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There have been 4 items by arrudeboy (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#57842 Toolbox NETMF SimpleSocket missing reference

Posted by arrudeboy on 29 April 2014 - 07:25 PM in General Discussion

Hi guys,


I'am trying to use the HTTP_Client examples described here, but I'm getting an error when I reference the SimpleSocket class.


The error say that 'Toolbox.NETMF.NET.SimpleSocket is defined into an assembly which is not being referenced. Must add an assembly reference "'Toolbox.NETMF.NET.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" '.


In my development enviroment I have installed:



Netduino SKD 4.2.0200

Toolbox NETMF



Sorry for my English :/


Thanks in advance for any suggest.



#57741 Is it possible use any ssh library in a Netduino project?

Posted by arrudeboy on 24 April 2014 - 10:15 PM in General Discussion

Hi guys,

I'll want to know if it is possible. I have been searching some way to accomplish it but I couldn't do it. 
I have tryed to use SshNet library but Visual Studio shows several warnings then errors are obtained at runtime. It is because the ssh library and netduino project are targeted to different frameworks (library: .NETF 4.0; netduino proj: .NETMF 4.1)  
I need to develop something like send a shh command to a remote machine if some netduino device conditions become true.
Thanks you in advance and sorry for my English.

#57642 Renci.Ssh library does not work in NetduinoPlus Application (VS2010)

Posted by arrudeboy on 19 April 2014 - 03:34 AM in Visual Studio

Thanks you for responding Chris!


I need to send an unix command via ssh protocol... for instance, send shutdown signal if some conditions become true like high temperature in a device which resides in a remote cluster.


IMPORTANT DATA: Some months ago I have accomplished working with the Renci.Ssh library in a NetduinoPlus application but it was over a different scenario. That time, the SO was Windows 7 (32bits) and the framework was Netduino SDK 4.1 (32bits).

Now, I am working over Windows 8 and Netduino SDK 4.1 (64bits). I dont know if this has any importance but I remember that I could build the solution with the Renci.Ssh reference and it worked/ran correctly.





#57623 Renci.Ssh library does not work in NetduinoPlus Application (VS2010)

Posted by arrudeboy on 18 April 2014 - 05:39 AM in Visual Studio

Hi guys!


Currently, I am developing a NetduinoPlus application in C# (over Visual Studio 2010 enviroment).

I have installed all necesary features for this:

 - .NET Microframework SDK 4.1 (QFE1)

 - Netduino SDK


Also, this application requires the ssh service to perform several tasks. Then I downloaded a C# library called "RenciSSH" from here.


The trouble comes when I trying to add the Renci.Ssh library reference to the NetduinoPlus solution (I added that library as "Existing project").
It showing the following warning: "Referenced project 'Renci.Ssh' is targeted to a different framework family".
It is right because the Renci.Ssh project is targeted to .NET MicroFramework v4.0 while my main project (NetduinoPlus app) is being targeted to .NET MicroFramework v4.1
I wondering if there is a way to use a C# library targeted on earlier versions in NetduinoPlus applications which are targeted to v4.1 MF.
Sorry for my English, I am from Argentina. 

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