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#56563 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 09:05 PM in Project Showcase

If you got a Netduino with networking, you should probably stick to that since it's faster and has a smaller memory footprint but yes, you can flash non-network firmware and rely on mip alone for tcp/ip.

Mip is 100% managed code which is great in many ways but at the same time makes it less effective in terms of system resources than the stack compiled into the firmware of the networked Netduino models.

#56561 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 08:50 PM in Project Showcase

Yes, the two ns entries look clashed but it would surprise me if that's not just the print out looking funny.

Bring up a DOS box on your PC and type "nslookup", what do you get?

You should get an ip number, try that on your Netduino.

Also try accessing your gateway from your Netduino.

#56558 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 08:13 PM in Project Showcase

It seems you have no name server configured or one that does not know of netflix.

What happens when you try

#56554 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 05:34 PM in Project Showcase

I guess that D8 does not equal (Cpu.Pin)8 in reference to a standard netduino 1?
Would this be 62 at a guess?
And D10 would be 64?
Many thanks

You should be using the constants/enums corresponding to the pins on your Netduino instead of the numerical values from the original code.

#56553 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 05:30 PM in Project Showcase

Check your SPI wiring and again that the CS and IRQ have not been swapped.

Could you post a link pointing to the ethernet board you are using and perhaps also a photo depicting your wiring?

#56548 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 02:13 PM in Project Showcase

That sounds very familiar to me :-)

Andy, just skip internal pulldown (change the parameter) and put an external resistor instead of some 10k - 100k from the IRQ pin to ground. Could even be, there's already one fitted on your ENC28J60 board.

Also, double check to make sure the IRQ and CS pins are not swapped, parameter-wise that is.

#56537 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 01 March 2014 - 09:15 AM in Project Showcase

I don't have the code at hand right now but the last two arguments of the Start method are likely the chip select and interrupt pins respectively.

The numbers are just the numerical representations of the corresponing pin constants/enums and so, in your case, you should be able to simply replace those with D10 and D8.

#56519 Dive Computer and Rebreather Controller Based on a Netduino Mini

Posted by hanzibal on 28 February 2014 - 01:59 AM in Project Showcase

Of course the biggest differences are that the homebrew mini has an STM32 chip and USB.

Yes, quite significantly so, how silly of me :-)

#56500 Dive Computer and Rebreather Controller Based on a Netduino Mini

Posted by hanzibal on 27 February 2014 - 03:29 PM in Project Showcase

Very impressive, it requires quite some skill.

Partly reflow soldered or everything by hand?

What are the differences compared to Chris's version?

#56471 Lcd 16x4 initialization

Posted by hanzibal on 26 February 2014 - 10:33 PM in General Discussion

Faith, what controller is it, got a datasheet you can point to?

#56470 Gainspan WiFi module

Posted by hanzibal on 26 February 2014 - 10:22 PM in General Discussion

Gainspan wifi modules have full tcp/ip stack already built-in to them so mip probably won't do you any good there. EDIT: I've got a driver going for a board that I made based on the RAK410/411 wifi module. It runs a full tcp/ip stack and accepts simple AT commands. However, I've only just started and It will take me a good while longer.

#56428 Gainspan WiFi module

Posted by hanzibal on 26 February 2014 - 08:24 AM in General Discussion

Forum search engine doesn't work in my opionon so I use Google: gainspan#seen

#56427 MIP tcp/ip stack running on Netduino mini !!

Posted by hanzibal on 26 February 2014 - 06:49 AM in Project Showcase

You need to connect the SPI pins (e.g. miso, mosi, clk, !cs), !int and of course vdd and gnd. I beleive the !reset pin to be optional.

I used this board from Sure Electronics:

Posted Image

Even though your board probably looks different, it should have those same pins.

Oh, about the profile, you can either change one of the existing ones or add your own, its only a matter of reflecting which Netduino pins you are actually using.

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.jpg

#56351 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 11:07 PM in Project Showcase

That's great too and thanks for sharing the photos and everything on your blog. From what I understand, you now got 32 digital ports all nicely lined up in a single array that you can index from 0 to 31. If you'd want to light up, say pin at index 23, you'd just go like so:
Outs[23].Value = true;
Am I right? In the context of this example, you don't have to care about the internal pin numbers being 2's complement. However, when working with buses, it's very conveniant becuase bit masking then becomes very easy. Note that buses cannot span multiple chips and also note that your array is not a bus, it's an array of pins which is not quite the same thing.

#56349 bitwise comparison & IF condition

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 09:45 PM in General Discussion

That makes it compile but it's not quite the same thing, I'd say it translates into this:
if ((this_led_color & mask) != 0)       SDI.Write(true);else       SDI.Write(false);
Checking for equality to mask is no longer the same when mask has other than a single bit set.

#56348 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 08:28 PM in Project Showcase

That is truly great news Andy, I'm really glad to hear that - wonderful !! Perhaps photos or even a short video clip later when you got both banks running on the (hopefully) corrected version now available? Way da go - persistance pays!

#56346 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 08:10 PM in Project Showcase

Found an embarrassing bug in the multi SPI mgr - code is updated and hopefully problem is gone now...


Btw, your blinker loop looks suspicious - shouldn't you have a delay during the OFF period as well?

#56344 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 07:31 PM in Project Showcase

Problem ought to be the Object.GetHashCode method returning the same value for two different instances which I never anticipated in the context of how it's being used here. Among other things, MSDN says this about GetHashCode:

...The GetHashCode method can be overridden by a derived type. If GetHashCode is not overridden, hash codes for reference types are computed by calling the Object.GetHashCode method of the base class, which computes a hash code based on an object's reference; for more information, see RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode. In other words, two objects for which the ReferenceEquals method returns true have identical hash codes...

I'll figure something out - meanwhile you could try using only Bank 0 and see if you can get that working.

#56343 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 07:16 PM in Project Showcase

Hmm, thats odd - it's the multi SPI mgr reporting an attempt to add the same object twice. Let me get back to you shortly...

#56341 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 07:02 PM in Project Showcase

Ah, I see it now, in the inner for loop, you should replace pinCnt with icPins. Sorry, I think that was my fault, I misinterpreted your variable naming. Hopefully, it will work after that mod.

#56338 Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 02:32 PM in General Discussion

Yes, 8 bit mode would be faster - in 4 bit mode, you have to transfer the low and high nibble of each byte separately while as in 8 bit mode, you transfer a whole byte in each transaction. Will you be using a separate device (shift reg or similar) in between the Netduino the LCD and if so, may I ask which?

#56336 Extensive driver for the MCP23S17 I/O expander

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 10:16 AM in Project Showcase

Regarding LEDs of Bank 1 lighting up unexpectedly, I went back to the information you got about your board:


..."[color=rgb(0,0,0);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;]On the left-hand chip (Bank 0) A0 is pulled to ground through 10K?. On the right hand chip (Bank 1) A0 is pulled up to Vcc.[/color]

[color=rgb(0,0,0);font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;]On both chips A1 and A2 are both pulled down to ground through 10K?, and the two solder jumpers BA0 and BA1 can be shorted to link A1 and A2 to Vcc respectively"....[/color]


As the board manufacturer describes it, this would result in the first chip (Bank 0) getting {A0,A1,A2} = {0,0,0} corresponding to hwAddr 0 (zero) which would be correct in reference to your code.


It shouldn't matter if I have got the bit order wrong in my code because we're dealing with all zeroes for Bank 0.


However, I think we should concentrate on getting rid of any exceptions first before investigating this any further.

#56335 My daydream - FPGA/ARM platform

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 09:34 AM in General Discussion

Oh and btw, the thing I wrote about sanding off the chip is no joke, there are vendors doing exactly that!

#56334 My daydream - FPGA/ARM platform

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 09:25 AM in General Discussion

No, sorry for being unclear - I purchased a blank cy8c27143 device in a DIP8 package and then programmed my own firmware onto that. Voila!

#56332 My daydream - FPGA/ARM platform

Posted by hanzibal on 24 February 2014 - 09:17 AM in General Discussion

How much of the io is available on that kit?, and.. is this an dip?

If you mean the PSoC 1 eval kit that I got, all pins are broken out on headers and and there's a small proto aside of them too plus an LCD header with a 16x2 LCD included (LCD driver is one of those module that you drop which becomes h/w after programming the chip).


The kit comes with a couple of DIP28 sample ICs. I purchased the smaller DIP8 version separately and programmed it while sitting in the breadboard, e.g. didn't use the eval board with that one even though it is of course possible (you need to put a couple of jumper wires since the ISSP pins are differently located physically).

In the end my little chip got this pin out - flash protection, a few goes with the sander, write a datasheet and then roll it out to market  ;)



Haven't seen that one - love the form factor and pretty inexpensive too, in other words - it looks just like my average "must have"  :ph34r:

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