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#66170 Is the Netduino 3 layout open source as well?

Posted by on 18 January 2017 - 01:40 PM in General Discussion

It would be helpful if someone could put the ASCII version of the PCB layout on the download page.  This would allow for them to be imported into other layout software.


Would also like to see the source files for the Netduino 3 on the download page as well.

#66123 Is the Netduino 3 layout open source as well?

Posted by on 15 December 2016 - 10:21 PM in General Discussion

I have a customer who want to make their own board based off of the netduino 3 using the same firmware.

Since the layout files are not available for download, I wanted to get feedback on this before replying to my customer.


#66154 Is the Netduino 3 layout open source as well?

Posted by on 04 January 2017 - 10:48 PM in General Discussion

Does anyone have the netduino 3 sources files?  They are not listed on the website.  Also what is the development software used to compile the source files and load them into the MCU?  What is the prefered programmer for this?

#66153 Is the Netduino 3 layout open source as well?

Posted by on 04 January 2017 - 06:56 PM in General Discussion

What is required to program a new board that has a blank STM32F427 on it with the firmware to get it upto the Netduino 3 setup?


If it requires a in circuit jtag programmer... do you have a recommendation?

#66128 Is the Netduino 3 layout open source as well?

Posted by on 19 December 2016 - 07:42 PM in General Discussion

Can the Netduino 3 board gerbers and or PCB file be downloaded?


Also is the firmware available to load into a blank ST Micro MCU to get a new board up and running the same as a NetDuino 3?


How open source is the Netduino 3?


ALL of this is based off of my customers concern that the Netduino 3 board may be going obsolete or no longer able to buy in the near future with the same footprint.

#66174 Netduino 3 PCB files in ASCII format

Posted by on 19 January 2017 - 10:27 PM in General Discussion

Can someone provide the Netduino 3 PCB design file in a ASCII format?


 I have Altium Designer which requires the ASCII format to properly import the PCB file.


#66181 Netduino 3 PCB files in ASCII format

Posted by on 24 January 2017 - 04:08 PM in General Discussion

Netduino 3, I have the latest Altium, but it will not import.

#66173 Source files for Netduino 3

Posted by on 19 January 2017 - 10:24 PM in General Discussion

Can we get the source files added to the Open Source download page for the Netduino 3?



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