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There have been 8 items by slaud (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#52724 2.8'' TFT Touch Shield V2.0 Seeed Studio

Posted by slaud on 12 September 2013 - 01:59 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

is it possible that that display is a realy slow thing?

is it the display or the netduino?

#52676 2.8'' TFT Touch Shield V2.0 Seeed Studio

Posted by slaud on 09 September 2013 - 09:37 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

lol i found some soulder pads to connect the spi ;-) i try it tomorow again

#52671 2.8'' TFT Touch Shield V2.0 Seeed Studio

Posted by slaud on 09 September 2013 - 06:59 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

just started and get in not to work :-(maybe someone can help me a litle bitreadRegister(byte Addr, byte xParameter) doesnt works
using System;using Microsoft.SPOT;using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.Netduino;namespace _2_8_touch_lcd{    class touchLcd    {	    //TFT resolution 240*320	    private ushort MIN_X    = 0;	    private ushort MIN_Y = 0;	    private ushort MAX_X = 239;	    private ushort MAX_Y = 319; //	   private static OutputPort _cs = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, false);	    private static OutputPort _dc = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D6, false);	    private SPI Spi1;	   		 public touchLcd()	    {		    Spi1 = new SPI(new SPI.Configuration(				  Pins.GPIO_PIN_D6,   //Chip Select pin																   true,			  //Chip Select Active State																   0,				  //Chip Select Setup Time																   0,				  //Chip Select Hold Time																   false,			   //Clock Idle State																   false,			   //Clock Edge																   1000,			   //Clock Rate (kHz)																   SPI.SPI_module.SPI2));	    }	    public bool dc	    {		    get { return _dc.Read(); }		    set { _dc.Write(value); }	    }	    public void sendCMD(byte CMD)	    {		    dc = false;		    Spi1.Write(new byte[] {CMD});	    }	    public void writeDATA(byte DATA)	    {		    dc = true;		    Spi1.Write(new byte[] { DATA });	    }	    public void writeDATA(ushort DATA)	    {		    dc = true;		    Spi1.Write(new ushort[] { DATA });	    }	    public byte readRegister(byte Addr, byte xParameter)	    {		    byte[] data={0};		    sendCMD(0xd9);											    /* ext command				  */		    writeDATA((ushort)(0x1100 + xParameter));						 /* 0x11 is the first Parameter  */		    dc = false;		    Spi1.Write(new byte[] {Addr});		    dc = true;		    Spi1.WriteRead(new byte[] { 0 }, data);		    return data[0];	    }	    public void init()	    {//		   SPI.begin();		    dc = false;		    byte i=0, TFTDriver=0;		    for(i=0;i<3;i++)		    {			    TFTDriver = readID();		    }		    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);		    sendCMD(0x01);		    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200);		    sendCMD(0xCF);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x8B);		    writeDATA(0X30);		    sendCMD(0xED);		    writeDATA(0x67);		    writeDATA(0x03);		    writeDATA(0X12);		    writeDATA(0X81);		    sendCMD(0xE8);		    writeDATA(0x85);		    writeDATA(0x10);		    writeDATA(0x7A);		    sendCMD(0xCB);		    writeDATA(0x39);		    writeDATA(0x2C);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x34);		    writeDATA(0x02);		    sendCMD(0xF7);		    writeDATA(0x20);		    sendCMD(0xEA);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    sendCMD(0xC0);													  /* Power control			    */		    writeDATA(0x1B);												   /* VRH[5:0]					 */		    sendCMD(0xC1);													  /* Power control			    */		    writeDATA(0x10);												   /* SAP[2:0];BT[3:0]			 */		    sendCMD(0xC5);													  /* VCM control				  */		    writeDATA(0x3F);		    writeDATA(0x3C);		    sendCMD(0xC7);													  /* VCM control2				 */		    writeDATA(0XB7);		    sendCMD(0x36);													  /* Memory Access Control	    */		    writeDATA(0x08);		    sendCMD(0x3A);		    writeDATA(0x55);		    sendCMD(0xB1);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x1B);		    sendCMD(0xB6);													  /* Display Function Control	 */		    writeDATA(0x0A);		    writeDATA(0xA2);		    sendCMD(0xF2);													  /* 3Gamma Function Disable	  */		    writeDATA(0x00);		    sendCMD(0x26);													  /* Gamma curve selected		 */		    writeDATA(0x01);		    sendCMD(0xE0);													  /* Set Gamma				    */		    writeDATA(0x0F);		    writeDATA(0x2A);		    writeDATA(0x28);		    writeDATA(0x08);		    writeDATA(0x0E);		    writeDATA(0x08);		    writeDATA(0x54);		    writeDATA(0XA9);		    writeDATA(0x43);		    writeDATA(0x0A);		    writeDATA(0x0F);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x00);		    sendCMD(0XE1);													  /* Set Gamma				    */		    writeDATA(0x00);		    writeDATA(0x15);		    writeDATA(0x17);		    writeDATA(0x07);		    writeDATA(0x11);		    writeDATA(0x06);		    writeDATA(0x2B);		    writeDATA(0x56);		    writeDATA(0x3C);		    writeDATA(0x05);		    writeDATA(0x10);		    writeDATA(0x0F);		    writeDATA(0x3F);		    writeDATA(0x3F);		    writeDATA(0x0F);		    sendCMD(0x11);													  /* Exit Sleep				   */		    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(120);		    sendCMD(0x29);													  /* Display on				   */		    fillScreen();	    }	    public byte readID()	    {		    byte i = 0;		    byte[] data = new byte[3];		    byte[] ID = new byte[3] { 0x00, 0x93, 0x41 };		    byte ToF = 1;		    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)		    {			    data[i] = readRegister(0xd3, (byte)(i + 1));			    if (data[i] != ID[i])			    {				    ToF = 0;			    }		    			 }		    if (ToF==0)														    /* data!=ID					 */		    {			    Debug.Print("Read TFT ID failed, ID should be 0x09341,");			    Debug.Print( "but read ID = 0x" + data[0].ToString("X") + data[1].ToString("X") + data[2].ToString("X"));		    }		    return ToF;	    }	    public void setCol(UInt16 StartCol,UInt16 EndCol)	    {		    sendCMD(0x2A);													  /* Column Command address	   */		    writeDATA(StartCol);		    writeDATA(EndCol);	    }	    public void setPage(UInt16 StartPage,UInt16 EndPage)	    {		    sendCMD(0x2B);													  /* Column Command address	   */		    writeDATA(StartPage);		    writeDATA(EndPage);	    }	    public void fillScreen(ushort XL, ushort XR, ushort YU, ushort YD, ushort color)	    {		    ushort  XY=0;		    ushort i = 0;		    if(XL > XR)		    {			    XL = (ushort)(XL ^ XR);			    XR = (ushort)(XL ^ XR);			    XL = (ushort)(XL ^ XR);		    }		    if(YU > YD)		    {			    YU = (ushort)(YU ^ YD);			    YD = (ushort)(YU ^ YD);			    YU = (ushort)(YU ^ YD);		    }		    XL = constrain(XL, MIN_X,MAX_X);		    XR = constrain(XR, MIN_X,MAX_X);		    YU = constrain(YU, MIN_Y,MAX_Y);		    YD = constrain(YD, MIN_Y,MAX_Y);		    XY = (ushort)(XR - XL + 1);		    XY = (ushort)(XY * (YD - YU + 1));		    setCol(XL,XR);		    setPage(YU, YD);		    sendCMD(0x2c);												  /* start to write to display ra */																			    /* m						    */		    dc = true;		    byte Hcolor =(byte) (color>>8);		    byte Lcolor = (byte)(color & 0xff);		    for(i=0; i < XY; i++)		    {			    Spi1.Write(new byte[]{Hcolor});			    Spi1.Write(new byte[]{Lcolor});		    }	    }	    private ushort constrain(ushort value, ushort MIN_X, ushort MAX_X)	    {		    if (value < MIN_X)		    {			    return MIN_X;		    }		    else if (MAX_X < value)		    {			    return MAX_X;		    }		    else			    return (ushort)value;	    }	    public void fillScreen()	    {		    setCol(0, 239);		    setPage(0, 319);		    sendCMD(0x2c);												  /* start to write to display ra */																		    /* m						    */		    dc = true;		    uint i;		    for(i=0; i<38400; i++)		    {			    Spi1.Write(new byte[] { 0 });			    Spi1.Write(new byte[] { 0 });			    Spi1.Write(new byte[] { 0 });			    Spi1.Write(new byte[] { 0 });		    }	    }}    }

#52647 2.8'' TFT Touch Shield V2.0 Seeed Studio

Posted by slaud on 08 September 2013 - 04:59 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)


itl looks realy great for netduino!

did someone get it running with netduino 2

#52748 i have tryed some usb hid code now i cant get online

Posted by slaud on 14 September 2013 - 03:38 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

ok flashing new firmware only works with xp :-(

#52747 i have tryed some usb hid code now i cant get online

Posted by slaud on 14 September 2013 - 02:18 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

dos anybody kow what i have to do, i tryd a lot of things but i cant upload a new firmware with the bootloader

#52646 need a litle bit help get set?

Posted by slaud on 08 September 2013 - 04:57 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

thank you found my problem, i used Pins.ONBOARD_LED 2 times

#52635 need a litle bit help get set?

Posted by slaud on 07 September 2013 - 06:25 PM in Netduino 2 (and Netduino 1)

  public class Program   {   private static OutputPort _led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED , false);   public static bool led   {   get { return led.Read(); }   set { led.Write(value); }   }   public static void Main()   {   led = true;   Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite);   }


how i get it working? thank you

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