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#29897 MetaDataProcessor.exe WINE notes

Posted by Convide on 28 May 2012 - 10:33 PM in Mono


Do you already have a compiled assembly? In order to use the instructions in this post, you need to have an assembly you've compiled with a C# compiler. The DLL file that you produce from the C# compiler is the compiled assembly (asm.dll). See the other stickied posts the Mono forum (http://forums.netdui.../forum/12-mono/) in particular, http://forums.netdui...duino-on-linux/ and

The first of those posts will tell you how to compile your code to an assembly on Linux, the second will tell you how to do it on Mac OS X.

When you have compiled your C# code to an assembly, you'll have a .dll file.

Specify that filename instead of asm.dll when you run MetaDataProcessor.

- Brian

Thanks for the quick and detailed reply. Now I got you. I thought: I have to compile the assembly file first, that I'm able to compile my code. Now everything is clear.

#29892 MetaDataProcessor.exe WINE notes

Posted by Convide on 28 May 2012 - 08:51 PM in Mono

replace ASM.dll with the DLL you want to process and with the name of the desired PE output file.

Sorry, I still do not understand what to do with the dll, or the "asm.dll". Is it optional, to include the dll-file, or for what do I need the file?
Can you, or somebody give me an detailed explanation, to solve my problem, please?

#29402 MetaDataProcessor.exe WINE notes

Posted by Convide on 19 May 2012 - 03:23 PM in Mono

If i try to run the MetaDataProcessor.exe I get an error back:

max@ubuntu:~/netmfbins$ wine MetaDataProcessor.exe -loadHints mscorlib mscorlib.dll -parse ASM.dll -minimize -endian le -compile
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
Cannot open 'ASM.dll'!
MMP: error MMP0000: 0x80070002

Where do I get the ASM.dll from and will this problem solve the mmp error?

#29400 Setting up a Mono Toolchain for Netduino on Linux

Posted by Convide on 19 May 2012 - 02:20 PM in Mono

That's a tough question. I'd suggest pasting the exact error message into Google (in quotes), and see if other users had this problem. You might also check the Wine project page and see if they have alternative installers.

When i install it over terminal, there is no problem.

But another question. With Ubunutu 12.04 64bit i'm not able to install .Net 3.0 Framework, only the 2.0 version.
Does the whole thing work with the 2.0 version of the .Net Framework?

#29364 Setting up a Mono Toolchain for Netduino on Linux

Posted by Convide on 18 May 2012 - 11:48 AM in Mono

When i try to install wine for the MetaDataProcess, then Ubuntu says, that i have to delete gettext. What should we do here?

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