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#31345 binary number representation in c#

Posted by vroby67 on 29 June 2012 - 08:48 PM in Visual Studio

Using single bit is a job of mine. We develop application in test benches applications, so usually need to switch on, off and test a bit in a register. I developed an object called bitInt. It make possible access a specific bit in the following form:
  public BitInt[] We = new BitInt[4];
  public BitInt[] Wu = new BitInt[4];
  We[0].Value = ....; //read hw input register

  Wu[0].Ld(9, (We[0].Get(0) | Wu[0].Get(9)) & !We[0].Get(2));


In this example, I defined two arrays of four elements, the first one for reading input registers and the other to write the output registers.
The Set(int n) method, set the n(th) bit to true.
The Rst(int n) method, set the n(th) bit to false.
the Ld(int n, bool val) set the n(th) bit to the boolean state you pass, in this sample a start stop control.

A good way to improve flexibility and code interpretation, consists of using enum for identifying signals (bit) inside the registers

public enum we0names

...then replacing the numbers in the method call with enum reference

  public BitInt[] We = new BitInt[4];
  public BitInt[] Wu = new BitInt[4];
  We[0].Value = ....; //read hw input register

  Wu[0].Ld(9, (We[0].Get((int)we0names.power) | Wu[0].Get(9)) & !We[0].Get((int)we0names.ready));


If you are interested in the source, let me know.


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