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There have been 15 items by Roy Salisbury (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#62882 Set Network settings during runtime?

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 26 May 2015 - 06:02 AM in Netduino 3


is it possible to set the network configuration during runtime?


I'd like to avoid having to use MFDeploy just to set the name of the WiFi to connect to.




Hmmm... This is an issue taht I was not even thinking of.  I'm wanting to use a Netduino 3 WiFi for a project and if I cant change the SSID/Password at runtime then that just kills the project.  I think I will go to Amazon and cancel my order before it ships.  I guess I go back to my original design and use a Fez Cobra II WiFi board or a Raspberry Pi.



#62957 Set Network settings during runtime?

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 28 May 2015 - 07:25 PM in Netduino 3

OK.. Since Chris expressed some interest in getting this to work at runtime I went ahead and left the Amazon order in place.  I now have the device and once I get it all flashed and updated to the latest bits I'm going to start working with it.


Just a side note on power.  I wanted to do an initial test of how things look from the start with no code or load on the device.


Netduino 1 Plus : 5.10v/0.03a (0.153 watt)

Fez Cerbino Bee: 5.09v/0.04a (0.205 watt)

Netduino 3         : 5.08v/0.07a (0.355 watt)

Fez Cobra II       : 5.05v/0.17a (0.859 watt)

Raspberry Pi 2   : 5.01v/0.32a (1.603 watt)


Ii I have to go past the Netduino 3 then I might as well go with the Raspberry Pi because I will need to have dedicated power anyway so would just use the ethernet port (w/PoE adapter). 







#62959 Set Network settings during runtime?

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 28 May 2015 - 07:41 PM in Netduino 3

Interesting idle power numbers!

The Raspberry Pi 2 will need much more power than that during actual use :) I even had some trouble powering mine with a 1A USB adapter.

Also, I don't have actual numbers for this, but power usage on the N3W does shoot up a bit during Wi-Fi operations (as you'd expect). Still way less than a Pi, though.

How are you measuring this, did you just cut a USB cable?


I'm sure they will go up once load starts getting put on them.  These were just initial numbers to see if I was even going to be in the area I needed. I can go up to about 0.5  watt buts thats about it. I used a simple "charger doctor" from Adafruit to get the numbers.


Once I get some load on the WiFi I will measure again to see if I am within limits. 



#62889 Set Network settings during runtime?

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 26 May 2015 - 08:39 AM in Netduino 3

Would you guys like me to see if we can put together a wrapper class, to change the Wifi SSID/passphrase from code?


That would help a lot.  I'm really wanting to use the Netduino specifically because of the low power nature of it. I guess if I have to I can always go with an XBee S2 on both ends.  This is just a sensor application so bandwidth/speed is not a big issue. Initially I was just going to use UDP broadcasts of the data to anyone that was listening.





#63323 Visual Studio, Netduino - Mac or Surface

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 01 July 2015 - 01:11 AM in General Discussion

Basically all of my computer hardware is a Mac of one form or another (iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook Pro).  Well .. I do have a server that Runs Hyper-V for SQL and IIS .. but desktop use is all Mac OSX.


I have been running Parallels on them for a long time and for the most part I have not had any issues.  The only issue I had with my Micro Devices (Netduino, GHI, ect) is that when you need to flash them they boot into a different "device" type and sometimes the connect/disconnect confuses Parallels and you have to get the timing right to get them flashed.  I have also had some issues debugging the Netduino devices where Visual Studio seems to not want to "see" the device in debug mode.  Usually I just need to reboot the Netduino a few times and Visual Studio will finally attach to it.


If you want the "best of both worlds" you can use BootCamp to install Windows 7/8/10 into so you have a "bare metal" OS.  Then boot back into OSX and let parallels create a virtual instance from the bootcamp partition.  Then 95% of the time you are using the virtual instance along with OSX running.  And if you need to you can boot natively into Windows.





#63324 Netduino 3 Wifi

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 01 July 2015 - 01:20 AM in Netduino 3

I asked this about a week ago and posted my results with trying to put the device into hibernate mode.  Long story short .. if your doing it for power savings, it does not gain anything (or does not work).







#63211 Upgrading Bootloader to 4.2

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 20 June 2015 - 07:00 AM in Netduino Mini

There are a lot of "how do I get this updated" topics here, but they all seem to end the same way ... frustrated and nowhere.


So, can someone tell me, with 100% certainty which cable I need to get, what breakout board I need, whatever... and links to Amazon so I can purchase them.  


Of all the different cables I have (FTDI, Prolific) and breakout boards, not a single one will work.   And once I do get the necessary cables, I will probably have spent more on them than I did on the mini itself.


You know what would really be nice... just the the arduino .. I should be able to use my Netduino 1/2/plus as an RS232 device.  Then I just hook up the pins to the mini and away I go.

#63273 Upgrading Bootloader to 4.2

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 27 June 2015 - 04:37 AM in Netduino Mini

Here is what I usually use...
KeySpan USA-19HS USB-Serial (RS-232) adapter:


Thanks.  I have ordered this cable and it should be delivered on Monday.  I'll try flashing the chip then and see what happens.



#63267 Upgrading Bootloader to 4.2

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 26 June 2015 - 08:33 PM in Netduino Mini

Amazing.  A week and no one knows.  I guess my Mini is bricked and yet another waste of $$.

#63332 Upgrading Bootloader to 4.2

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 01 July 2015 - 06:27 PM in Netduino Mini

I finally received my RS232 cable and since I also ordered a socket to put the Mini into I had to wait another day to test it all.  


I was able to hook up the cable to the chip using some jumper wires off the necessary pins, power the chip with a 5v supply and flash the bootloader.  I was then able to load the release using MFDeploy.  I opted for the RS232 loader since I now have a cable that I can use and also am going to hook up a GPS to the device (which will use the TTL port).


I have attached an image of the hookup in case anyone needs a reference.







Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_0083.JPG

#63046 i2c PowerUp

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 04 June 2015 - 06:52 AM in Netduino 3

So, after a bit of digging...  The HTU21DF and the TSL2591 breakout boards (both Adafruit Sensors) are able to source 3.3v-5.0v.  Even though the chips themselves are 3.3v.  So, I decided to power these two sensors with the 5v pin.  That did it.  They all now initialize fine.  Though I think I am still getting over sourced on the i2c bus.  Sometimes the HTU21DF fails when reading the temperature/humidity when all 3 are working.  by itself it never misses a reading.  




EDIT: One of the reasons I like these Adafruit breakout boards is the 3.3-5v logic on them.  Interestingly enough these boards even have a 3.3v OUT pin that gives you a regulated 3.3v from 5v input.  So I can actually source the MLX90614 directly from the HTU21DF ... nice and clean.  

#63044 i2c PowerUp

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 04 June 2015 - 05:11 AM in Netduino 3

I am trying to get some sensors working on my N3.  Here is what they are:


MLX90614 (IR Temperature Sensor)

HTU21DF (Humidity Sensor)

TSL2591 (Light Sensor)


Individually I can get each working fine.  And I can even get the MLX90614 to work with either of the other devices.  However, when I get all three on the same bus none of them work.  


Well that's not entirely true. They dont work if they are all connected at the same time when my app stars up.  However, if leave the SDA/SCL lines unplugged on one either the HTU or TSL sensor, and then wait until AFTER the app starts and plug them in (I had a breakpoint set at the start of the app), they work fine. Its like there is too much current pulled during the I2C initialization all at once.


Anyone ever see this?  Any ideas on how to get around it?  I have a few more sensors to hook up, and if two is the limit on the bus, this is going to be a very short project on the N3.



#63207 N3 Wifi Power Down

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 19 June 2015 - 04:27 AM in Netduino 3

I've been looking at the Netduino.IP_CC3100 code on github.  I see this:


public CC3100(SPI.SPI_module spiBusID, Cpu.Pin csPinID, Cpu.Pin intPinID, Cpu.Pin resetPinID, Cpu.Pin hibernatePinID)


And based on the comments in the code this pin will power down the chip.  Not really a "low power" powerdown, but it would work for what I am asking.  So... How can I specify a pin?  This is not really something that we would normally create as the Framework is doing it all for us "magically".


I'm guessing there might be a way to use reflection and get an instance of the running CC31000 and call the ILinkLayer.EnterPowerDownMode() method (which would use this hibernatePin).


However, this is where I am starting to get in over my head.  I just don't know the codebase well enough.



#63206 N3 Wifi Power Down

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 19 June 2015 - 02:54 AM in Netduino 3

Is there a way to "power down" or have the WiFi go into a low power sleep mode?  I'm finding that my power requirements are too much for the N3 WiFi and will be moving over to a lower power nRF24L01 module.  I'd still like to use the board but cant with the power requirements.


I was going to switch over to the Fez Cerbino Bee that I have lying around but OMG .. such non-standard pin usage for an "Arduino Compatible" pin header.  I have a Netduino Mini arriving tomorrow but that's just more I have to figure out in the power setup (not a simple USB connection).



#63208 N3 Wifi Power Down

Posted by Roy Salisbury on 19 June 2015 - 05:39 AM in Netduino 3

I did a bit of reflection hacking and got to the "ILinkLayer.Stop" in the interface.  It turned the led off, but no noticable power difference.  I'm guessing the low power state just is not there...


Type socketNativeType = Type.GetType("Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100SocketNative, Netduino.IP.LinkLayers.CC3100");
var field = socketNativeType.GetField("_cc3100", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
var o = field.GetValue(null);
foreach (var i in o.GetType().GetInterfaces())
    foreach (var method in i.GetMethods())
        if (method.Name == "Stop")
            method.Invoke(o, null);


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