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theaccent's Content

There have been 11 items by theaccent (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#63092 RF Communication using a FS1000a (433Mhz Wireless Module)

Posted by theaccent on 09 June 2015 - 10:39 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hi, did you ever get this working?

#63088 Netduino RF Receiver

Posted by theaccent on 09 June 2015 - 11:59 AM in General Discussion

Hi, did you ever get this to work and could you post the zip of your code?

#62719 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 17 May 2015 - 05:30 AM in General Discussion

A further update...  disconnected the manual switches and commented out the code and tried using the onboard button to see what behaviour I was getting and the same thing is happening...


On a more sad note....  I was tidying things up and was going to just use the infrared to control everything for now, I also added some resistors for a voltage divider to detect the 12v trigger of the projector so the lift doesn't go up when the projector is on (over heating) and I noticed one of the cables wasn't screwed into the terminal shield...  I must have touched it on another pin by accident and blew an LED on the terminal shield and 'fried' my Netduino P2!!




Need to now order a new board but will just order a Netduino 2 (no plus) :(

#62717 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 16 May 2015 - 02:02 PM in General Discussion

So I thought I would provide an update...


Been tidying my project up this weekend...  rather that using the LLC, I have a couple of DC - DC Solid State Relays, so I have inserted them between the Netduino and the screen module and I have managed to get the following working....


Screen Module and Lift Actuator are working with the infra red receiver, works really well, can call Up Down and Stop with no issues which is really good news.


When I wire in the manual override switches is when problems start.  When I send an IR code as above with the manual switches wired in, the Netduino starts executing interrupts for the manual switches, even though they have not been touched.  I did add in software bouncing which worked with the switches in isolation but with the other items in the mix I get problems.


These are the switches I am using, Common is wired to Ground and 1 is wired to the Netduino pin.


What are the recommendations to address this one.... do we use different switches, try to address bouncing or... open to suggestions...

#62675 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 14 May 2015 - 11:45 AM in General Discussion

I stripped the Netduino down to just the Netduino and the LLC to try to get the screen to activate via the onboard button but not much luck.  When the code loaded and the Netduino started up the first time, the screen came down without any interaction.  Some times I could hear the relays ticking over but it it wasn't doing anything to the screen...  


I did have a look at the components in the screen module and managed to identify the relays being used 833h-1a-c and found the data sheet for them

#62654 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 14 May 2015 - 12:14 AM in General Discussion

I don't have a data sheet for the screen module and can't find one on the internet so I've emailed the company to see if they have one...


When I get home this evening, I will strip the Netduino down to just the Netduino and the LLC and try to get the screen to activate via the onboard button...  I'll get it to do down, wait for 1 minute then go back up and see how we go...

#62640 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 13 May 2015 - 12:58 PM in General Discussion

This project is starting to drive me nuts....


I'm still trying to get the Netduino to drive the screen...  I ordered the LLC and wired everything up and I still can't get the Netduino to drive the screen.  I've included a diagram to show how I have it wired up (I've removed the relay shield and actuator to bring it back to a single item).


I do get interesting behaviour sometimes, when I'm wiring up the LLC or when when the Neduino starts up, it sometimes activates the screen module.


I'm a bit lost...  


I know it's very hard to diagnose something on a forum....

Attached Thumbnails

  • Netduino LLC Screen.JPG

#62477 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 06 May 2015 - 11:47 AM in General Discussion

Thanks again Chris for the response... I like the look of the Logic Level Converter... one question I had with relation to it is that it requires being powered from the 5v side and the 3.3v side, while the Netduino would provide the power for the 3.3v side, there isn't a corresponding power on the screen relay module...  would this need a separate power source?

#62405 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 03 May 2015 - 01:39 AM in General Discussion

Hi Chris...


Appreciate the quick response...  With the manual switch, I've already been filtering out the bounce using code and as mentioned it works fine when the wires from the screen module are not connected to the relay, I'll give the Glitch filter a go as I currently have them set to false.


With the transistor method, is there specific sizes I should get... am I correct in saying the pin of the netduino connects to the base pin, the netduino ground to the emitter to the ground of the relay, the collector to the screen module input?  Is there anything else that should be in there?  Do I need a separate transistor for each input Up/Stop/Down?

#62377 Driving 5v Relay and False Interrupts

Posted by theaccent on 02 May 2015 - 12:01 AM in General Discussion

Hi All,


I have a home made projector lift which I'm controlling with the Netduino.  The control has 2 methods, infrared sensor and manual override.  Each method will have 3 controls each (Up, Stop and Down).  The lift actuator is driven by a relay shield will be to solid state relays.


All the coding worked, cleaned up some bouncing with the manual switches and tested it with the actuator all works well.


The problem I have occurs when I try to control the screen, the receiver module for the screen has an input relay with inputs for Up/Down/Stop/Ground, so I was just going to wire it into the Netduino... but couldn't get it working, turns out they are expecting 5v (4.7v after measuring with the multi meter), what would I need to do to get the the Netduino working with the 5v relay...  transistors? I'm not very knowledgeable on electronics so clear steps would helpful...




In the mean time while waiting for that solution, I though I'd used the 2 spare relays on the relay shield to control Up and Down on the screen, it is controlling the screen but the output is bouncing all over the place and executing interrupts for different pins (seeing it via debug commands to console) - example the relay output is D5 but it's causing the interrupt to run for D1 and D2.  Any ideas as to why the output would be bouncing so much and hitting other interrupts?


My preferred option is to to run the screen from the pins on the Netduino rather than via the relays.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I've included a diagram - the 2 diagrams are essentially the same, I've included the Netduino so you can see which pins are being used and then that translates over to the relay shield


Thanks again for the assistance....

Attached Thumbnails

  • Netduino Actuator Screen.JPG

#58984 Trying to get started with multiple digital inputs

Posted by theaccent on 03 July 2014 - 09:30 AM in General Discussion

Hi All,


Have just taken my Netduino Plus 2 out of it's packaging and looking to get started on my project, some background to start with... 


I have a home made projector lift which I'm looking to control with the Netduino.  The control will be via 2 methods, infrared relay and manual override.  Each method will have 3 controls each (Up, Stop and Down).  The outputs will be to solid state relays.


I'm having a bit of trouble getting started when I have multiple digital inputs, I've looked at the code examples for input/output/interrupt ports and they all show when you know which port/pin is explicitly being used.  What I'm looking at doing is saying right, an event has occurred, figure out which port/pin it is and then do something.


Do I set up an interrupt port passing a pin class that fired the event to a method, then in the method figure out which pin it was with a switch statement or do I have to set up a separate interrupt port for each of the pins I'm using?


Or am I thinking about this wrong?


Appreciate some feedback, help?

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