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There have been 155 items by Michel Trahan (Search limited from 26-June 23)

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#12585 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:47 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

It got me thinking ... We should have an application that is PC based, that talks to a netduino through IP. The PC version would display the difference (3 columns, one for the selected function PC result, one for the Netduino result and one for the differences) for input many values for a selected function (have a combobox with all the available function) (2 more columns for the time it took ?) The PC application would poll the netduino for a series of results from a given function and a given series of input values, and then display them on screen. This would allow to show the valid ranges of some functions (we do that in physics) and the cost of using them (FFT you need something fast no ?). It would also allow the library coders see the results of their implementation on the spot :) Web server on the netduino plus, PC app that talks to the netduino server showing columns (I need to learn how to do all that lol) It would be a great application for anyone that wants to use the netduino for science ... they would know right there and then what would be the cost and errors induced by using the netduino. I vote for this as a tutorial :) Anyone interested ?

#12623 Double prescision math lib?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 11:18 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

I will have to see if I can get a build cooked up for you. Which Netduino do you have?

Normal Netduino for me ! Will need the Netduino plus to test it live with the webserver app that Mario put on the forums that I need to modify for this purpose :) (Thanks Mario)

#12483 Best way to convert string to number

Posted by Michel Trahan on 25 April 2011 - 03:28 PM in Visual Studio

using System; ActualReading = Convert.ToUInt16(sActualReading);

#11521 Recommend a scope or PC card for working with Netduino?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 31 March 2011 - 01:11 PM in General Discussion

Hesitating between these two : Saleae or DSO 2090 USB PC USB Oscilloscope 40MHz 100MSa/s 2CH Picoscope are way out of my budget (which is between 150 and 250, tax and shipping included)

#13234 PanAndTilt

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 May 2011 - 02:55 PM in Project Showcase

I thought we should never connect motors directly to the netduinos because of spikes ... just a thought !

#13238 PanAndTilt

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 May 2011 - 04:20 PM in Project Showcase

Thanks Michel for the heads-up.

No thanks needed, I'm much of a newbie too so ... just saw the diagram and got shivers ... lol

#12580 High Speed Photography

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:20 PM in General Discussion

Did you remember the "ancient" PC-XT @ 4.77MHz, with 640K ram???

Hey, I bought a co-processor for one of those to make my galaxy creation simulation work in a week instead of a month :)

However, there are many friends that don't know how to build even a simple circuit with a 555.

I'll have to learn about those :)

Secondly, perhaps they are attracted by this board and would build a very simple application.

Yeap, that is me, simply learning .net in an interesting way (.net in all forms, normal, phone and MF, cool and having fun)

Thirdly, such a context is very useful because it shows clearly some lacks of a Netduino/MF board.

This is the goal of this experiment. Find out what works and what is missing, all for the ease of programming whatever we get our hands on :)

I'm looking at a 3D Printer right now and it is because I played with a netduino that I might have on in a few months :)

It is not a problem of our lack of knowledge about what to use when ... it is a question of finding out how we can adapt our tools to help even more :)

I Love This Community (ILTC)

#12268 High Speed Photography

Posted by Michel Trahan on 20 April 2011 - 04:25 AM in General Discussion

30fps is about 33ms ... do you have access to the ccd through i2c or serial ? what is the throuhgput available from the netduino compatible camera ? links please :)

#13204 Analog input varying too much on temp sensor (LM335A)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 13 May 2011 - 12:24 AM in General Discussion

Please note that the analog-digital converter on the Netduino is 10-bit, but it is not uncommon to lose 1- or 2-bits of accuracy with integrated microcontroller ADCs (for a variance of 2-4 on the 0-1023 scale).

I have been trying to get stable data from a LM335A Temperature sensor and I do get a variation of 3 to 4 out of 1023. You say this is normal ? When I look at the oscilloscope data, it is quite stable (better using 10 pF capacitor) but still a variance of 3 to 4 ... you say this is normal ? The variation on the oscilloscope is does not even equate 2 out of 1023 so why more variance ?

A variance of 3 would make sense since the LM335A Temperature sensor is 1C accuracy which equates to 3 out of 1023, therefore a variance of 3 would be exactly the accuracy of the sensor. Am I making sense here ? But the oscilloscope seems to be more stable than what the Analog pin gives out ... why would that be ? The voltage to be read is more stable than the values obtained by the analog pin reading ... why ?

I use 3.3V with a 300 Ohm resistor and a 10 pF capacitor.

I did see that I have 3.250 instead of 3.3 when I put the oscilloscope on the power thread on the breadboard ... why I do not know ... shouldn't be 3.3 ? (was using USB power)

#12696 Any help on a ParallelIn SerialOut Bitshifter?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 04:02 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi Stefan, I looked at your code for bitshifter ... cool :) How can we integrate it with microliquidcrystal lcd class ? It is a question of integrating a new transport but I don't know how to do that lol And did I see correctly, you re-read all pins for each pin status read ? wonder why ! Keep the good work ! Check this link : http://geekswithblog...id_crystal.aspx A sample with connections and code would be cool ! Mike.

#12707 Any help on a ParallelIn SerialOut Bitshifter?

Posted by Michel Trahan on 30 April 2011 - 09:07 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Remember I gave you that link in chat once? :D

LoL me and my short term memory ...

#13169 Netduino/Android - is it possible

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 May 2011 - 12:38 PM in General Discussion

Thanks, I'll look into it :)

#13149 Netduino/Android - is it possible

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 May 2011 - 12:37 AM in General Discussion

You can already use your Windows Phone to control a Netduino Plus-based accessory via WiFi.

Can you point at code 'cause I would like to know how to do just that :) Please ? I know, off topic since mainly phone Wifi coding ... but a link would be very much appreciated :)

#12335 Making the Netduino a little bit closer to a RTOS device

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 11:21 AM in General Discussion

calls to native methods are blocking, so the execution engine has to wait until the native method finishes.

That made me think about how we used to do sampling of brainwaves for consciousness detection under anaesthesia. First capture data and nothing else, then massage it (cumulate to get base wave, filter the 60hz that is everywhere, etc...). Since it is blocking, does it gives you full access to the mcu ? for only one process : capture data. That would be perfect.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, native code would allow you to stop everything else (gc included?) to capture clean data (maximum time allowed ?) and then back to managed code for ease of programming and analysis. I want one :)

you could load FreeRTOS on your Netduino...

That would be an interesting tutorial for advanced users :) and what is the language used in FreeRTOS ?
I'll check, thanks for posting :)

#12336 MotorShield driver

Posted by Michel Trahan on 21 April 2011 - 11:36 AM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Hi Guys and Girls,

Girls ? Where ?

Currently I have a successful Netduino driver for this shield: Arduino Motor Shield (L298N).

Cool, I'll want one when budget will allow :) I know it is a stupid question with you since you will ... but can you add it to the sandbox wiki ?

MotorShield.SetState(Motors.Motor1, Directions.Backward, 100);
MotorShield.SetState(Motors.Motor2, Directions.Forward, 50);

I vote for this one, you can easily read the purpose of the code :)

that could be quite some overhead on code memory.

I vote for not adding all those overloads ... no overlords please :) (pun intended)

#13148 Little Tutorial on the NetduinoMini and XBee Connections

Posted by Michel Trahan on 12 May 2011 - 12:30 AM in Netduino Mini

Thanks :)

#12465 Speaker class and Netduino Keyboard

Posted by Michel Trahan on 24 April 2011 - 02:51 PM in Project Showcase

You have cool friends :)

#12582 Happy Birthday boobytrap

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:32 PM in Project Showcase

Forgot to say, VERY COOL PROJECT ! A definite must have on a tutorial site :) Great work Stefan !

#12581 Happy Birthday boobytrap

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 01:30 PM in Project Showcase

If so, it's like throwing 300Eur in the can...

How many netduino minis does that make ?

#12236 C# Coding standards

Posted by Michel Trahan on 19 April 2011 - 12:59 PM in General Discussion

I'll check that one too !

I want to build a C# guidelines for .net MF code :) not a full blown .net, like a cheat sheet so thanks for the links !

#12233 C# Coding standards

Posted by Michel Trahan on 19 April 2011 - 12:43 PM in General Discussion

I came across this blog post with a nice set of C# coding standards at http://weblogs.asp.n...s-document.aspx

Will be looking at it to add some Coding Standards to my Netduino Tutorial :) If I can get at it ... been trying ... ok got it

#12244 C# Coding standards

Posted by Michel Trahan on 19 April 2011 - 04:15 PM in General Discussion

You may wish to read http://www.joelonsof...cles/Wrong.html where Joel Spolsky talks about the difference between Apps Hungarian and Systems Hungarian. (Scroll to to the bottom of the post to find it).

I believe Apps Hungarian is extremely useful, but quite frankly today with managed code Systems Hungarian has lost much of its usefulness.

Wow ! I was doing it all wrong LOL ! I was mixing up both System and Apps Hungarian, and prefering the Apps one but tried to continue on the System one too and hating it ... been off programming for 7 years ... thanks, now I know what to do, keep the good and throw the bad and ugly system hungarian from my habits :)

A big thanks for the article you point at ! Boy do I love it here, I learn so much !

#12262 C# Coding standards

Posted by Michel Trahan on 20 April 2011 - 12:39 AM in General Discussion

code comments lie. Maybe not today, maybe not next week; but when the code is changed, the comments are almost never updated to reflect the new reality.

Got that right lol

#12622 NetduinoPlus Silverlight Server (preview)

Posted by Michel Trahan on 28 April 2011 - 10:59 PM in Project Showcase

Got it Thanks !

#12924 Charlieplexing: Now uses the TristatePort class

Posted by Michel Trahan on 07 May 2011 - 03:45 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

Now I understand why the tristate ports exist in the first place :) Thanks ! If I understand correctly your code, you are missing the ability to turn on with no time limit, and one to turn off later on, which would be needed for the digital clock or do you turn on a pattern for 1 second at a time (if you wanted one with seconds) ? Meaning, you code is blocking no ? you have to wait for it to be done to move to another one. Say turn on a pattern, do something and when done turn to another pattern. Just a thought :)

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