3 now works with VS2017

Posted by Gus Issa on 07 July 2017 - 03:33 PM in General Discussion

This is a crosspost from our our announcement https://www.ghielect.../topic?id=24580. We hope you will find this useful.


A TinyCLR OS outbreak is heading your way!

Starting today, TinyCLR OS is going to start infecting a lot of hardware you already own and other hardware around the world. Today's Tech Talk is all about that and we cover some questions below as well.

What is TinyCLR OS?
It is a modern operating system that runs .NET programs on your embedded devices. Take a look at the docs to see what's changed and what's coming!

How do I use TinyCLR OS?
Get the latest Visual Studio 2017, install the TinyCLR OS extension (it's less than 1MB!) and now you can load and debug programs on your hardware with just a USB cable. Get going today!

Which hardware does TinyCLR OS support?
TinyCLR OS is easily portable. We have put all the complex interpreter work into a single library that we manage. Then this library uses some peripheral drivers to run on specific hardware. We are starting with example ports for G30, G80, FEZ, BrainPad, FEZ Cerberus, STM32F411-DISCO, STM32F407G-DISCO, netduino 3, and Quail. Yes, you heard that right, netduino 3 and Quail boards now work with Visual Studio 2017 and TinyCLR! And this is just a starting point. We are already working on many other boards.

How do I help?
Everything you need is on the TinyCLR GitHub. You can start helping out today. The current supported devices still need work.

What tools do I need to port TinyCLR OS?
Nothing but free tools: Visual Studio 2017 Community and GCC. Just follow the porting instructions. These are the same tools we use internally so you will get the exact same results.

Where is the TinyCLR OS support for G120 and G400?
They'll be back in the next release.

Is there RLP/Native code in TinyCLR?
Yes! Even better: you can add your own native interops! You can extend TinyCLR anyway you like, just like we do.
See the docs to get started.

Who has used TinyCLR OS?
We have been working close with many commercial users and community members. In fact, we hope to see videos showing community members with TinyCLR OS running on their hardware.

Do I see a new documentation system?
Yes! We are excited about moving all our documentation to GitHub and DocFX. It is in progress still, so please be patient and feel free to contribute.

What is FEZ?
It is the official reference board for TinyCLR OS. More on this later!

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