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#54015 Committing File to SD Card

Posted by ryNetDuino on 12 November 2013 - 04:37 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

So I am new the NetDuino and just purchased a N+2 and was told after my first post (where I was having trouble getting started) to search the forums for solutions and read the MS MF help files.  


This tread, among many other on this forum, proves that SL is very lacking in support for their new products.  I wonder if if is because they are deep into development to production of the Agent Watch, which looks very cool BTW.  However, prototype boards like the NetDuino (and Arduino), in my opinion, are to allow us developers/engineers to build/create solutions/products, not go deep driving into framework source code to figure out why it does work.   As much as I would rather do my work in C# and VS, my may have to return to C/C++ with Arduino to continue working on my modbus project and get my $70 back for the N+2.


So back to the topic... I tried all the suggestions above and I cannot get a file to actually be saved on the N+2 either. 


#54009 LatchPin ?

Posted by ryNetDuino on 11 November 2013 - 11:16 PM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

Hey guys, thanks for the replies and great links.  I did finally figure out how to get a the Net Toolbox HD44780 to compile and run on the N+2, but it prints out "llo World" and not and not "Hello World" 

#53939 LatchPin ?

Posted by ryNetDuino on 10 November 2013 - 03:27 AM in Netduino Plus 2 (and Netduino Plus 1)

I see LatchPin referenced quite often here.  What is a latchPin?



Just purchased a N+2 and having a hard time getting start.  There seems to be a lack of information and sample programs for the N+2.  The N+2 product page should have more ND reference material, like the Arduino pages do... like:


1. Where is a detailed PIN guide?  

2. What function reference guide like:

3. Library reference guide like:

4. How do I know when and what LIBs to include?  Since I have a N+2, should I always include the SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus?

5. The NetDuino Wiki page is messy and not organized.

6. Most of the Tutorials, PDFs and books I have found on the ND focus more on electronics that the actual board, so not much help on understanding the board itself or the ND related SDKs.


Being a C# developer, I thought the NetDuino would be easier to program for then the Arduino.  Unfortunately, I am finding it very frustrating to work with and learn.  The N+2 board itself seem very polished, but finding out how to use it, not so much.


BTW... I have only been able to blink LEDs.  I have not been able to get any of the samples to work, mainly because they were are compile with v4.1 and not v4.2.





#53848 Modbus libraries V2 beta are out!

Posted by ryNetDuino on 06 November 2013 - 04:07 PM in Project Showcase

I have been messing around with Arduinos for over a year now.  I have heard about NetDuinos but have not purchased one yet.  


Recently I have been working a lot with Modbus and OPC at work for a remote monitoring solution that I am working on, and I have been trying to find a reliable ModBus TCP/RTU (slave and Master) library for Arduino, or even for the mBed, but have not really found one I like.


Today while search for Modbus Libraries, I found this forum and the CET Open Toolbox page at CodePlex, so now I am interested in getting a NetDuino, especially since my core language is .net C#.


I look for to more information on the CET project and libraries.  Free feel to contact me if you would like some beta testers.



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