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Michel Trahan's Content

There have been 155 items by Michel Trahan (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#11528 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Michel Trahan on 31 March 2011 - 05:36 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

It made me think ... could it be used to connect multiple netduinos and perform heartbeat check on each other for redundancy ? Mike.

#12579 Driverless PC<->Netduino communication using USB

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 12:52 PM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

You can also erase your Netduino using the erase pad...and then redeploy the bootloader using Atmel SAM-BA and the firmware using MFDeploy...all using USB.

Great News everyone, Terry Massey found a new way to get out of this mess. FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE TO THE LETTER :

Prepare everything since time is of the essence.

1- Have your netduino with the mini usb connected to it but not to the computer (leave the usb connection near the ports)
2- Start MFDeploy.exe, select USB as the transport (the combobox will be empty, and that is ok)
3- Put the mouse over the "erase" button on MFDeploy.exe

Once you are ready do this :

1- Press and hold the push button on the netduino for the whole procedure (leave it pushed at all times)
2- Plug the USB to the computer
3- You should see the combobox in MFDeploy.exe contain your usb port
4- Press as fast as you can the "erase" button on MFDeploy.exe
5- You can now release the push button on the netduino

If it worked, you should get a message asking if you are sure you want to erase the software on the netduino. This will only delete de software, not the bootloader :)

You can now deploy some other application while waiting for you RS232 shield and try the HID again :)


#11527 Quad.Net Quadrocopter for .NETMF

Posted by Michel Trahan on 31 March 2011 - 05:20 PM in Project Showcase

Where is the code ? How do we get access to it ? I like the plug and play framework philosophy and want to build a netduino quadcopter with kalman filters for stability ... I want to contribute too but you guys are way ahead of me ... I just started !

So how can I get the code ?

#21745 My Netduino CNC Machine

Posted by Michel Trahan on 16 December 2011 - 01:04 AM in Project Showcase

I actually ended up writing a craplet to spit out some g code to do what I needed (drill a hole every .5 inches along the x and y axis in a 12"x12" board.

I was learning AUTOCAD 2012 and switch to INVENTOR 2012, and doing what you need takes about 3 minutes ... you should look into it !

#21728 My Netduino CNC Machine

Posted by Michel Trahan on 15 December 2011 - 04:50 PM in Project Showcase

I so want one of these! I wish I had a garage! :D


Join the club ;) lol

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