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Kermit's Content

There have been 78 items by Kermit (Search limited from 02-July 23)

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#28805 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 11 May 2012 - 10:10 AM in General Discussion

Ok, it looks my problem is just on the electric side of things... :-( To give a +5VDC to the TLC5940 I use and old power supply (variable) that gives a NON stabilized output: so I put a big capacitor between + and - before feeding an L7805 to get the right output. If I check with the voltmeter the positive where I wire a LED and the ground, I see a strange (at least for me) phenomenon: the voltage is something between 4.8 and 5.02, with a period of 10/15 seconds (the program is running, fading on and off a couple of leds). Is it normal, or really I have to find another source of input voltage? Leds are fading with a visible flickering... Andrea

#28815 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 11 May 2012 - 12:33 PM in General Discussion

Sorry, I didn't write the right thing, of course I have the LEDs, and I checked with the voltmeter, between Vcc and signal.

#28785 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 10 May 2012 - 08:45 PM in General Discussion

No, I don't have an oscilloscope: with my friend, we are thinking to buy one half and half, just to have it available, but not at the moment. Tonight I'm busy, but thanks for your suggestions: I'll try them tomorrow morning, and yes, I would follow Texas flowchart as strictly as I can. Andrea

#28780 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 10 May 2012 - 05:55 PM in General Discussion

Each time that a duty changes, small or big increment, it looks like there is a black hole, where the led doesn't receive current. If I make a cycle stepping by 1 very quickly, it's really flickering on and off. I didn't have the time to test it thoroughly, I'm sorry: I try to step into the code (and the datasheet) when I have some time for me... :-( Andrea

#28770 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 10 May 2012 - 11:37 AM in General Discussion

@Nzc: I'm using your code, but in my case I see a great flicker, when changing values. I'm stepping inside to understand if I can improve it, or at least understand where is the problem, on my side. Andrea

#28831 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 11 May 2012 - 03:55 PM in General Discussion

Brilliant idea: it made me think. But, when I tried, I got no output on the leds: even on pins that should be high, voltage difference was very close to zero... Nzc: can you confirm you go on external 5VDC? Andrea

#28848 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 11 May 2012 - 06:29 PM in General Discussion

I made another test: I took an ATX PSU from a computer I don't use, opened it and taken +5VDC and ground. Moreover, before using this power, I put a big big capacitor (100uF, 400VDC), to be sure the voltage is really stabilized. I don't have an oscilloscope, but with a voltmeter I measure 5.01 VDC (constant, for what I can see). Led is still flashing very very quickly (I tried to lower SPI frequency too). The strange thing is that if I check again between VCC and one of the pin, when set to 4000 (fixed, the program stopped at a breakpoint), voltage is floating between about 2.00 and 2.50 (and this explains maybe why the led is flashing). So it looks like (again) it's not a software problem, but an electric problem. I clarify that I'm not pinning VPRG and DCPRG to anything (they are free to float): could this be a problem? Andrea

#29049 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 14 May 2012 - 09:15 PM in General Discussion

Hi Mark (Nevyn? :-)). As usual, you are right, even to be convinced I had to read the datasheet three more times! :-) It's so strange that I'm used to software, but electronics is still so hard to grasp, for me! :-( Anyway, if the DC registers are random, it's so strange that in the current chip they are all at 100% minus one (at least for what I can say, looking the leds...) Other things to test... I will never see the end of this!!! :-))) Andrea P.S.: I could use this pwms to control three L293Ds with attached motors, and at least this part flowed really smooth! Motors go up and down without any problem!

#29024 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 14 May 2012 - 03:31 PM in General Discussion

QUICK UPDATE: I changed the chip (I got 6 of them :-)), and all the outputs (minus one!) are uniform and smooth, so the code, for what I can see, is perfect. One output is kind of flickering, something like 10 20 times a second, but never going completely off, for what I see. The strange thing is that if I move the wires, in some position the flickering goes away. Can it be some sort of interference? Andrea

#29022 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 14 May 2012 - 03:20 PM in General Discussion

Hi, Nzc, nice to hear from you again, thanks! No, of course I'm not looking for a power output, maybe I already said I'm to use the outputs to feed some L293Ds to control DC motors, so a few milliAmpere are more than enough. But on my side, if I feed (an external and stabilized) 5V I get erratic behaviour from the TLC5940, while with 3.3V (and coming from the Netduino!!!) it's all really perfect and smooth. Dot correction: in the datasheet it's said that to override it I have to give a more than 20VDC, and I'm pretty sure that I don't have such a supply! :-) So each time I turn on the chip, it should have just the factory set (1.0). In your code you don't set the values, so it should be all normal. ...I'm going on with my tests... A

#28851 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 11 May 2012 - 07:17 PM in General Discussion

@nzc: I tried commenting and uncommenting, but the problem still remains... led is flashing, as I said, even with the program stopped in the debugger. Andrea

#28747 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 09 May 2012 - 08:16 PM in General Discussion

I've now seen the schematic (at last I could find a sharp reference! :-)): there are TWO resistor, so the formula is different. You can read it directly, and correctly, on that schematic. Wonderful, I try to replicate that schematic right now! :-) Andrea

#28745 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 09 May 2012 - 08:14 PM in General Discussion

Goedenavond ;)
According to the schematic, it's not such a difficult set-up.
The 2k2 resistors are, according to the description "to make this board suitable for use with servos".

This is really strange: at the end of page 14 of the datasheet ( there is the formula to use for the resistor.

Iout = 39.06 / R (simplified)

with the range of 5mA and 120mA.
I use a 100 Ohm resistor (but I could never light any led!) giving an output of 39mA, with your resistor you should have 0.017mA, way under the lower limit.

Are you sure there are no other components wired to Iref?

#28505 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 03 May 2012 - 06:56 PM in General Discussion

Just to confirm today is not my lucky day, correction of the correction: the interesting chips are NOT in the PDIP format. Andrea

#28519 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 03 May 2012 - 10:29 PM in General Discussion

...I think I have to give up, maybe Mario is right: the chip is too much cumbersone, to say the least.
What puzzles me is that I've tried two sources I found in internet:
- http://forums.netdui...940-pwm-driver/
but neither one has the wiring diagram. It's really strange that programmers so kind to share their code don't think to inexpert people like me: or I'm so inexpert to not see something obvious... :-)
Everywhere I look I find some different detail, on the wiring, so that it's even impossible to try every combination!

#28503 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 03 May 2012 - 06:41 PM in General Discussion

Ok, today is not my lucky day: the AS111* chips that Mario mentioned previously in this thread are absolutely available in PDIP version too... Andrea

#28498 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 03 May 2012 - 04:55 PM in General Discussion

:-(((((((( I win the 'Stupid of the year' prize hands down... At least now my wiring is ok, and the leds are flashing... I have a jumpstart, to understand how to handle the chip! As always, the most obvious thing (error) is invisible, when you see it too many times! :-( Andrea P.S.: I hope you all will never know I am a 20 years+ experienced software programmer... :-)))

#28496 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 03 May 2012 - 04:40 PM in General Discussion

I add that the resistance linked to Iref and ground is 500Ohm, as suggested by formulas in the original TLC5940 datasheet, to get about 78mA sink current to the LEDs. Andrea

#28532 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 04 May 2012 - 07:20 AM in General Discussion

Yes, Mark, but in your case I cannot get over the external timer problem: I would like to handle everything from the netduino. Mario: I'm still looking, but I'm pretty sure that in the PDIP chips I cannot find anything interesting. Could you confirm that the other packages are not easy to handle for a hobbyist like me and most of the others here? Andrea

#28536 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 04 May 2012 - 08:44 AM in General Discussion

1-second period??? why so much? Interesting, though: if this is the case, definitely this chip is NOT for me... and maybe for anyone... Andrea

#28738 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 09 May 2012 - 07:16 PM in General Discussion

I'm going home, I'll give it a try as soon as I can, but I fear that I don't have the right passive components around the chip, and I'm not able to derive them from the datasheet :-( Andrea

#28734 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 09 May 2012 - 06:55 PM in General Discussion

Ops... I see you are using a breakout board: so maybe there is some component inside that I cannot be able to replicate... :-( Andrea

#28733 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 09 May 2012 - 06:54 PM in General Discussion

Ok, let's start with that. I think the driver will need some work still. I'll post code and pictures when I get back home tonight.

I hope to find you online... in which timezone are you? What do you mean by 'tonight'? :-)

#28710 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 09 May 2012 - 11:29 AM in General Discussion

I'm working on a driver for the Tlc5940 for Netduino. I use the PWM ports from the Netduino to control the BLANK and GSCLK cycles, and the output looks pretty smooth to me, no flicker whatsoever. I have a GSCLK period of 2 microseconds, BLANK on 4096 times that, so roughly 10 ms per PWM cycle. Communication on the SPI port runs at about 40 MHz (if I can believe the documentation ;) ), I don't see any noticable interruptions when switching the signals.

I use a shield from Sparkfun, not all pins are exposed there (notably VPRG), but for now it'll do. I actually wanted to ask if there is anyone interested in code like this. Maybe I should just put it on Sourceforge?

...mmmmmmm... why do you think I could be interested? :-))))))))))
Apart from jokes, I already thank you so much, moreover, I hope you can share the schematic too, I'm only a software guy, and I found a lot of problems to wire cables and components correctly...
I'm *really* waiting for you! :-)
Thanks again
P.S. You can also attach files just here... :-)

#28495 TLC5940

Posted by Kermit on 03 May 2012 - 04:32 PM in General Discussion

...I'm to ask if some good angel can give a look and tell me what he thinks about this configuration, with my TLC5940.
I found a small but interesting document here: TLC5940 One-Wire Control, where, with an apparently simple wiring, I should be able to turn on and off the entire block of LEDs. The only interesting page is page 3, even if the whole document is there.
I wired the chip in this way:
Posted Image
and used this code to try to get the led flashing:

var gsclk = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, false);
var blank = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1, true);


bool enable = false;
while (enable)
    enable = !enable;

Here I'm supposing I can use the Netduino to turn high and low the two signals GSCLK and BLANK, with a simple delay, as suggested by the document (it uses a subcircuit, there).
The other difference is the capacitor in the bottom of the figure, between Vcc and ground: there are no numbers, and I suppose it's there to stabilize input voltage (or not?).
Please, is there someone who can give a look and enlighten me on anything that can be wrong?
Thanks again.

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