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mykey's Content

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#24306 Netduino plus and Adafruit TTL

Posted by mykey on 16 February 2012 - 09:04 PM in General Discussion

Would the netduino plus be able to send pictures to an smartphone that are taken from a ADAFRUIT TTL camera and stored on it's SD card. I saw that some work has been done on it (mostly just taking a picture and storing it) and was just wondering if they could be used together to create a type of baby video monitor system. I have not done a lot of work with networking so could someone link a page or explain the math on how to determine the speed that a file (in this case a picture) could be trasmitted over the netduino ethernet. Thank you

#24401 Netduino and uCam TTL camera

Posted by mykey on 19 February 2012 - 03:50 AM in General Discussion

I haven't seen anything about interfaceing a 4D Systems uCam TTL but I have seen information about connecting a ADAFRUIT TTL to a netduino plus. http://www.ladyada.n...roducts/camera/ Hope that helps.

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