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NeilR's Content

There have been 2 items by NeilR (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#12086 Rev A vs Rev B - Ethernet Discrepency

Posted by NeilR on 13 April 2011 - 09:03 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Chris, We are using the MAC address from the bottom of the board We ran the test on other Rev B board and it runs and is still running the code successfully (2 hours). The Rev A board has been running the code now for 24hours with no failures. But the one board is failing consistently, can we arrange to replace it? Neil

#12062 Rev A vs Rev B - Ethernet Discrepency

Posted by NeilR on 13 April 2011 - 06:29 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi Chris, Thanks for the reply, We have put IP Address DNS and gateway setting on an SD card which is being read at startup, to configure network. The SD card is being moved to both boards, so Network settings are the same. We have also tried with the same shield ( a light sensor) , and with no hardware plugged in. Rev A board is solid, Rev B board fails. We have access to another Rev B board which we will test hopefully later today. Is there a test program we can try this side to confirm hardware is working. Thank you Neil

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