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#60555 USB IR Transceiver

Posted by Eonasdan on 27 October 2014 - 05:12 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I'm new to Netduino and I'm considering a purchase of a Netduino for a project. I need to be able to record/decode IR signals from a remote and be able to replicate (transmit) them back out.


I currently have a Raspberry Pi that I was using for another project so I bought one of these. However, I'm having trouble getting working.


As a .Net dev I thought I might be better off with something that support my native tongue :)


My question then is, does anybody know of a USB IR transmitter that will work with the Netduino?


The main requirement is that it MUST be self contained like the one from Iguanaworks. In other words, I don't want something that will display wires or a circuit board.


I'm ok if it doesn't do both functions provided that the transmitter is self-contained. If the receiver part is LED plugged in with wires long enough to record the proper signals then that's fine.




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