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There have been 4 items by Elliatab (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#31892 Debug issue with Windows 8

Posted by Elliatab on 12 July 2012 - 07:09 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Hi everyone,

I am using the Netduino Plus with the latest firmware (4.2 RC5). I updated everything successfully and my developer experience is very smooth under Windows 7 (64bit).

Now I would like to develop under Windows 8 (RP/64bit) so I installed the same tool chain (VS2010 pro, .NET MF 4.2 and Netduino SDK 4.2 64bit).

I am having troubles debugging my program as every time I start the debug, I get the message:
The debugging target is not in an initialized state: rebooting...
I can see the board rebooting multiple times until I get the error:
The debugging target and the debugger engine failed to initialize because of unspecified device errors.
The debugger engine thread has terminated unexpectedly with error 'Could not reconnect to the debugging target after rebooting it.'.

My program is correctly deployed and runs as I can attach the debugger and see the outputs.

If someone had a similar issue I would really appreciate any advice to help fixing it. I understand Windows 8 is not yet supported (this is why I posted in the "Beta" forum).

#31937 Debug issue with Windows 8

Posted by Elliatab on 13 July 2012 - 01:45 AM in Beta Firmware and Drivers

Thank you Supra and Chris for your replies. Just to complete my previous post, after rolling back to v4.1.0.6 on my Netduino Plus everything works fine (I kept the .NETMF 4.2 SDK and Netduino 4.2 SDK, just changed the target version). I'll really miss some new features of 4.2 but I guess I can wait until the next release. Chris, do you think we can expect to get 4.3 on the Netduino Plus or will we need to upgrade to Netduino Go? The only reason I did not purchase the Go is because I wanted the Ethernet support. By the way, I'm really happy with my experience with the netduino so far. Community support is great.

#32735 DPWS/WCF (client/server)

Posted by Elliatab on 27 July 2012 - 12:32 AM in General Discussion

I agree with nakchak, if you are using a Netduino Plus it will not support the DPWS features provided by NETMF (memory size issue).
REST solution using HttpRequest or even using only sockets is a very efficient option on Netduino.

I recommend having a look at Chapter 2 of Getting Started with the Internet of Things
the sample code from the book is a really good start.

#32738 Ethernet Module Update

Posted by Elliatab on 27 July 2012 - 12:37 AM in Netduino Go

it looks great! I am waiting for this one to order Netduino Go kits. Our goal is to prototype a DPWS implementation. Would it be possible to run the samples from the NETMF SDK during your tests to confirm the Netduino GO supports DPWS? Thanks for the hard work, Julien

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